Trad Gang

Main Boards => PowWow => Topic started by: bowhntineverythingnh03743 on October 08, 2012, 09:54:00 AM

Title: How do you all do it?
Post by: bowhntineverythingnh03743 on October 08, 2012, 09:54:00 AM
So I figured I would start this thread to see what other people do to get them through the hard times of hunting. It has been a two year quest for me to harvest a deer with one of my own bows. Two days ago I had ten deer in front of me about 120 yards away. I still had an hour of light left as they fed the flat towards my location. I was sitting 20 feet in the air in my climber since this is a new spot that I scoped out the other day. Motionless I watched as minute by minute they inched their way towards me. With about 20 minutes of light left a large doe and fawn broke the 30 yard barrier.

Now I must mention that last year I couldn't even get a deer into 40 yards due to the hot conditions. Everyone here in New Hampshire had a tough bow season in 2011.

So back to my story.... As the two of them were the closest I removed my bow from the hanger and stood motionless trying to calm my nerves so that if a shot was presented I would be ready. Then out of no where, for no flipping reason, the little fawn started running away and took ever last deer with her. They didn't get alarmed or anything so I know that I still have a shot of knocking one down.

But after pursuing for two years straight now I have been tempted many times to pick up my compound and let an arrow rip at 40 yards to call it good. Something inside of me stops me every time though and tells me to continue on my quest.

So as I write this I think to myself even if it takes me 10 years I will continue to head into the woods with a stick and string until I can't do it anymore. Something inside of me needs the challenge and devotion to take an animal the hardest way I can.

How do you all stay focused when times get tough?

Well time to head out and work on a new bow!!!

New Hampshire
Title: Re: How do you all do it?
Post by: SAM E. STEPHENS on October 08, 2012, 10:11:00 AM
Not sure what to tell you other than push on and hang in there.I always tell folks you need a good place to hunt if you want to do well.If the game you are after aint there then you wont kill it , this dont sound like your problem though.It will happen for you if you stick with it , is it just Whitetails you are having issues with or any game with a trad bow. I wish you all the best.....
Title: Re: How do you all do it?
Post by: vintage-bears on October 08, 2012, 10:23:00 AM
What Sam said.
Best of Luck!
Title: Re: How do you all do it?
Post by: SAM E. STEPHENS on October 08, 2012, 10:36:00 AM
Thinking on it a little more do you know anyone around you that always gets it done , you know the guy that no matter what he gets his animal. If you know that guy see if he or she could come out with you and look at your set-ups and lend some helping pointers for you.First hand help from someone that is good at the Trad game is worth its weight in deer meat , and if they are true to Trad bowhunting they wont mind a bit giving a helping hand to a fellow hunter....
Title: Re: How do you all do it?
Post by: 30coupe on October 08, 2012, 10:45:00 AM
I don't know what the area is like where you are hunting, but seeing deer 120 yards away could be part of the problem. I've had stands like that in the past, on the edge of timber where I could see deer from far away. They usually stayed far away though, or they got almost close enough, but it was by random luck. There was nothing to funnel them to me but luck.

I now move into deeper cover and look for funnels that put the deer into my range. Deer can't be depended on to just wander into range, you have to set them up. Find a spot where trails converge or where a trail follows along a high ridge or creek, then set your stand where deer passing through HAVE to get close, watch the wind and kill a deer.
Title: Re: How do you all do it?
Post by: LITTLEBIGMAN on October 08, 2012, 10:56:00 AM
move to where you see the deer, its no good being where they aren't going to be until its too dark to shoot. I know this seems overly simplistic.

trad hunting  is 90 % scouting 10% shooting
Title: Re: How do you all do it?
Post by: stiknstringer on October 08, 2012, 11:03:00 AM
Using a real stick and string will make you learn to get closer to the animal you are after simply because your effective shooting range is closer. You won't be able to shoot 40, 50, or 60 yards because you don't have a sight pin or whatever or 350 fps bow. It's all you. This is where the real challenge of bowhunting is IMO.Also, the feeling of accomplishment and enjoyment an't be beat.
Title: Re: How do you all do it?
Post by: AkDan on October 08, 2012, 11:06:00 AM
remembering I enjoy the hunt for the hunt and not putting the emphasis on the kill.  I love to eat wild game as much as the next person, enjoy that lstt second as I put tension on a bow string, but the need to kill is not what drives me to continue bowhunting!  Success is not a punched tag!
Title: Re: How do you all do it?
Post by: kbetts on October 08, 2012, 11:11:00 AM
You are not a bad person if you pick up the wheel machine and put one on the ground.  Confidence is just as important as anything else.  At this point I imagine you are putting extra pressure on yourself.  Shoot something and you will feel refreshed. happens when you least expect it.

X2 on 90% scouting and 10% shooting.
Title: Re: How do you all do it?
Post by: **DONOTDELETE** on October 08, 2012, 11:14:00 AM
I don't see how you guys got the patience to sit in those trees and wait for them all day myself.

if i could see them 120 yards away I'd either get on the ground and get closer, or move my stand closer to where you first are spotting them.

