Trad Gang
Traditional Bowhunting/Archery Videos => Tarz Antics => Topic started by: Guru II on March 06, 2013, 01:01:00 PM
I'll let Mr.Terry start this because he was there a morning before us. Me and my dad "Guru" will chime in when the time comes.
I sure do miss SC already... :campfire:
:coffee: :jumper:
Oh Cade, Your father taught you well!! and i'm not just talking about hunting and shooting!! cant wait to hear it buddy!! :campfire:
Sounds like a great story in the works, can't hardly wait. Congrats on your 1st pig gig. :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
Originally posted by Guru II:
I sure do miss SC already... :bigsmyl: :bigsmyl:
Been having trouble keeping quiet about this one.
OH BOY! It's starting....
We are not asking for much, just a picture of a bloody arrow or blood on a palmetto to hold us until tonight! :banghead:
Looking forward to it.
Ahhh, love the title Cade. Paradise is right.
LOL....we may need to put up a border fence here for us natives to keep out the riff raff. :)
great now Terry's MIA... :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:
First,congratulations Cade! I am so happy for your success. I know how much you and dad were looking forward to this trip and I am glad it was all you both hoped for. Congrats to you also Curt. I am looking forward to the rest of your adventure. I hope you realize what a fortunate young man you are (I am sure you do). Glad you were riding the "ten train"
Keep it coming fellas! :coffee:
:campfire: Jersey's waiting on pins and needles.
Been waiting for this one :campfire:
Look forward to this tale young man. I`m sure its gonna be a good one.RC
I'm in... :campfire:
Originally posted by Tsalt:
I'm in... :campfire:
While the video was buffering it was stuck on the neatest picture of Cade and Curt on one knee watching the pigs just around the bend! What a teaser!
just saw the teaser video, man oh man....This will be a good one
Well I'll start by saying that Cade practiced very hard in preparation for this hunt!
Right after deer season we came to the conclusion that to make things easier with the airlines, he'd have to start shooting one of my Kempf takedowns.
I decided my Raven "Bonita" would be the best choice, it had a slightly smaller grip than my Kwyk Styks, it had a lighter physical weight, and was slightly shorter as well.
At first it was just pulling it back a few times every day. It was about 5 pounds heavier than his Stewart Longbow. He continued to shoot his longbow to keep sharp.
By the end of January, he was getting to full draw, and could handle a few shots everyday. Over the next month it became a lot easier for him and was shooting it well.
The last two weeks before we left we were shooting from the deck... standing, kneeling, and sitting on the ground. We shot broadheads, and we also practiced "stalking" our targets in the yard.
By the time the day came to leave, we were both very confident in his ability and that he was ready!
Like I said earlier...He was shooting my Jack Kempf Raven with the static recurve limbs. At his draw length, it was about 42-43#.
His arrows were 25", .700 spine Carbon Express Predators....with 250 gr. heads they weighed in right at 500 grains.
Broadheads were an assortment of two blades...
off the baseball back tonight!
Outstanding guys. A pleasure to see unfold...
:wavey: :campfire:
Looking forward to the hunt! :archer2:
:wavey: :archer:
Sounds like it was a trip to remember. Can't wait to hear the stories.
It is a hard place to leave isn't it. Completely different world. :thumbsup:
way to go cade, curt and terry! :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
Looking forward to the stories!
I am eager to hear the stories as well!
OK...I'm still at the office...catching up...will make instalment around 8 or so to get the ball rolling....
Nice, but ya know you are killing all of us!! I have watched Cade grow and know he has learned a lot from his old man, even his story telling!! :thumbsup: Can't wait!! Shawn
Can hardly wait for the hunt stories. The short video explains everything. Great father with the watchful eyes over his son's shoulder. Guiding never pushing.
:thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
I think it is almost time to go wrap some christmas presents.
I'm sitting on my hands!!!!! :campfire: :coffee: It seems the older in= get, the more impatient I get!!! can't wait for the rest.
7:38pm..... Tick tock tick tock.........
7:48 PM. Congrats Cade! We will find out the details soon.
I'm waiting to pic him and Curt up at airport....
We were set...come heck or high water....
Set camp last night and went scouting this morning...
Cade is going to have a blast and may get a hog on his very first hog hunt.....forget the 'sign' pics....check out the pork waiting on him....
Sorry for the poor quality...
Cell phone zoomed, so i wouldn't spook em and two,so i could email them to Rob for posting.
This hog....
Was 'out of the way' an area we wouldn't concentrate on so I took the pic and made a stalk...
Everything was perfect....except my shot....not sure what happened...wind blowing hard enough and me not leading the shot a bit...or the broom straw redirecting the arrow...or just me....but the shot was back a little and low.....
But the impact site showed promise....
I marked the last blood as it entered the far side mirror of 'the bedroom'.
I decided to wait till the next morning to look since the weather was to be cool and the shot looked off.
It was great to see Curt and Cade again, and my had he grown in the nearly two years since I'd seen him at the St Jude Pheasant hunt.....he was all smiles.
Chat of my sightings, strategies, outlook, and promises had him chomping at the bit to get to camp....'how much further' know the routine...
Anyhow, I told them upon arrival not to worry about 'unpacking' everything....and get ready to hunt...
This hunt was really all about Cade...Curt and I would cater to him almost exclusively to make sure he got a I set out to corn the road as they geared up....
As I began my run down the 'Killer Kilometer' I passed a gang of hogs hanging out at the 'Sunset' feeder - AKA Jurassic Park. ....and I just traveled right on by.
At the end of the killer kilometer I turned around and corned my way out...and when I got back to sunset, they were still I slowed to a stop and sweetened it up REAL good....then corned to Wood's stand and sped back into camp.
When I arrived I saw Curt at the picnic table but no Cade...I urgently asked 'Where's Cade"?!?!?!?
Curt pointed and I saw him shooting...."Cade!!!...Lets go!...I got 15 hogs waiting on ya"....and away we went....
Got almost to the 90 and parked....out we bailed and sunset was about 250 yards away...but we had to make sure we snuck up on Wood's stand 1st...but it was vacant....
Along the straight away after woods'....we neared the curve to see sunset....and there they were...waiting on Cade....
Your up Cade!!!!
Yeah Boy!!!!!!
Here we go!!
Nice intro! Curt, feel free to . :bigsmyl:
Now we are showing progress
:campfire: :coffee:
Very cool!!
What was to follow....was TWO HOURS of almost none-stop hog stalking...all the way till dark....just what the Doctor ordered!!!
So we were up at 4:00am and off to the airport....Arrive and park long term...Cade on the shuttle...
Flight to Atlanta was fine, we had time to eat an burrito. Cade was trying hard to finish up his homework he'd brought so he'd be caught up after missing a few days at school....
• (
That's when the first text came in from Terry....
I quote...."IT'S TARGET RICH BOYS!!!"
I wish I would have taken a pic of Cade's face!
After that he bombarded us with pic after pic....we couldn't wait to get on that plane to Augusta!
Then came the delay!!! Something wrong with the plane!!!!!
Found another plane for us and we were on our way again only 1/2hr behind schedule.
Another good flight and we were waiting for Terry to come around to pick us up......always great to see my brother from another mother!
He couldn't believe how much Cade had grown. Then we started to get the real skinny on what was waiting for us....this was going to be good...REAL GOOD!!!!!
Fast forward to Terry coming back from getting some corn out....Cade was in the pines shooting when Terry came flying in and just about skidded to a stop asking where Cade was time to now!!!!!
Gettin good....
Originally posted by Terry Green:
What was to follow....was TWO HOURS of almost none-stop hog stalking...all the way till dark....just what the Doctor ordered!!!
That's not an exaggeration either! This is literally 10 minutes into the hunt!!
This was right around the corner from "Woods' Stand" working toward "Sunset".....enjoy!
Terry said to me we're going to try the old "walk on by" trick...
The hogs had moved just inside the cover, we knew they'd be right back out. Terry told Cade to get over by the mound of dirt, stand still, and get ready!
He told him what we were going to do... I told Cade not to worry 'cause hogs can't count....
This is going to be good! Can't wait
Terry and I moved on and left Cade. We moved ahead about 40yds and got off into some cover where we could watch Cade...
Here's what happened...
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A minute or so later...
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He had to be having a problem figuring out which one to shoot!
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Full draw....
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I can remember thinking..."oh my, he's going to kill his first hog less than a half hour into his 1st hunt! But.....
It was a swing and a miss!
And here they come right for Terry and I....
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Great video.
Oh man...
..This is great!
Awesome thread!
This is great!!!!
Gonna get some popcorn I'll be right back :bigsmyl:
Awesome stuff guys!!
Y'all have no idea how cool it was watching the 'walk on by' trick work like a charm AND to see this all over again!!!!
And this thread is an example of what one contributing member 2013 is going to experience!!!
It's so much fun watching kids hunt
Not long after that expose'.....Cade starts looking over his shoulder :scared:
How fun is this!!Great pics and video Keep it coming!! :campfire:
Enjoying this better'n a pan full of fried frog legs !!!!
This is a blast !!
That's right, as Terry said above.....after Cade shot we could see him start looking behind him. Then he'd look at us, then back behind him. It was obvious there was something behind him and a minute later he looked at us with a concerned look on his face....then waved us over...
When we got to him, it was easy to see he was a little shook and wasn't comfortable standing there by himself! He said it sounded like there was a "huge hog" behind him!!!!
He wanted out!!!!
Remember....he's only 12yrs. old, and this is only 1/2hr into his first hog hunt!!!!!
