Trad Gang

Main Boards => PowWow => Topic started by: Featherbuster on October 08, 2012, 11:02:00 AM

Title: That Moment
Post by: Featherbuster on October 08, 2012, 11:02:00 AM
Hello all,
I had a "moment" last night after taking a mature doe with my beloved Bob Lee Recurve.  As I was sitting there taking it all in, I realized.....this same arrow has taken the last 6 deer and the broadhead I was using has killed 4 deer and 1 hog.  Then it hit me, I was very fortunate as well as all others who are able to witness God's Creation, or work of art, as i like to call it, the wonderful time this was and the times i have spent in the woods with my Daddy and Pop(my step dad).  
I am a firm believer in a saying I came across and pretty sure i picked it up on TradGang (thank you) several years ago...."Teach your kids to hunt and fish, so you won't have to hunt for them later."  
I am now a father of 3 beautiful girls, oldest will be 5 in October.  I didnt get home last night to kiss them goodnight, but when eating breakfast this morning, I told my oldest that Daddy had killed a deer last night, she stopped eating her breakfast, looked up to me with those big sad eyes and said "you went hunting without me?" And yes I started taking her hunting early, turkey hunting carrying in my frame backpack, duck hunting with my brother and also sitting in a ground blind deer hunting.  Its was "That Moment" I realized what my Dad and Pop were doing all those years.  They were teaching me life lessons.  To appreciate EVERY second we got to spend in the woods or on the water and more importantly spending time family.  Last night was not about the harvest of a deer, but reminder of how special life is when you get to spend it with loved ones.  So here's to all the Dads or Pops or whoever that special person in your life, who has took the time out to help show you the right direction.  
Love you Daddy and Pop.
Title: Re: That Moment
Post by: nlester on October 08, 2012, 11:18:00 AM
Very well said
Title: Re: That Moment
Post by: Comescrashing on October 08, 2012, 11:26:00 AM
amen, I can't wait to get my little girl in the woods in the next couple years
Title: Re: That Moment
Post by: on October 08, 2012, 04:28:00 PM

Title: Re: That Moment
Post by: KSshrewman on October 11, 2012, 09:49:00 PM
Yep.  Good observation.