But.... I'm really not going to be much help. we hunt black tail deer a little differently out west.
Title: Re: How do you all do it?
Post by: buckeye_hunter on October 08, 2012, 11:33:00 AM
Aerial scouting with Google Earth is a huge time saver in getting close to deer. It helps me find funnels and other features that I can use to my advantage. Then I have to put some boot leather into the project to get the best spot.

It took me 7 years to get my 1st trad deer and I learned a HUGE lesson that day(last week). Lesson learned that day = Being well concealed sealed the deal.

I have always been good at getting close to deer, even on public land, but I stink at closing the deal. I learned that I can't stick out like a sore thumb and expect deer to walk in calmly. Even climbing fairly high doesn't work well without excellent cover around me. Often the deer would drift away or bug out all of a sudden and I KNOW they did not wind me.....

I am almost ready to go back to climbing sticks and a hang on stand. I don't like their weight or cost, but these stands will allow me to get into trees with more cover around me. I have messed up so many times that I hope this bit of advice helps.

Just my two cents. This advice comes from lots of mistakes....

I almost forgot to answer your question of what gets me through the seasons when I don't get a deer with my bow.

The answer is that I couldn't look at myself in the mirror if I gave up. I might hunt with a muzzle loader later, but I won't give up my trad bow during archery season. I even carry my bow sometimes during gun season. I suspect you are the same or you might have quit already.
Title: Re: How do you all do it?
Post by: maineac on October 08, 2012, 12:03:00 PM
I don't know where you are in NH, but I don't have any woods I can see more than forty or fifty yards in if I am in a treestand.  Most only give 20 to thirty.  If you are on a field edge try to get a stand that is closer to where the deer enter the woods.  See if you can get back in a ways on the trail they come out on.  Be careful of the wind.  More than likely they enter the field on a trail that comes into the wind.  If yo go back a bit you might find a tree that lets you play an angle, like if the wind is usually westerly a NW wind will keep your scent of the trail, but they will still use it.  All that said I am still trying to close the deal one this year.
Title: Re: How do you all do it?
Post by: PaulRoberts on October 08, 2012, 12:46:00 PM
Good advice above.

X3 on 99% scouting/hunting, 1% shooting. You've got to love being out, and the process of hunting. Archery -they don't call it "the hard way" for nothing.

I can commiserate, I hunt mule deer now and find them very difficult, not to mention the low popn density compared to the whitetails I hunted back east.

Hang in there. Success is all the sweeter.
Title: Re: How do you all do it?
Post by: ron w on October 08, 2012, 12:57:00 PM
My first shot with a recurve was in 1971, I killed a deer with a compound devise in 1993 and then went back my roots in Traditional Archery. I started bow-hunting in 1968.....those are the "ONLY" shots I have ever had.....have seen deer [Average 3-5 a year]. I still go and spend time to complete my quest, how do I do it......maybe I'm just not that bright!   :biglaugh:
Title: Re: How do you all do it?
Post by: Jerry Jeffer on October 08, 2012, 01:22:00 PM
You should feel proud! Isn't 10 deer like the total whitetail population of NH?
Title: Re: How do you all do it?
Post by: Bill Carlsen on October 08, 2012, 01:28:00 PM
As a fellow New Hampshire resident I think that if you are seeing 20 deer at one time I envy you. My best friend in the state just got his deer with a bow after a 5 year drought. Stand placement and patience is required in NH. It is one of the toughest states to bowhunt in successfully. Just check the stats....and those #'s include compounds. I've gone many seasons without seeing 20 deer in 3 months. Right now, if I were you, I'de find some acorns on the ground and sit there. I gave up hunting field edges years ago for the reasons you describe. Your best shots will be in the woods from ground or tree stands where deer are feeding. Your best attitude has to include perseverance and patience and be willing to see fewer deer.
Title: Re: How do you all do it?
Post by: Butch Speer on October 08, 2012, 01:53:00 PM
I'm probably the worst hunter around. I would love to kill a deer. But I found that being out hunting & being with my hunting buddies to be more important. I had a buddy, that if he didn't kill a deer, it was a bad season. Not me. If I enjoy all the other thing about bowhunting, it's been a good year.
Title: Re: How do you all do it?
Post by: NBK on October 08, 2012, 02:06:00 PM
"Every minute I'm here I'm one minute closer to my next buck".

It's the mantra I remind myself with.  Confidence in my stand placement and the belief that the kill is just the icing on the cake.  I would rather take a whitetail doe with my longbow than a 300" bull elk with a compound.  Remember, it's the journey...
Title: Re: How do you all do it?
Post by: ron w on October 08, 2012, 02:09:00 PM
Originally posted by Jerry Jeffer:
You should feel proud! Isn't 10 deer like the total whitetail population of NH?
:biglaugh:     :biglaugh:  I can't say a thing.....
Title: Re: How do you all do it?
Post by: KSdan on October 08, 2012, 02:27:00 PM
I shoot mature deer every year- sometimes in a couple of different states.  But in fairness, while I can enjoy an evening and see lots of deer hunting on a field edge, I can NOT count on one hand (maybe a few fingers) how many deer I have actually harvested on a field/crops in 38 years of hunting. Like others said- the thick stuff is where to harvest a deer with a bow.
Title: Re: How do you all do it?
Post by: JO_EZ on October 08, 2012, 02:45:00 PM
Bowhunting has been a tough nut to crack for me. I've been at it for over 30 years and have nothing but stories. I tried to quit and take up steelhead fishing in the 90's, but I just couldn't not hunt. So, I have to persist.