We moved on and just kept running into hogs. I mean it was crazy!
About half way through the area that's called "The Bedroom", Cade whispered to me the quote of the hunt.... "THEY'RE EVERYWHERE!!!!"
As we neared the area of "Rob's Stand" with Terry on point, he stopped again and waved Cade up front...more hogs!
• (
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He never did get close enough for a shot...but what action he was having!
We continued on into "The Bottom"....
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As we neared the newly relocated "Racetrack Stand" Terry through his hand up once again for us to stop.....the was a good hog at the feeder, and well hidden behind some cover for a on again!!
But for whatever reason, Cade only got about 2 steps into his stalk when the hog decided to walk out from behind the cover out into the open and busted Cade...dang it!
We turned around and headed out...saw many more hogs. But no more shots for Cade.
What an incredible start to Cade's first hog hunt, it couldn't have started any better!!!!
At dark we headed for camp exhausted from travel and adrenaline.....1st campfire of the trip...
• (
Cade would sleep very, very well...
SIX stalks in two hours.... what a hunt we were in for. Cade was like a kid in a candy store!!! I could not have been any better. :campfire:
AWESOME!!! Gonna drive me nuts until I get home from work tomorrow at 3:30!! Great Stuff so far!! Shawn
Awesome!!!! :clapper:
Get'm Cade!!!!!!!!!!
Awesome! Curt, you guys are making some priceless memories, way to go Dad!
Now we're rolling..... :thumbsup:
Great story! This is good!
:bigsmyl: Awesome start! Thanks for taking us along!
Good stuff!
What a way to start a hunt of a lifetime!
Terry I like the Coleman Crawdad!!! Used to have one and wish I still did! Great little boat.
Great start !!!
This is great, I love hog stalking
Curt and Terry, the video is cool as heck!! It really adds something that the pictures don't! great work!!
I'm loving this one!! Keep it coming.
Wow fellas, completely awesome. Cade did well at Sunset. I never saw the wind blowing away from it like that. Cant wait for more.
Guru you are doing all the right moves with Cade. Bill and I just got back from Florida after hunting hogs he's 43 yrs old he was 5yrs old and was with me and saw me harvest a deer and I expect there will be many more yrs of hunting together it never gets old.Cade I'm sure this hunt was one of the best hunts you have been on , but the next hunt will be the best and so on and as the years move on you will look back and realize they are all the best . On with the hunt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Good stuff so far guys, Keep it up!
:thumbsup: :campfire:
Originally posted by Dick Langer:
Guru you are doing all the right moves with Cade. Bill and I just got back from Florida after hunting hogs he's 43 yrs old he was 5yrs old and was with me and saw me harvest a deer and I expect there will be many more yrs of hunting together it never gets old.Cade I'm sure this hunt was one of the best hunts you have been on , but the next hunt will be the best and so on and as the years move on you will look back and realize they are all the best . On with the hunt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well said Dick.... :thumbsup:
good stuff :thumbsup:
Thanx fellas.....we're just getting started!!!
Terry and I stayed up and sat and talked around the fire. This is a time I've come to cherish when I'm hunting with Terry. This is the time we have the chance to really open up to each other. Sometimes it's about Trad Gang, but, most of the time it's about family and friends....time well spent with my bud....
The next morning we were up before daylight, ate a quick bite and were off.
We corned first....then we set a second stand at the first feeder. From Terry's re-con the day before we knew this spot looked promising.
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So we got another Lone Wolf into the tree.
After that we him'd and haw'd about where we were going to hunt that morning because we'd kinda bugger'd this spot, but we'd need to do something soon.
Terry had a hog he wanted to go look for before the sun got too high and created shadows. So Cade and I just decided to stay where we were for a while. Then still hunt toward the area where Terry was....
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A look around the stand...
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My mini camera arm I put together from 2 different porducts. HME bowholder and a game cam tree mount...worked great!
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Cade admiring "Bonita"...
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We didn't see anything, and we were actually getting cold :dunno: ,so we started hunting toward where Terry was....
"Bonita"....nice looking lady!!
Originally posted by Guru:
About half way through the area that's called "The Bedroom", Cade whispered to me the quote of the hunt.... "THEY'RE EVERYWHERE!!!!"
Uh...there's two more I can think of that were in the running....or in a different category at least....I'll get to that when the time comes... :D
Originally posted by magnus:
Terry I like the Coleman Crawdad!!! Used to have one and wish I still did! Great little boat.
My Dad bought me that when I was a have NO idea how many ducks I killed out of that boat....and wouldn't believe the number of fish I caught out of wouldn't believe...anyhow...gotta go back to your post and catch up....
Yep, I have one of them crawdad boats.... great little boat and way more stable than you wojld think !!!
Originally posted by Terry Green:
Originally posted by Guru:
About half way through the area that's called "The Bedroom", Cade whispered to me the quote of the hunt.... "THEY'RE EVERYWHERE!!!!"
Uh...there's two more I can think of that were in the running....or in a different category at least....I'll get to that when the time comes... :D [/b]
Little did we know what Terry had gotten himself into....but that's a story for him to tell :archer:
So anyway.....Cade and I worked toward where Terry was...
We came up to Woods' stand first and it hadn't been visited yet. We continued toward "Sunset", and it had no visitors either so we moved ahead toward the old "Victory Stand". I say old, because of the logging, the tree is gone that the stand was in, and the feeder has been moved.
Before we got the we saw the 4 wheeler parked where Terry had left it. We used the opportunity to shed some clothes and our harnesses...
• (
Off to bring Mae-Mae to school......back soon....
This thread warms the heart. Keep it coming guys.
You guys are going to get me fired! I should be at work by now. :D
Just in time to cure my No-Hunt Blues...Good stuff guys :coffee:
Lovin it!!!
Wow! Good stuff!
OK...back to them in the tree.....the reason they were in that tree was because that stand was HOT the afternoon before and I just KNEW they would see hogs...
See....the afternoon before the very first thing I did was check this 'new' stand out...and it looked promising...only being up a few days there was PLENTY of sigh...
Well, on my way back out I took a different route and heard a grunt and saw some pigs stand. I thought I had spooked them but no sure how cause I was definitely upwind from them and walking on a path making my travels quiet as a church mouse....
They scrambled around and settled back down out of I put a stalk on them to see what was up....grunted again they did, stood up and I saw mom pop out but her milk looked themselves and settled right back down....they were just nesting...and I figured, waiting for the feeder to go off. I thought to myself, this would be a great stalk Cade could make throughout the weekend since these younger ones had been weaned so I backed out and looped around....
All of the sudden the momma stands up and start quartering to me on a dead walk...then turns her direction straight toward me....NO!!!! I don't want her to catch me, so when she goes behind some briars I crouch low as I can and wad up behind a little bush....then she quarters toward me again and I watch her walk by all in bow range....he never saw me....then, still in bow range 'she' walks across the road and I see hydraulics .....DAGNABBIT!!! It was a boar that was laid up with the momma and here little ones.
I had talk Curt and Cade about this and not sure if Cade knew what I meant by hydraulics....nor did I ask Curt later if he had to explain.....but that was Curt's department.... not mine. :D
Yeah...then I went to look for my hog....just for the record...hunting for blood, new fresh or older dried is best before the sun gets up so high or during overcast cause there's not a bazzilion shadows in the woods....
Bear with me....I have some work to do.....but I'll get back to it soon as I can...very interesting blood trail to say the least...lead to more than one event I'll never forget....
In the mean time....maybe Curt will tell what Cade was asking about me when I wasn't at the four wheeler....and what he was heart warming for me to say the least. I'd only been around him for two hours hunting the day before, two hours around camp eating and the fire, and an hour for breakfast and drop off that morning....
Cade, ya really got to me with your comments....
:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:
There's stories behind stories here!!! That's what makes it great :campfire:
:bigsmyl: Lots of fun so far...
I am enjoying this story a lot. It was fun to hear the tid bits as it happened this is even better.
Terry was alluding to something earlier that Cade said to me....I'll get to that in a bit....
Before the hunt ever started and Terry and I were still planning things we of course talked a lot about things...especially about hunting with Cade. What we needed to do to make it a great experience for him, possible limitations, etc....
I also asked Terry if it would be alright if I could send Cade along on a hunt with just him....ya know just Cade and him.
I told Terry I'd really like for Cade to get to know the Terry Green I know and enjoy so much hunting with.
I wanted Cade to experience that for himself because I knew he'd enjoy the heck out of it.
Of course Terry said it would be fine, if that's what we wanted....
Before I go any further, without getting too sentimental or weird here....I just want to share something....
From day one that Terry and I ever hunted together it always seemed as though we had some sort of connection....hard to explain...I mean really hard to explain...but it's there, there is no denying it, and every time we're together "something happens" to solidify it. This trip would be no different.
I'll get to that later....I guarantee you'll you'll think it's pretty cool....
So anyway...
On the way to the four wheeler where Terry had parked it...Cade asked me where I thought Terry was. I told him since he wasn't heading our way yet, I bet he'd gotten "into" something. But he'd be along soon....
Wasn't a few minutes later he asked again about Terry when we got to the 4 wheeler....
• (
I asked why he kept asking about Terry? I mean I know we were both wondering how he was doing with his tracking job and where he was....but I asked anyway....
He said...."Oh just wondering....I like being around Terry...he's funny and a lot of fun to just be around....I really like him daddy!"
I knew right then and there that my boy "gets it" and was already enjoying the Terry Green that I know and love....
After we lightened up, leaving some gear at the 4 wheeler...we headed back toward "Sunset" to build a groundblind.
