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Main Boards => PowWow => Topic started by: Zradix on April 28, 2012, 09:40:00 PM
I have a 62" martin Savanah.
I'm thinking of picking up a 62" Toelke Whip.
Aside from wood choices etc, ..
What differences might I see in shock, speed, smoothness etc..
Thank you very much! :thumbsup:
Twice as fast, twice as smooth, "shock" what shock? Only thing you'll here with a whip is the arrow hitting whatever you shoot at. Go 64", you'll thank me later...
Originally posted by Biathlonman:
Twice as fast, twice as smooth, "shock" what shock? Only thing you'll here with a whip is the arrow hitting whatever you shoot at. Go 64", you'll thank me later...
I have a 62" HS, a 64" and a 66" all three at 53 lbs. All of them draw smooth to my draw length,29.5". I would say that the 64" feels 1 pound lighter and the 66" feels 2 pounds lighter in terms of draw weight. I mainly target and 3d shoot with the 66" and do most of my hunting with the 62". Plus, you will be hard pressed to find nicer people than the Toelke's. Dan will send you a bow to try out, just give him a call he will steer you in the right direction.
I own a number of Whips and have shot a couple of Savannas. They are not a bad bow at all but they are "production bows". Dan Toelke will craft a custom bow to your specs. with a grip made from a tracing of your hand. As Brad has noted there will be no shock and I mean none, it will be smooth-drawing and ridiculously quiet. Don't know about speed from a Savanna but my 57 lb. 62" Classic Whip chronographs a 665 grain arrow at a consistent 167 f.p.s.
Whips are fast, but so is the Martin. Whips are smooth, but so is the Martin. It boils down to what you like. Both are quiet if tuned correctly and both are tame with the same tuning. I would bet that there isn't any fps difference if in the two, or at least not enough to say so.
With that said, I really like the whip. If it weren't for Maddogs that is what I would be shooting cause they just hit where you look, period. God Bless
Hard to beat a Whip, but I'm biased.
Originally posted by Jim Wright:
I own a number of Whips and have shot a couple of Savannas. They are not a bad bow at all but they are "production bows". Dan Toelke will craft a custom bow to your specs. with a grip made from a tracing of your hand. As Brad has noted there will be no shock and I mean none, it will be smooth-drawing and ridiculously quiet. Don't know about speed from a Savanna but my 57 lb. 62" Classic Whip chronographs a 665 grain arrow at a consistent 167 f.p.s.
Sounds like the speed is right in line with my savannah.
I haven't ever been able to quite get rid of all the sound or vibes though.
...that would be a very nice improvement.
Thanks for the info so far everyone!
I have seen a bunch of production bows and about 3 whips.
I have seen about 3 Whips and a bunch of Custom Bows.
The 3 Whips I have seen, and shot, are some of the finest bows out there.
I had a Whip and a Savanna, same length and similar weight. They were equal in speed with very little hand shock. The Whip was very nice in finish but not better than the Savanna.
There night be far more Savanna's produced but they are still built by hand, one at a time and can be ordered with custom woods.
I have a couple of other bows I like better right now but would go with a Savanna if I had to pick one over the other, especially considering price.
I've owned both and prefer the Whip by a wide margin. I am not real concered with speed and don't know the difference between the two in that catergory. I prefer the Whip because of the smoothness, ease of tune and quiet, shock free feel of the shot.
The Whip is an amazing bow, you will not regret it if you get one in the specs you prefer. I have not found another bow to be as quiet as the Whip so far...I think other longbows can be tuned to match the Toelke, but not exceed it. The Whip is one of the finest bows out there.
You should be "WHIP'd"! When it came to looking for my first new bow, I shot many including the Savannah and the Whip. If you feel the Sav. is your bow (right for you in every respect), then you should shoot it and be happy. If it suits you to get the Whip, you will NOT be disappointed. Sure the Whip is a bit more cash, but how much is your satisfaction worth? or your accuracy? Dan and Jared Toelke know how to make you the bow that will work for you. They are great people and both great bowyers. A few shots and you will be "Whip'd". But with all bows, shooting is the name of the game. If you can shoot one, DO IT.