The reason I hunt with my longbow is that if I am not going to see much anyway, I might as well be having as much fun while I am out there. And I like carying and shooting the longbow more than the compound. I quit hauling and setting up tree stands for the same reason.

These days, my quiver is full of stumpers and I have as much fun waiting out a chipmonk or rabbit as a deer. I have learned to love the hunt and almost not care about getting the deer.

However, I have noticed that the less I "care" about the deer, the more encounters I am having.

I like reading RonW's posts. He hunts beautiful, sparcely populated areas, success be danged; and seems to love doing it. That mindset has opened up tons of public land options and unforgettable hunts for me.

Love the woods, love the bow, kill the stumps hope for deer.
Title: Re: How do you all do it?
Post by: longrifle346 on October 08, 2012, 03:02:00 PM
The first advice I'd give is that you have to hunt deer where they are or where they're going, not where you want them to be. Just seeing deer is not often gonna help you with the stick unless you're seeing them close. I learned early in my bowhunting career that once the deer are located, setup is everything and I almost never have a setup where I can see more than 25-30 yards.

If you've got the patience, leave that treestand at the house for awhile and try going at it on the ground. I hate being tied to a tree EVERY time I go out and if you've got deer spotted it's a lot easier to slip into a position where they'll come close and a lot less frustrating than watching them from a distance.
It takes stealth and patience but last week I got to full draw and then let down on two young bucks within 10 steps. If that'd been their momma or dad I'd have venison in the freezer right now!
Title: Re: How do you all do it?
Post by: Rob W. on October 08, 2012, 04:52:00 PM
Tradgang keeps me focused on my goals.

When I get discouraged. I have instant access to tips, tricks, ideas, shoulders to cry on, new gear, old gear, success stories, failure stories, and so much more.

I also tell myself if bow season doesn't pan out I will spend some time with my family and a patch and ball. That way there is less pressure on me and the freezer still gets filled.

Title: Re: How do you all do it?
Post by: RecurveRookie on October 08, 2012, 05:28:00 PM
I am new and don't know very much, but if you are like me and can't have the luxury of a deer feeder to create you're very own deer "petting zoo"(as I have done in the past), then we have to set up at a place of high deer traffic or food or where they're gonna be. We also have to set up CLOSE to the action.  This is my 1st season bowhunting, and I am hunting on the ground and realizing I basically need a miracle, BUT, that's OK, I could go kill a deer with a rifle easy enough.  Anything would be easier than trad, right?  So I guess that's why we do it.  Best wishes and good hunting.
Title: Re: How do you all do it?
Post by: Razorbak on October 08, 2012, 07:20:00 PM
yep NH deer total is like 10 deer thats for sure..LOL  we just dont have the quantity of deer like other states but like Bill C. said find some oaks and SIT, it is hard to be confident at times due to our poor population but scout hard and often thru out the year will increase your chances seeing deer hopefully in the fall...just try to keep a positive attitude if you can and sooner or later it will happen..took me 4 years without seeing a deer while hunting in NH to one day score while sitting on a big boulder gazing at the sky while deer all of sudden show up and started feeding on ACORNS..I shot the closes one..a huge 145# fd doe to break the seal and was successful for 10 years straight killing several a season until I got hurt at work and not being able to hunt the last 3 years and hopefully not this season but as soon as my knee heals I will be out and I said try to remain positve and things will happen for you soon enough and taking a deer with equipment you made is gonna be sweeter than taking a deer with a string gun...good luck Justin
ps. Bill..tell Todd congrats on his deer..thats great
Title: Re: How do you all do it?
Post by: ripforce56 on October 08, 2012, 08:08:00 PM
I agree with AKDan I love venision to, but any time in woods with my bow is what I really enjoy!I usually see my share of deer but the areas I hunt the quality shots do not come easy from the ground i don't hunt from a tree stand! I usually try to find ambush spots! Now if I want to see a lot deer, I can hunt on the corner of some hay fields that my wife's uncle owns and can watch a lot deer every day but usually that is just what it is, watching deer! Still fun all the same!
Title: Re: How do you all do it?
Post by: MnFn on October 08, 2012, 08:47:00 PM
Because my dad taught me to hunt with a recurve almost 50 years ago. I have gone many, many more years than I care to remember without taking a deer. And I don't like that but that is the challenge I have laid before me.

Three years ago I passed on buck that would have been very close to Pope and Young minimum. I did that because I knew there was a much larger buck in the vacinity. I have second guessed myself on that choice- I had him stationary in a shooting lane at 12 yards. I have not had one that nice that close since then.

It is all about what is important to you. When I walk up to that deer on the ground it has to be with a longbow or recurve. That is what keeps me motivated.