Last year when I was there, all the pines where still standing and it was a killer set up with a treestand about 15-17yds. from the feeder. I killed my 2nd hog of the trip on the last evening of that hunt.
With no trees there now, and it being hard to sneak up on, we needed get something there to hide was going to be tough...but we had to try's too good a spot to not hunt.
So Cade and I got to work....
Pretty cool Terry to be able to share your hunt with a Bud and his son... yea pretty cool ....and Curt you are a lucky guy!!!
Freshens things up seeing things through a youngster’s eyes ....
Thanks for bringing us along guys !!!
Originally posted by JoeM:
There's stories behind stories here!!! That's what makes it great :campfire:
You have no idea...and haven't heard the best of it could not have scripted or dreamed up the things that would unfold....and even my 'off' shot.
And we still have TWO more great quotes buy Cade to hear about soon....I can't wait to tell those!!!... :campfire:
Wow at the sunset stand those little pigs are growing fast,That group of black hogs and the one red one came in every night neet to see how fast they grow.Great story
My father gave me a baseball glove when I was old enough for little league but the greatest gift he ever gave me was to take me hunting. This waiting for the story to end has me worried about my age. I'm loving every minute!!!!!!!!!!
Amen Dick, Amen
Good Stuff Guys
great story so far....
After we built the blind we headed back out towards "Woods' stand" and the truck. That's when we heard the 4 wheeler. Terry pulled up and told us what had been going on.... ;)
Wood's stand is the first one after the 90 correct?
Great story so far!
Originally posted by magnus:
Wood's stand is the first one after the 90 correct?
Great story so far!
Sure is.
This is really great guys!!! What memories are made of.
Cade, I made that same stalk you did on sunset earlier this year. Only I tried to sneak through the water on the right side. Lets just say you made it farther than I did!lol And your boots were probably drier!!!!!!
All that water still amazes me!
Originally posted by Guru:
Terry was alluding to something earlier that Cade said to me....I'll get to that in a bit....
Before the hunt ever started and Terry and I were still planning things we of course talked a lot about things...especially about hunting with Cade. What we needed to do to make it a great experience for him, possible limitations, etc....
I also asked Terry if it would be alright if I could send Cade along on a hunt with just him....ya know just Cade and him.
I told Terry I'd really like for Cade to get to know the Terry Green I know and enjoy so much hunting with.
I wanted Cade to experience that for himself because I knew he'd enjoy the heck out of it.
Of course Terry said it would be fine, if that's what we wanted....
Before I go any further, without getting too sentimental or weird here....I just want to share something....
From day one that Terry and I ever hunted together it always seemed as though we had some sort of connection....hard to explain...I mean really hard to explain...but it's there, there is no denying it, and every time we're together "something happens" to solidify it. This trip would be no different.
I'll get to that later....I guarantee you'll you'll think it's pretty cool....
So anyway...
On the way to the four wheeler where Terry had parked it...Cade asked me where I thought Terry was. I told him since he wasn't heading our way yet, I bet he'd gotten "into" something. But he'd be along soon....
Wasn't a few minutes later he asked again about Terry when we got to the 4 wheeler....
• (
I asked why he kept asking about Terry? I mean I know we were both wondering how he was doing with his tracking job and where he was....but I asked anyway....
He said...."Oh just wondering....I like being around Terry...he's funny and a lot of fun to just be around....I really like him daddy!"
I knew right then and there that my boy "gets it" and was already enjoying the Terry Green that I know and love....
Curt is right.....something special always happens when Curt and I get together....
And hearing what Cade said really warmed my heart...cause I don't have a son....but I would take him as mine in a heartbeat. He's a great kid...
We were in camp the 1st lunch and I asked .."Cade, whatcha doing'?, and he replied "What ever you need me to be doing". How's that for some raising? He was a great camp hand for a 12 year old, always ready to help with chores....although we did let him 'day dream' also and do his on thing around camp. That was fun to watch,....even though he didn't know he was being watched. Yeah Cade, I was entertained by your still youth and innocence.
I'll get to my hog tracking in a to load up some pics....
Originally posted by Guru:
"Oh just wondering....I like being around Terry...he's funny and a lot of fun to just be around....I really like him!
A lot of us feel the same way Cade, Terry's enthusiasm towards the hunt is contagious! I'm sure he is like that with everything he does...
Great hunt so far, and eagerly awaiting the rest of it to unfold...
:clapper: :clapper:
Great story so far, the video of Cade in the tree and when Curt says theres Killer, that smile made my day. I have spent lots of time with Cade and Curt and I know that feeling you speak of, that you have with Terry, maybe I would like this Terry Green guy too!! :bigsmyl: Great stuff guys, I have stuff to do but it can wait!! I am only on page 9 so far but am hanging on every word!! It is like I am there, Thanks for sharing!! Shawn
Whooops...wrong ahead of myself...
Think we'll be smelling pork chops soon. It doesn't look like Cade (or his mentors) has quit in his eyes.
I was most struck by his demeanor going into the stalk. He looks like an old veteran. He has that "I have a job to do and let's get to it look on his face"! :thumbsup:
:clapper: loving it so far......
I really love these stories. Great stuff!!
My son is 5 and shoots a long bow. Can't wait till the day we can hunt together like this.
Wonderful!! Happy memories :clapper: :clapper:
I keep checking back and enjoying this thread.
:thumbsup: :campfire:
- my blood trail leads along the side of that grassy area then turns left into the thicket...saplings, vines, briar, and palmettos, among other dead fallen trees that have to be crawled over.. . . .
I'm finding blood easy swiped on the palmettos, but not a lot...and some decent drops, but not a lot...but a steady trail that stalls here and there due to the thick vegetation and shuckin and jivin the hog has, I'm crawling, navigating vines n briar, and having to push away palmettos to see ahead....this takes a while to go about 50 yards ....I also had two large puddles of water I had to find the trail on the other side....this was a real test to my blood trailing abilities, but I took it as a challenge to keep at it at ever stall.....and every so often I'd stand and look ahead for a dead hog even though site distance was nil.
Once I found blood after a stall, it seemed so easy for the next 5 yards or so, then stall again.....all the while hanging paper napkins on tree limbs in case I needed Curt to come back n help...and get my self back to where I was in this 'fog of woods' with overcast skies and the solid cloud blanket that wasn't moving.
I was crawling on my hands and knees and paused after another change of direction and getting myself in line with the next few drops....I leaned back on my heals to straighten my back out for a second and looked ahead. I could NOT BELIEVE what I saw just beyond two palmetto fronds leaning left and one leaning right....and when I say just ahead, I mean just SIX yards ahead.....with NOTHING between me and what I saw but those two palmetto fronds....
No....its NOT what you are thinking.....
Still at office....back in a bit....gotta go home...
:coffee: ...
AAAAHHHH!!!! What was it?
Originally posted by Terry Green:
No....its NOT what you are thinking.....
Still at office....back in a bit....gotta go home...
I need to go brew some coffee
Now thats cold blooded right there! Leave a guy hanging like that!
gator alert possibly? :scared:
Gator is more likely, but I'm going to go with a very large cat?
Cold beer in hand, now let's have the rest of it! :bigsmyl:
Originally posted by Terry Green:
I could NOT BELIEVE what I saw just beyond two palmetto fronds leaning left and one leaning right....and when I say just ahead, I mean just SIX yards ahead.....with NOTHING between me and what I saw but those two palmetto fronds....
No....its NOT what you are thinking.....
Well, you were in SC..... The Lizardman maybe? :knothead:
A MAD pig
My ex wife.... :scared: :thumbsup:
I looked up, and there was this HUGE sow sitting on a nest completely broadside. There were bits and pieced of other hogs I could see on the other side of her, but she was huge.....and I'm sure she looked bigger since I was on my knees and 6 yards away. Here head reminded me of 'Block Head' I'd killed in FL and I could see her right eye plain as day looking at me.
I went for an arrow in my bow quiver and she stood up with a whoof and the other hogs got up too....I only looked away for a second to make sure I'd nocked below my nocking point and looked back up...the others had stood up and in my peripheral vision they looked to be about 40 pounds or so...and she was trotting away from me through a mix of palmettos and vines. I drew thinking this was my hog as I KNEW the one I shot wasn't' 40 pounds and even though I only had a shot from the rear I was going to get another arrow in her if I could but the palmettos closed the door on me and she turned right along with the other ones that left the small opening in this dense thicket......
I stepped out into the opening and inspected the nest...there was sparse, and I mean sparse tiny pats of blood in the nest in the area of where I hit her.....all the while the hogs weren't leaving...they were cussing me and circling to my right.....
Oh man this is getting good!
The hogs would not leave...they continued their rants at me and amongst themselves.....this continued for several minutes...and I heard them easing closer....
This is no lie...I was in this little opening listening to the judgment and strategy of this group of hogs, with an arrow nocked and standing where I would have no obstruction for a shot even though I never thought I'd need to draw.....
Then it happened...I see saplings and vines moving coming closer, then palmettos parting....then I start to see black bits and pieces of a hog coming back to the nest cussing all the way....
All I could imagine is the big Sow wanted her turf back and she wanted it back NOW.....the gap was closing, but no clear shot as she was coming head on at inside 10 yards...I started my draw anyway in case I needed to shoot in self defense....
She stopped at 5 yards quartering to me and all I could see was snout, an ear, and patches of ebony here and there in the conglomerate of veg....but the ham was WIDE OPEN....
If arras ain't flying pigs ain't dieing! Cuttum Terry!
Awe Terry, You know where to stop..... Its killing me. in good way of course.