A used whip is less than a new savannah :)
I just got done shooting my Whip. I really like mine. I have shot both. Both are good bows but I like my Toelke more.
Ive had 3 whips ..., been to dans shop 2 times.. imho ITS THE BEST RD BOW MADE...UNREAL SMOOTHNESS AND SPEED ...TOTALY QUIET.
sorry about the caps lock, anyway...Dan is as they say ...The Man. Jared his son is learning from the master.
you simply cannot go wrong....
GET ONE !!!!
Originally posted by MT Longbow:
Ive had 3 whips ..., been to Dans shop 2 times.. IMHO ITS THE BEST RD BOW MADE...UNREAL SMOOTHNESS AND SPEED ...TOTALY QUIET.
sorry about the caps lock, anyway...Dan is as they say ...The Man. Jared his son is learning from the master.
you simply cannot go wrong....
GET ONE !!!!
sorry, my comp. acting up with multiple post replies
Never shot a Savannah, but I have shot a few Whips and in fact I shot a Classic HS Whip (Dan's new invention) and I can tell you, if the grip suits you (by the way it suits me just fine), you will not find a better bow.
Do you need one? NO,
Should you get one, ABSOLUTELY!
You at least owe yourself to shoot one.
I had a 60" whip and pulled it to 28 1/2" and it still was smooth as butter. Best longbow ive shot. I shot a Savannah at a local shop and liked it, but in my opinion the whip was a class above.
Not bad to look at either!!
I purchaced a 50 LB Martin Savannah for my first bow this passed Christmas. I think that the finnish is pretty good over all quality was pretty nice. Only complaint is that the string that came with it had to be unraveled to about 1 twist per 2 inches to get down to max brace height. I called the shop where I bought it and Martin sent me another string. Same problem. I called Martin myself and explained my situation. They said they would have a new string inspected for proper length and send it to my dealer. Third string was the same length as the first 2. Strange.
Anyhow, after my first session (maybe 300 arrows), I ordered me a 64" 46# Lynx LB from Mr. Toelke. I know its apples to oranges , but Lynx has way way less shock than Savannah (not even noticeable), It is way quieter also (although I never put silencers on savannah). As a bonus Mr. Toelke seems to be a wealth of knowledge concerning form and he is willing to share what he knows with his customers. I was worried that he would take offense to concerns I had regarding fit, form and function of bow. He quickly alleviated those concerns and proceeded to provide me with some guidance (over the phone, for about an hour) to help correct some of the plethora of flaws in my infantile form. I know my opinion carries very little weight right now and this is not exactly what you were asking for, but I hope it helped.
Thank you!
That is very reassuring!
The Whips are amazing. It's hard to put a price on knockout beauty. They are absolutely gorgeous and both Dan and Jared put an incredible amount of time into the overall look and finish. No they probably aren't any faster. But they are smooth, and oh yeah, did I mention beauty?
I thought I'd answer some of my own questions here.
I received a 62" 45#@29" Whip HS ( a Plenty Coups Special) a couple weeks ago.
The whip is head and shoulders a whole other HIGHER class of bow.
The whip is faster, lighter, waaay quieter, waaay less shock, better build's just plain better.
I always thought my Savannah looked really nice.
..Like a well made custom bow really.
My whip makes my savannah look like amateurs built it.
Also, the whip is so narrow in the limbs ( not the grip ) it makes the savannah look like a tank.
The grip on my whip is actually wider and much more comfortable than the savannah.
So anyway...
If anyone else is looking at this thread asking themselves the same question I was there's my take on it.
Whips are awesome!
I have a 58" all phanolic riser whip HS being shipped to me as I am writing this hopefully!!! I can not wait to get it and see how it performs, I shot a friends whip HS and loved it, mine is just a touch lighter in draw weight.
Uh you LIKE the Whip? We can't tell. :smileystooges:
I feel the same way my bruddah!
Whip's So pretty ya almost wanna cry! ENJOY!