It's 44 mag time! lol
Wow, great story telling.....come on Terry..... :eek:
I was at half draw when she started coming again and I bared down on the quartering to ham and let the Arrow Dynamic shaft fly tipped with a Wensel Woodsman from my 64# MOAB....
The arrow whet EXACTLY where I was looking(easy from 5 yards) and the arrow sank deep as she wheeled and tore out with the sounds of a train wreck....along with all the other hogs busting loose and away.
The 1st thing I did was get back on my 'old' blood trail....which wouldn't you guess it, lead right to my new blood trail....
Great stuff, keep it coming!!
Oh boy...I made the mistake of looking before it was fully written. Now I have the "refresh browser" tic going
Classic adventure hunting. Only that hearing the story and not being there in person is like being water boarded by Charlie Lamb.
Originally posted by Izzy:
Classic adventure hunting. Only that hearing the story and not being there in person is like being water boarded by Charlie Lamb.
That's funny as heck! :laughing:
Originally posted by Izzy:
Classic adventure hunting. Only that hearing the story and not being there in person is like being water boarded by Charlie Lamb.
I'm laughing and crying all at the same time!!! :biglaugh:
So...I was now following new AND old blood on the same trail.....what we get ourselves into....
and the going was easy...everywhere there was new blood, there was old...for about 15 yards and my old blood turned I double marked the spot with double napkins and went on trailing the old blood....
This went on for another 150 yards till I was satisfied that my 1st hog was still OK till I sent that other arrow into it....cause the blood trail was slowly drying up.....
So...I followed my markers back out and went to find Curt and Cade as I'd been at this now for 3 hours I'd guess......
Three hours, plenty time for Cade to have shot one.
Me? I'd be taking a nap by now
Convinced I'd shot the same hog....I brought Curt and Cade to the nest where all the bizarre action had happened....and to start at the double marker and look for new blood.....and my original hog...
The trail was easy.....too easy...palmetto after palmetto was MOPPED with blood and my hopes were high that this would be short.....and it was....
This is an example of what the terrain was like I was trailing in.....and how easy it is NOT to see a dead hog....we were less than 5 yards away...
Now get this....this was NOT my hog....this was one of the '40 pounders' she was with.....see, I never paid them no mind earlier...just focusing on the big mamma during the fiasco and 'guessing' the size of the others....
The next pic will tell you just how big she must have been as this hog had no mark of a previous hit....and would be proven not to be my hog later on....she made them look like 40 pounders
The Wensel Woodsman had passed through the front of the left ham and exited the rear of the right ham.....and caused massive blood loss.
If I'd have known it wasn't my hog, I'd have never taken that shot....but 'things happen' when Curt and I get together..... :readit:
Cade....YOUR UP!!!
Wow I thought you guys were gettin ready for some more hand to hand there for a second....
One down and ???? to come :)
One down, more to go
Awesome!!! Can't wait for Cades story!! :campfire: :archer2:
That's one big 40 lb pig!!! :campfire:
Originally posted by Sean B:
Awesome!!! Can't wait for Cades story!!
Uh........that would be plural..... :D
This is too good!
Originally posted by Terry Green:
Originally posted by Sean B:
Awesome!!! Can't wait for Cades story!!
Uh........that would be plural..... :D [/b]
This is great!! I've been home with the sniffles the last 2 days. I've been hanging on to every post
This is killing me lol
Page 13 and I'm still on the edge of my seat!
That's a weird looking hog Terry. Head looks almost like a Lab. Cory sent me that pic and I thought is was just my phone.
Nice job on the guiding too. DB
Don....its head is tilting back my way....that's the side she was laying on...and I forgot to straighten it out!!! :knothead:
Congrats Terry! That's one big "40#" hog!
Good times Terry :readit:
Please tell us a story :pray:
Great story and Hog Terry! Congratulations!
There's a sow running around down there the size of a Volkswagen!
Sounds like Cade has telling to do
Way to go Terry! I can't wait to hear the rest of it! :campfire:
9:45 guys, I believe we'll have to wait until tomorrow for Cade's story! It's getting late and I'm sure he has some sleep to catch up on.
Great job Terry. :thumbsup:
Great story so far. There everywhere.... :cool:
Originally posted by 23feetupandhappy:
Good times Terry :readit:
Please tell us a story :pray:
You can say that again. This has been a great aid in dealing with cabin fever. I'm really looking forward to more!
-'s now Friday lunch... the hunt lasted till dark Sunday....lots of stories to go....
Awesome adventure "T" and even more so for a 10 year old young man!
Great story so far. Really feels like I am there on the hunt.
Until tomorrow!
Great stuff so far guys, I gotta go hog huntin' one of these days!
Congrats Terry! :thumbsup:
Every time I go hunting for a few days, somebody on here starts a great thread.
Congrats on the hog Terry.
I'm tuned in for the rest..........
:campfire: :coffee:
Nice Hog Terry. Congratulations
Sorry guys.....everything hit me last night and I hit the rack very early!!!!
When Terry pulled up and told us what had happened we couldn't wait to get in there and sort things out. Cade was dying to trail up a hog with Terry and I....he'd heard the stories of our "hog fights" many times :scared:
But we headed for camp to eat lunch first...
• (
When Terry said he found those hogs on a "nest", I thought to myself a hog bed. I've seen those before, ya know, usually a depression that they drop a few things in to cozy up.
But he wasn't kidding when he said a nest.... It looked just like a giant birds nest! We called it the pterodactyl nest ....
• (
Cade was thrilled to be there with Terry when we found the hog...
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Yeah baby....1st hog down!!
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Terry "blooding" an absolutely beautiful new knife(I'll let him fill in the details of the knife)...
• (
So back to camp we went to get ready for the afternoon hunt...stay tuned!!!!!
Congrats Terry on another fine hog!
Really neat looking nest.
I don't know about everyone else, but I feel like I am on the hunt with you. :bigsmyl:
Great read boys, nothing better than getting young fellers hooked on bowhunting. Luv these running blow by blow hunts :)
Congrats Terry, :thumbsup:
I will check back after work for cades adventure!
I've been busy with school a lot and was catching up on homework yesterday so I haven't had much time to post at all. Last night I got about an hour to catch up on the thread and now I'm sitting home on a snow day so I think that its a perfect day to start "my part of the story." :)
Congrats Cade.
Take your time and get all the details in....we'll be here.
Originally posted by Guru II:
I've been busy with school a lot and was catching up on homework yesterday so I haven't had much time to post at all. Last night I got about an hour to catch up on the thread and now I'm sitting home on a snow day so I think that its a perfect day to start "my part of the story." :)
Oh yeah! Here we go!
So right of the bat, my dad is going to be telling the story right on with me, to help with my story and pics... after he is done making pumpkin bread for my lil sis.
Great stuff so far...... :thumbsup:
So after finding Mr. Terry's hog we took pictures and headed back to camp, we got to camp, went to town, ate lunch...etc. When we got back to camp we got dressed and went to the woods. :archer:
OH yea..I am all ears. :campfire:
We went to Mr. Rob's stand.....
Before I say anymore we had been back there before and Mr. Terry had found a tree about 10 yds away from the ladder stand that seemed good for a short stand "perfect for me" we thought...
So after getting to Mr. Rob's stand and temporarily spooking a group of 20-30 pounders. We put up another Lone Wolf climber, but while Mr. Terry and my Dad were setting the stand the hogs came back! I scrambled to get either my bow or my dad's because he had one of my arrows in his bow quiver and his bow weighed the same as mine I ended up getting his bow and got an arrow nocked... Got to go eat breakfast be back soon :)
Now we're talkin! Thank God for snow days! :bigsmyl:
wow just like your dad left handed,, great shot, great to be around,and now telling great stories and making us wait with anticapation i cant wait for more.
When we saw those hogs run off, we just knew they'd be back soon so Terry and I were scrambling to get the stand set quickly for Cade and get him set. We got it on the tree about 6ft. up...and the hogs showed up as Cade was just telling....
Round two!!!!!
Come on Cade :)
Great so far! :campfire:
Cade, Can your dad make me some pumpkin bread too?
My dad says anytime Mr. Marty :)
Where was I now...
I grab my dad's bow and got an arrow nocked. I looked up and saw the hogs... DANGIT! They had seen me and were almost out of sight around the bend in the road, and before I knew it they were gone...
Just got a chance to get caught up on the story here.
Awesome so far, looks like I just got caught up in time...!
:coffee: This is great!
Well, we got the stand set and Mr. Terry and my Dad heaved me up onto the tree where I then climbed to the actual stand. My Dad then got up in Mr. Rob's stand and Mr. Terry got back on the 4 wheeler and went to corn a short part of the "The Killer Kilometer" for us.
After about 10 minutes or so I was all set and my Dad was just about ready... because he had to get the Video Camera ready... Mr. Terry came around the corner heading toward "The Bottom". He quickly checked to see if we were good with the setup and then he was off to "The Bottom".
Just so y'all know...I got up into the stand before Cade and made sure it was set well, and got the hand climber set so he had a seat.
We had a lot of confidence in this setup...he was close, not too high, and had a good backround with the big tree the stand was looked good!
• (
I got the camera set and started to wait...
Cade taking a practice draw...
• (
• (
It would be a short wait... ;)
About a half hour later I hear a slight whistle and look up at my Dad. I hear him say "They're back and coming down the road". Once that was said I immediately pick my bow up. After, I look up and see the same group of hogs coming in hot once they see the corn.
Oh yeah... About to be some arrows flung! :campfire:
Now your talking. Great looking set-up there.
Immediately my heart starts to beat as if its popping out of my chest. I'm Pumped!
They get to the corn and form a line almost like a "hog formation"? :dunno: The hogs keep getting closer and then they finally reach the feeder. I see a hog and start to draw... It moved!
My Dad had told me before the hunt that the hogs moved a lot, but I never thought that they moved so fast in so little time!
I start to pull back now on a different hog a tannish, brownish looking hog...
I get to full draw and let the arrow fly...
Im here sipping :coffee:
I immediately knew I hit the hog but it looked very high...
Videos and Pics will be posted by Dad in a bit...
Maybe the angle down got you into the goodies Cade???
Tell us hog down buddy??????
WAITING!!!!!!! I hope it turned out to be a good shot!
Oh boy! Steel in the air and blood on the ground!
That is a perfect setup for a lefty! Something is bleeding!
Remember bend at the waist
Another great Cade and Curt adventure :jumper: :jumper: :archer2:
Another great Cade and Curt adventure :jumper: :jumper: :archer2:
Good look'n binos Cade ... great story !!
The anticipation is killin' me! Put down the pumpkin bread and start typing! :biglaugh:
Awe com'on Cade.... Your lil sis can shovel the driveway!!!!
This is great!!! I'm actually sitting here rooting for these guys!!
Here's the video from Cade's shot.....
I could tell right away that it was high and barely under the skin. In the video, you can see his arrow stick in the ground. I believe that's the only thing that kept it in the hog.
As the hog ran off, it spun around a few times trying to shed the arrow....then it took off with the rest of them till it hit the trees....
That's when you can hear all the squealing!!
Since the arrow was half out both sides....when it hit the trees it got hung up between close trees and probably thought whatever had stung it seconds before had a hold of it!
Once it got itself off the trees it was gone!
Dang it!!!!
I told Cade to just relax, we'd check later on to see what we could find....but to stay still as it was early and they'd probably come back.....
Man, y'all have a BIG PIG PROBLEM!
Definitely a target rich environment.
And....if the shot would have been that far off on a 60# hog....the shot still would have been lethal....being off by 2.5 inches on a hog this size is a lot different that being that far off on an average size hog.
All in all.....his shot wasn't that bad...just that the target small.
Yea, those "eating size" ones can't tote an arrow near as well as thier momma can.
Load another bullet Cade, and shoot another!
Originally posted by awbowman:
I'd be surprised if it can survive that shot.
That will come to light before the hunt is over... :campfire:
Youall put it to those hogs!
I felt pretty bad about the shot, but my dad said that it would be fine and to relax and get another arrow ready...
He was almost positive that they would come back.
Again it wasn't a half an hour later when we see the same group of hogs, a little wearier, coming from behind my dad. I immediately looked for the one I had shot before... I saw it.
It was eating corn and looked fine, but I still felt bad about the arrow in it. I wanted another shot at it...
It wasn't meant to be with that hog. The hog came in and wheeled around and ran off, but there was another hog with an arrow in it that I was going to try and shoot, it was right under the feeder when my Dad told me to shoot it.
I got back to anchor again and let the arrow fly...
WHACK!!! I missed...But I had hit the one behind it and we both heard bone...
:thumbsup: :coffee:
I guess watching the video on my phone was blurred. I thought it was a better shot than that.
Here's the shot...
He really wanted to shoot the pig with his arrow in it again...he felt bad about it toting his arrow. But as you saw, it never presented a shot before it moved off with some of the others...
Now the other hog with the arrow in it....we'd seen it the evening before when Cade put the stalk on this group at this stand. I could see with bino's that it was stuck solid and I couldn't see any evidence of it sticking out the other limped....but was eating corn...
So when this one stayed to eat....our focus shifted to it.....Again Cade shot a bit high.
I'm sure he was a little shook from his earlier shot, and maybe distracted a bit by all the other pigs and the arrow waving around....anyway his arrow sailed just over and with a loud "crack" hit the hog behind it!
It took the arrow with it, and ran hard up the road and was gone in a second!
This shot I wasn't too sure about....I was having a hard time keeping Cade's spirits up...he was feeling really bad about his two shots.
I managed to keep him in the stand for about another 10 minutes...then I knew we had to get down....
So I got down and was waiting for Cade to get ready to get down I walked to the feeder and found the start of a bloodtrail about 5yds. from shot. I could also see it was bleeding out both sides...
I walked back to get Cade out of the tree and told him the good news....his spirits were immediately lifted ;)
So after we got everything organized and back in our packs I showed Cade the blood and we followed a bit. Again it was easy to see that it was a 2 sided bloodtrail and it was steady.
We went back to the stand area to wait on Terry.
It was almost dark when the troop came back for more shots though....then we saw Terry's flashlight coming.
We got him up to snuff on everything and since we had to walk out on the same trail the bloodtrail went on....we followed....
We went about 100yds when the trail took a turn into the woods and we could suddenly hear rustling on the palmettos....we back out...with a nice cool night ahead of us...we knew it was best to leave this till morning.
Needless to say, Cade was a little quiet around the campfire that night...
• (
Great read great read, :coffee: love the suspense. Cade your doing great!
Nothing to feel bad about there. Those hogs can be tough targets when they are all grouped up like that. Then there is always the pressure that is felt when hunting a new species on a hunt where time is limited. I'd say your doing great Cade!
Guru II which presents a more stationary target a white tail or one of those hogs ,them hogs can be tough ?
Guru II which presents a more stationary target a white tail or one of those hogs ?
You bet they're tough Mr. Langer!!
The weeks leading up to this hunt we watched every video clip I could find of hogs(including some of Bill's) so he could see for himself just he could see what he was up helped I'm sure....but...when you're in the's still very, very tough!
While I was getting Cade all snuggled up in his sleeping bag for the night we talked about the next morning. We knew we had a hog to look for....that was a given....
But then he asked if I thought it would be alright with both Terry and I if he could go hunt with just Terry. It was just fine with me(as I said earlier, I was hoping for that from the beginning so he could enjoy some one-on-one time with "Uncle Terry"), I gave him a kiss goodnight and told him I'd ask Terry when I went back out to the campfire....
:) .......... Had to be hard for Cade to get to sleep that night....
Pumpkin Bread? I'm in.
oh and Great story so far Cade. I bet you its a lot warmer down in SC than at your house.
I had no idea so many liked Pumpkin Bread....lets all get together and hunt.... and I promise I'll make some for all of us!!! :campfire:
.....Terry was was more than happy to take Cade the next morning. Around the fire on this night is when I told Terry about what Cade had said about him earlier in the day....I could tell it warmed his heart to hear it...
After a quick bite the next morning we were off to corn. That done, Cade and Terry were off for their adventure....wait till you hear that one!!!
• (
Me, I was just going to stay back and hunt "Woods' Stand" and hopefully film myself killing a hog...
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• (
Absolutely gorgeous morning that I enjoyed the heck out of in the stand...but no hogs showed.
After a while I got down to work my way toward another stand to see if there was anything around.
Checked that feeder and still hadn't seen anything. About half way back to "Woods' Stand" I heard the 4 wheeler.
It was getting closer so I double timed it toward them....I was excited to see how they'd done....seemed early for them to be back.... :dunno:
Nice hog Terry. Awesome story guys but don't stop now with the great adventure.. :campfire:
keep em coming guys...can't wait to hear what's next!
Congrats on another hog T. Ill check back on the NY fellers progress tomorrow. Enjoying this thread immensely.
Enjoying the story and pics.
Good times Gents!!!
Keep it coming!!
It's hard to focus on a small spot when you have not only a moving target but a whole bunch of movement around it. Can make a fellar down right Dizzy.
You are doing a great Job telling the story, keep up the great work buddy, I am really looking forward to the rest.
I was down your way today. It's a good thing you stayed home, lots of cars in the ditch.
I was really excited to take this young and budding hunter this morning. Being that I don't have a son, and that Curt would even allow me to do so.
Cade was taking to this hog hunting really fast, and was VERY brave for a 12 year old, especially since he'd been hearing the larger hogs grunting and growling at us in the thickness of the bedroom and we couldn't even see them!!!
We parked at the Triangle and just shortly after we started our walk I told him not do be discouraged if we didn't see any hogs on our 1st pass as there was a heavy frost and the ground was frozen. I told him sometimes they wouldn't move early when it was like this cause they couldn't root in hard ground.
We didn't see or hear any hogs all the way to Rob's stand and it was nearly 8 AM....the time the feeders are set to go off. So, I asked him if he wanted to climb and sit for about 30 minutes as I figured the hogs would come running to the feeders 1st till the ground thawed. He said 'your call'....I pondered for a minute or two, and started glassing the bottom and then the feeder went off.
I asked him if he wanted to climb, and he said 'let's do it'!!!....So, I heaved him up to the 1st limb and stood below to catch him if he fell. He had some new boots that were a little clunky and not much good for tree climbing. I stayed till he got all his gear secure, bow hung, and was safely seated, then I scrambled up Rob's stand.
I whispered to him we'd sit a while, and if he got cold to let me know and we'd get down and stalk some more....he gave me the thumbs up and replied 'They'll be here soon" with a big grin across his face......and I could only grin myself. This was fun.
Originally posted by Terry Green:
[qb] 'They'll be here soon" wit a big grin across his face......and I could only grin myself. This was fun.
AWESOME. :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
We weren't up there 10 minutes when I turned to Cade and said 'Here they come' this was a different group than the evening before, but they came in scurrying and leap frogging each other down the road till the feeder was in sight....and then it was a foot race.....
They piled in and it was like watching a tennis match....glancing right at Cade and left at the hogs, back and forth - back and forth.
I'd spied a blond hog with some spots on it, and I just knew Cade was going to pick that one out.....I saw Cade waiting and waiting and I whispered to him to shoot....and he whispered back 'I've picked one out'....I told ya this was fun!!! Here's a 12 year old not just satisfied with just any of them, he's already being selective....gotta love it!!!
I saw him draw and slowly back down....FOUR times.....but the FIFTH time he drew I looked back just in time to see the shot and the arrow looking good on its way to that spotted hog that was quartering away......
Your up Cade!!!
This is playing out real well. I can't wait to see Cades first hog
To the top!
You guys had a great hunt whether or not anything went down. But I'm bettin one did!! :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
Nice, keep it coming!!! Great pic. and story!! Lets go Cade, your in the batters box, now come to the plate!! Great job bud!! Shawn
Great story guys! Keep it coming!
Come on Cade it's almost my bed time!! :biglaugh:
So the arrow was on its way and then I heard a slight THUMP, I hit the hog good height wise but a little to far back...
The hog immediately ran and had just reached that same bend that they had come from when it stopped...
It fell over then tried to get back up, and eventually laid on its side and died! :bigsmyl: :bigsmyl: :bigsmyl:
I was full of joy and so was Mr. Terry. We waited about 5 minutes or so then Mr. Terry got out of Mr. Rob's stand and helped me get out of my stand. I got the arrow out from under the feeder... That was one bloody arrow!
We walked over to the hog and took some nice pics... Mr. Terry you're up!
:thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
Awesome!!! Way to go Cade! :clapper:
Nice :clapper:
Now I should mention....that too far back means on this quartering away hog the shot was only TWO inches right for a PERFECT shot which would have moved the impact 4 inches forward on the body....elevation WAS perfect. Well, being that the hog only went 35 yards....I'd say the shot was STILL perfect!!!
Like Cade said....the whole group ran down the road wide open and his hog just stopped.....I knew what was to follow.....
When the hog fell over Cade about leaped out of his stand, and there was a grin on his face as wide as the Mississippi now!!!..."WE DID IT" He exclaimed.....'Yes we did MR Cade' I replied...."Yes we did".
And here's the Broadhead....a Zwickey that I had given him....
Now to load it up and go tell Dad....and get to tracking last night's hog.....
Whoop! Way to go man!!!
Great job boys! All of you! :thumbsup:
Way to go Cade!!! :clapper: :clapper: :clapper: :clapper:
Way to go Cade! :archer:
:clapper: :clapper: :clapper: :clapper:
OH YEA!!! Do it to it bud :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
I got a feeling we'll see more bacon down soon....
:campfire: :campfire:
Thanks for taking me with you that morning Mr. Terry. It was great recovering my first hog ever with you. I hadn't seen the pics till now, they're great.
Well its time to hit the hay for me! Be back in the morning.
Way to go Cade Congratulations!!!! Terry you as as proud of him as a Pappa could be. As you should. What a great way to share a young mans first hog. :clapper: :clapper: :clapper: :clapper:
Cade, that's AWESOME!!! :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
The smile tells it all! :clapper:
I had tears running down my face when my youngest son killed his buck this year...Curt you and Terry had to of been on top of the world. Congrats to everyone.
Congrats Cade! That is a fine hog buddy! :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
Great job guys!
:clapper: :clapper: :clapper: :clapper: Awesome Congratulations
Great story can't wait to till my boys are old enough to hunt as well. Good shooting Cade and Terry. :clapper: :clapper:
Plenty more stories to be aint EVEN over.....
Thanks for takin us along, its been a fun ride and I'm bettin the best is still to come :bigsmyl:
Hey some one tell Cade to set that alarm early!!!
Awesome guys! :thumbsup:
OHHH YEEAAAAHHH!!!! :clapper: :clapper:
Yeah....don't go anywhere guys....this thread will be over 50 pages before its done!!!
Putting us all to shame!! Hahaha
:D :bigsmyl:
I am really liking this so far. I got tears just thinking about the first deer my first child took. Did the same with the next 2 kids. My youngest daughter has not taken a animal yet, she is 13 but we are working on it. My 24 year old now she has got it down and the two boys in the middle have it down. Maybe I need to book a time to return home to S.C. and let my youngest give it a try. Great job Cade! :clapper: :clapper: :clapper: :archer2:
I Love It!! Way to go Cade, good shooting. Those little guys are real good eating! :clapper:
Great work by everyone involved! Way to hang in there and not get discouraged Cade. IT PAYED OFF!!!! Cool looking pig to boot!
God Bless,
Great looking hog Cade!!!! Congratulations!!!!!!!
Great job Cade...... I think if Terry's smile was any wider he would pull a jaw muscle.... good stuff right there !!!
Awesome young man!
How evident it is that the traditional spirit evoked a camaraderie, a flame, which can easily be discerned and sensed. The sharing of the group’s experiences has brought much to the table.
A faithful friend is beyond price, no sum can balance his worth.
Great hunt and story guys . Keep it coming
Way to go Cade!!!!
What a great hunt Cade and a great day for your mentors.... don't think your Dad or Terry could be more filled with pride :)
Great job to all!!!
:clapper: :clapper: :clapper:
GOT ER DONE! :clapper: :clapper: Big Congrats
Way to get it done, Cade!!!! :clapper: :clapper:
Conf=grats on your first hog!
I don't think all of tradgang could be filled with more pride to be able to share in Cade's first hog kill, Terry you've made one young hunter very happy. Congradulations Cade and Dad
COngratulations, Cade! Nice job!
Cade: Congratulations :clapper: :clapper:
Super Cool Cade..................
Great stories and pictures guys! Looking forward to more of this! Congratulations! :clapper:
Bernie Bjorklund
NC Iowa/SW Wisconsin
Way to go Cade!! Nice pig!! :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
You're ahead of me, I still haven't killed a porker!!
Treasure huntin with your Dad and Unca Terry all you can!! :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
That's awsome Cade!!!!
Nice pics :thumbsup:
Congrats on a some fine hogs, Cade and Terry! :thumbsup:
Way to go to Cade, Curt and Terry. I wish all young men had the chance for this. Cade, you have done well, you worked for it, you get it...and you deserve it. Terry and Curt, I look up to guys like you. Glad there are still some out there. This is good stuff!
Congrats on the pig Cade!!!
You've had one good first year of bowhunting!
Way to go and congrats
Way to go Cade!! I hope one day I can share a camp with you, your dad, and Terry.
Congrats Cade on your first hog! Awesome... simply awesome! :clapper:
Great job on your first hog! You are an excellent role model for the future of our sport.Good luck on all your future hunts and make sure you write them up on TG, because, I believe we have a budding writer here.....
Great shot Cade and congrats on your first hog!!
Great Job Cade!!! :clapper: :clapper: :clapper:
Cade great job, glad you you scored. Curt and Terry thank you for taking us along on this great hunt with Cade! :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :clapper:
Right on Gang! :thumbsup: Awesome stuff everyone!!! :clapper:
Way to go Cade. Did you dad and Terry cook up the hog for you and serve it to you on a silver platter??? Great job.
So awesome to see those pix for the first time!
And to read about it all put together by both Terry and Cade is just about too cool....I luv it!
So where was I on this....
"About half way back to "Woods' Stand" I heard the 4 wheeler. It was getting closer so I double timed it toward them....I was excited to see how they'd seemed early for them to be back.... [dunno]"
....So as they where getting closer, I noticed something in the rack on the front of the 4 wheeler....
My first thought was...."man I don't remember Terry taking his bobcat quiver out of camp this morning"...
I knew he hadn't, because it had his wood arrows in it that he shoots with his selfbow, and I knew he wasn't hunting with it this morning....hmmmmmm....
They sped up, and just about the time I realized what I was looking at, I got a thumbs up :thumbsup:
I thought..."oh my god, he got one!!!"
I couldn't believe it....he'd done it!!!!!!!
They told me all about it an I just still couldn't believe it....but there it was...Cade's "first" hog!!!!
After I calmed down enough to think straight I told Terry .....
"if it wasn't me that was with him when he killed his "first" hog, I can't think of a better person for it to be than you....thank you brother"
I couldn't stop smiling.... but you should have seen the smiles on their faces!!
I was so excited and happy....I didn't take a single picture when they pulled up.....
Now it was time to go back and look for the hog he'd hit the evening before....
We parked at the "Triangle" gathered our gear, and headed in....
Almost immediately we got into usual, Terry and I just hung back....but we stayed close enough that if things got a little "hairy" for Cade, we could be next to him in a flash!
There were little hogs darting back and forth from side to side across the road. They were also moving away from us as....really tough catching up these guys...
About half way in we ran into another group and sent Cade ahead again.....
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We could see a bigger hog in this group as well!
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As Terry and I watched and whispered back and forth...we became aware of some loud slashing...there was another hog in the water eating corn....and it was a big one!!!
We could tell Cade had shifted his focus to this big hog, as he slid himself over to the right side of the road to make better use of his cover. This was a BIG hog!
Undaunted....Cade closed in....
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Here he's about 20yds....and stopped just in time so that the hog didn't catch him...
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Head down, he closed in further....
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He was doing it perfect! Even though I knew he couldn't hear me...the whole time I was whispering encouragement to my boy....
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When he got here, less than 15yds., I remember whispering to Terry......"he's got'um"!!
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Originally posted by Guru:
I thought..."oh my god, he got one!!!"
Those words and the feeling you felt right then and there will play back in your mind forever. It doesn't get any better than seeing our kids succeed for the first of many times. Sends chills down my spine bud.
:clapper: A big hand to the photographer!
Awe Man Curt, You know exactly where to insert a commercial break :readit: ;) ;)
Curt you are killin me, just as it is getting good. You leave us hanging. Great story telling. Love it.
Keep it coming!!
Congrats, Cade, you have the "true heart" of the bowhunter. :archer: Terry and Curt, great job of putting this hunt together, I know this is the start of many more to follow. Well done! :goldtooth:
Man, that last set of pics is so cool.
Wow that's an awesome sequence of pics!!! :thumbsup:
Great story and pics....way to get it done young man..!..... :clapper:
Thank you guys for all the congratulations...
Now lets get on with the story. :)
After that last pic was taken I started the side step maneuver, I got less than 10 yds from the pig when I started to lift my bow...
:campfire: :coffee:
Congrats young fella! Great shooting.
Ok...just got caught up...this is GREAT! :thumbsup: Congratulations Cade and thanks for taking us along. Can't wait for the "rest of the story". :campfire:
Come on Little Buddy!!!! :wavey:
CADE!!!!!!!! :bigsmyl: You can't just stop there!!!
OK....back up a bit....there was a lot of thinking on Cades part about his hero just had to be I made suggestions and he went along with one. To have the big trees in the bottom that were to his right as they are scheduled to be cut and will be gone for two lifetimes.
We did take our time with the whole pic scenario ....mostly because I was enjoying the HECK out of it. :D :D :D
I knew he wanted to get back and tell Dad...but I didn't want my time to end with him so soon. I was savoring the moment.
Thanks for the words Curt....they mean more than you know.....It was an honor.
I'll be back after taking my wife to breakfast....I'd like to chat more about that stalk above....
I'll leave ya with this....This pic right here will give you some idea of this hogs its rear is almost facing us and its turned around looking at us...she's in a semi-circle...and this pic does not show the length of her...but gives you an idea of how tall she is....even though shes standing in a ditch and in 4 inches of water!!! She is NOT level with the road!!!
OK...she's not ready just yet...
So, I was really watching this with great anticipation and I got goose bumps when I saw Cade turn sideways and start side stepping the last few yards....and no one told him to do so.
There he was, seeing the biggest hog of the trip, and not only was he stalking it....he had the presents of mind to remember what his dad told him!!!
I told you he was brave....and now he was showing a LOT of poise for a young man!!!!!
OK...back to you Cade....
ohhh this is killing me!!! I feel like I'm right there with you guys. I cant wait till I can start taking my daughter with me!!!
Terry & Curt, What general area of SC were you guys in? I was in Aiken visiting my parents last weekend. I kept getting this unexplainable "itch" ;) ...were you guys close by?
I'm wearing out the "refresh" button here!
Quote "I couldn't stop smiling...."
Me either :)
This is one of the best reads I've seen on TG !!!!!!
Come on Cade!!!!
Awesome awesome awesome stuff. I think Ruark might have re-written this had he had the chance to read this adventure!
“Any time a boy is ready to learn about guns is the time he’s ready, no matter how young he is, and you can’t start too young to learn how to be careful.”
― Robert Ruark, The Old Man and the Boy
Some guys have the gift and some don't. Cade has it. This is one of the best stories ever.
Now hurry up and post the rest of it. Lol
Just to elaborate what Terry earlier about Cade's "side stepping"....
Like I wrote earlier....before we left we did everything to try to prepare him for the hunt ahead...
Part of that was "stalking" our targets in the yard. Ya know...staying low...not moving while they're looking... and one of the things we went over was...
When in in range or two and looking to get just the last few yard..."you have to be ready to shoot at any time, try to keep your front foot forward. By turning sideways and shuffling your feet, you can keep your right foot forward(he's lefty like me)"
Now....seeing him have the poise to do this
at the moment of truth.....well lets just say it made me proud to watch!
So there he was....10yds away from the biggest hog we'd seen yet....
Ok where was I...
So my heart is probably beating like crazy and I'm sooo excited and I am starting to raise my bow, but when I raise it in the moment of the excitement I raised it "little" to fast and that was the last time I ever saw that hog... :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:
That happens Cade. What an adrenalin rush though huh?
You'll never forget that stalk and that is what it's all about. Great job applying what your dad taught you and practicing it!!
Terry and I both were instantly,no,no,no.....uhhhh!
He had that hog dead to rights....I mean he had it man, he had it!!!!!
But I guess with everything building inside him and the tension of the situation..... when the hog stepped forward and cleared....his bow shot up to shooting position.....busted!!!
What an experience!!! For all of us!!!!!!!!
We talked about it, smiled a lot.....then we were again off the look for Cade's hog from the evening before.
With all these hogs around, it was tough getting back there :archer:
He's just learning. In a few years he'll out hunt us all. Awesome to see you gettin it done Cade. This thread is like a front row seat.
Awesome pics! Great stalk, Cade. Sometimes it works, and sometimes it don't! That's part of what makes it so special when everything comes together and it does work.
That's ok man. It happened to me about 100 times last week. But that's what makes ground hunting so fun. An why they invented tree stands! Lol.
Sooooooooooooo close !!!!
What a great place to hunt.... so game rich, Cade will never be the same !!!!!
I don't think I'd want to be at the end of your next stalk thinks there are many hogs in your future :)
Well...that's not the total end of that big sow story....
After the hog busted out of there....and I mean busted, as in everything in her way.....Cade made a statement...
"Wow, she was big, and she had this red place on her like she'd been in a fight" pointing at the side of his stomach about at belly button level....
I said "Where Cade"?..."Right here" as he pointed to the same exact spot. I said...."You mean low, like just through the tits" and he then looked up and me with a total look of amazement on his face and said "OOOOOHHHhhhhh, That was the one YOU shot earlier"!!! ....I said, 'I told you she was big'. 'She sure was'!!! Cade exclaimed.
I can't imagine how big that sow looked to o man.
Anyhow, now we know two things, that hog was still fine and dandy, and that maybe I'd made a bad shot for a reason....a real good reason. I'd trade that hog for a Cade stalk on it every time. :readit:
What a great hunt......can't wait to read the coming stories! You rock Cade!
Originally posted by Butchie:
Terry & Curt, What general area of SC were you guys in? I was in Aiken visiting my parents last weekend. I kept getting this unexplainable "itch" ;) ...were you guys close by?
The location would be more SE from Aiken. Hwy 601 and Hwy 278 will put you in a general area of where this place is if I recall correctly. I lived in Bamberg county for over 40 years and this used to be on my way to Beaufort. Man I have to move back home. I miss S.C.
Yeah...not too far from Aiken....
Anyhow...chatted with Curt today and he was about to fix lunch for the I sent him this text.....
Oh, and here's a pic I found...a silhouette of Curt and Cade in Wood's stand just as I left starting off the day you just read about....
Now thats some good lookin eatin..
Way to go Cade! One down and getting 10 yards always is quit a feet!
Love Stubb's moppin' sauce and bar b q sauces.
This is good to see how well Cade is being instructed and seeing how he's in the process of putting it all together...lots of fun reading this... and Terry's done a good job of making me hungry!
Dang. Pumpkin Bread and now Smoked Pork with Stubbs. Gets better all the time.
Man I need to do some Hog Hunting. The lunch picture put me over the edge!!
Fantastic stories and pictures!!!
And I love reading everyones comments of appreciation and encouragement to Cade!
Looking forward to more :campfire:
Fantastic stories and pictures!!!
And I love reading everyones comments of appreciation and encouragement to Cade!
Looking forward to more :campfire:
Congratulations, best of show!! :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
really enjoying this Cade!
Makin me hungry!!!!
Congratulations Cade! Looks like a great hunt for Dad and Terry too.
can it really get better???...if it ended now it would be fantastic!!!
i have a felling you'll be welcome in a lot of camps there young man.
:clapper: :clapper: :clapper:
Originally posted by Terry Green:
Yeah...not too far from Aiken....
Anyhow...chatted with Curt today and he was about to fix lunch for the I sent him this text.....
Now that sure does look good. I can be there in about 12 hours for the next batch. :bigsmyl:
Nice job all of you. COngratulations on your 1st hog Cade. Nice color.
Congrats on your first hog Cade! I'm lovin' the story, keep it coming. :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
Congrats on your first hog Cade!
This is going to be one of those threads you can read and reread again. Keep it up guys I'm really enjoying this one.
Another pic I got from Curt....of the terrain in the bedroom I was tracking in all morning.....just passing time as Cade must have taken the day off to rest, and I don't blame him....(notice the old horned tree)?
And another of me and Cade......I really like this pic of just me and him and his SMILE!!!
:campfire: :coffee:
WOW! Been reading for more than an hour now….. :thumbsup:
I have been fortunate enough to hunt with a bunch of young hunters……there is nothing better.
Congratulations to Cade, Curt, and Terry……and thank you for sharing it with us. :cool:
Man this is good :saywhat:
I knew that was a lucky Binocular strap.
Very glad You had such a good hunt Cade. Looking forward to hearing the rest of Your story. Keep it coming guys.
Congratulations again Cade, Terry, and Guru! Reading all of this made me feel like I was there. Looking forward to hearing more :thumbsup: :campfire:
Thank you have no idea how writing about this hunt brings back a flood of memories!!
When Cade started writing Friday he got so excited, he had a huge smile on his face and said he wanted to go now!!
.......ok, so here we were after that intense stalk, and after running into more hogs....we finally made it back to the spot where we'd marked the night before with tissue paper.
I can remember thinking before I fell asleep and after waking up in the morning that the only logical place for Cade's arrow had to have hit was up in the jaw/throat area. It was bleeding good, but some of the bloody spots we were finding had freshly chewed corn in it, not like something that came out of the entrails. Plus there was the 'crunching' sound of bone at impact....anyway, that was my theory....
Terry and Cade had looked quickly in the morning when they were back in there. But after about 10yds. in ran into a confusing spot where you could see the hog kept getting hung up.....they'd backed out to come get me....
So we got here and it took us all about 1/2 hr just to figure out how the hog had left this little area. I found some blood about 10yds away... it had taken a hard right turn and now we were back on the blood!
The amount of blood the hog had already lost had us thinking that there was no way this hog could be far away.....but it just kept on going....erratic and confusing....but it kept on going.....
A good amount of time later and another 100yds or so, we seemed to hit another dead end and looked and looked..........and looked.... and looked more...
It couldn't be far, we knew that....but again the blood just couldn't be found....
Thank you guys for sharing this adventure with takes me back to my first hunts with my father as a young teen. Congratulations on a heck of a hunting trip and great story Cade!!!! Can't wait to read more :thumbsup: :campfire: :archer:
- a last ditch effort...Terry said lets just spread out and do a body search. We were lucky to be in a spot with not too much thick ground cover. At least we had that working for us.
I swear it hadn't been 30 seconds and we hadn't gone 20yds then Terry exclaimed....."I found some flesh, about 25 pounds of flesh"!!!!!!
I knew what he meant, but he had Cade confused for a few seconds....then he caught on and we all charged ahead!!!!
This is what we found...
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This hog, which was really his fist, but second recovered, was taken with an old Wolverine broadhead that an old friend of ours gave wanna talk about one happy kid!!!!!
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My 'theory' (that I had kept to myself) was in fact 'on the money'( I swear I'm not making it up ;) )
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Ready to head back to camp to take some serious pictures!!
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On the way back,(knowing Cade had never driven a 4 wheeler before) Terry just stopped and said..."ok Cade, you've earned it!
And off to camp we went for pix!!!
Those pix to follow....
Enjoy the pix...
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Man those look like some GREAT eating :thumbsup: :campfire: That's one heck of a hole as well
This is truly an inspirational thread...
Now those are hero pics!!
Awesome! Way to go Cade! :clapper:
The pix are fantastic!
It's awesome to see the smile on Cade's face in the hero pictures ,then to see the serious look while driving the quad what a memory you will have forever Dad!!!!!!!!!!!
:thumbsup: Nicely done!
A little more about that Wolverine BH....
The day I mounted it on a steel adapter we went out to test shoot it just like all the others.
From the first shot Cade made with it, it seemed as though it was destined for something special. Cade never made a single bad shot with it while practicing....every one was dead on!
He badly wanted to use it. but really wanted to kill a hog first with one of his Terry Green Zwickey's....the one's Terry had given him last summer and were used to kill his first 2 deer.
Well it all seemed to work out great....he killed a hog with each. I was with him when he killed the black hog with the Wolverine, and Terry was with him when he made his great shot with the Zwickey......isn't great how things work out sometimes :pray:
Great job Cade!
I could post a lot of words...but I think its best to say little at this this about sums it up.
THAT morning, Cade getting TWO hogs on the 4 wheeler and then getting to drive it was BIG TIME FOR ALL THREE OF US !!!!!!
Congratulations Cade, Curt and Terry! What a great adventure!!
Nicely done guys!!! :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
Have a great Sunday Everyone!!! :archer2:
I cant imagine how special this trip must have been for all three of you.
Cade...congrats Bud on some great shooting. Pretty tough when you have a camera rolling and a couple of grown ups watching and wishing for you. Lots of pressure but Cade you seem to be built for just such situations.
Been really fun watchin you go through all this action this year. Thanks for sharing.
Guru...Terry... :thumbsup: :notworthy:
Fun stuff right here!
Awesome!!! Congrats Cade. Great job Curt and Terry. I know all three of you had a blast.
Great stuff!!!
:thumbsup: :thumbsup:
Originally posted by Terry Green:
So :biglaugh: Cade didn't skunk you guy's?
Originally posted by Terry Green:
The story that keeps giving!!!! :) Congrats to Cade and you guys on a job well done :thumbsup:
With all the writing Cade has done, I think extra credit in English class is in order :)
Good stuff keep it coming. :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :goldtooth:
:campfire: :coffee:
Congrats Cade!
Once again, congrats Cade!!!!!! Looking forward to the coming stories.
Hey Curt, looks like you better call Jack......I think Cade found himself a new bow! :bigsmyl:
Terry, I like your new Avatar. Good stuff fellows.
The pics of the proud hunter with the proud mentors just brings a smile to my heart!
Great story and great kills. Nice work guys!
Congrats Cade and big pat on the back for mentors!!
Such great memories made!
Congrats to all
Can't wait for "The Rest of the Story".
WOW! Loving this thread :clapper:
Congrats to all three
Well Done........
Awesome Little Buddy!!!
The thread of the year in my book
Originally posted by Huntrdfk:
Once again, congrats Cade!!!!!! Looking forward to the coming stories.
Hey Curt, looks like you better call Jack......I think Cade found himself a new bow! :bigsmyl:
Buddy...already thinking about starting to collect some material for one!!!
I'll never get tired of looking at this picture...
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After the pix, I hung Cade's hogs next to Terry's from the day before and we headed for town to get some supplies and we ate at Cade's favorite place...Subway! Don't ask me :campfire:
Not so FAST!!! Cade's not getting away with one of the 'Quotes of the Hunt'.
We stopped to call home and Cade had something to tell Mom. Mom asked Cade first thing..."Are ya having a good time"? and Cade said "Yes"...and get this......the next words out of his mouth were....
"I haven't changed my underpants in THREE days" :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:
"I could post a lot of words...but I think its best to say little at this this about sums it up.
THAT morning, Cade getting TWO hogs on the 4 wheeler and then getting to drive it was BIG TIME FOR ALL THREE OF US !!!!!!"
:thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
Cade........."I haven't changed my underpants in THREE days"
:biglaugh: :biglaugh: :biglaugh:
Originally posted by Terry Green:........
Not so FAST!!! Cade's not getting away with the next words out of his mouth were....
"I haven't changed my underpants in THREE days" :thumbsup:
After we got through laughing...and hearing Mom on the other end saying something...I whispered to to Cade...."Tell her you haven't brushed your teeth either"...and Curt loudly whispered back...
"NO NO NO..DON'T Push IT-DON'T Push IT" !!! :biglaugh: :biglaugh: :biglaugh:
Great job Cade! You too, dad and Terry! Those look like some fine eatin size pigs to me!!!
Congrats Cade!! now you know NOT to change your underwear for atleast 3 days while hunting.....its just plain ole GOOD LUCK!!
Oh my god.....I had tears in my eyes from laughing so hard :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:
You should have heard my wife on the other end!!!!!
Telling her that he hadn't brushed his teeth would have put her over the edge for sure!!!!
Without a doubt the best laugh I've had in a long time!!!!
BTW....he had been brushing his teeth :D
Man you know you're in hunting camp when you can say that!! Too funny!
Congrats on recovering #2 Cade!
Let's hear more!
LOL, what a great story!
Gonna hate to see this thread end. Keep it coming as long as you can :)
...when we got back to camp The Sugar Hill Gang was waiting for us....oh wait a minute....those were the rappers :notworthy:
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Ready to feast!!
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Love these kids!!! In the backround you can see the aftermath of the outstanding meal Michael had made for us...
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Michael, thank you again for the fantastic meal brother!!!!
Great stories! :clapper:
This is the best thread I've seen in a while! Curt and Terry, you guys get a special :thumbsup: :thumbsup: You're doing an awesome job!
Congrats Guys, especially you Cade!!!!
Thanks for sharing.
I was in the 1st stand, yet to be named since its new. It was all quiet for an hour and a half...then here they came....
A mama leading about ten little ones...they just piled right in and started eating....then they started into the water and started eating under water...
Then here comes about 7 more little ones...this continued till the last, and the least in size came in...and he came in all by himself flat out...making the count up to 23.
I have a vid I'll get Rob to convert for me that you guys will want to see...and hear.
I had my selfbow with me that I made back in 2000 and I really wanted to kill something with it but I wasn't going to shoot this moma that was in charge of 22 little ones(some obviously orphaned)....and I sure was enjoying the show...hoping another larger hog would show...but that never happened...
Yeah, good to see the Langahans clan....Mills hadn't changed a bit, but gotten about a foot taller and now she's even cuter. And yes, just as busy as the last time I saw her.
Great Story Cade, Guru and Terry.
Congrats on another first Cade!
Looks and sounds like an absolute blast! Congrats Cade!!
Looking forward to the rest of the stories. :campfire:
Wow! Congrats Cade!!!!
This thread keeps getting better! ;) :thumbsup:
Fantastic story!!! Keep it coming!
Awesome story Cade congrats on your first pig
Congrats Cade on a great hunt.Cade,Guru and Terry thanks for sharing the stories and pics.
We said goodbye to our friends, the Langehans'....I wish we lived closer together....our kids would get along great!
So we cleaned up a little...and Cade reminded me that he only had one sharp broadhead in his quiver after the days hunt...which reminded me that I had one to sharpen as well. So I got to work...
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With that done...I got Cade tucked in and Terry and I sat around the fire to reminisce about the wonderful day we had shared....a day without a
doubt none of us will ever forget :campfire:
This was Saturday night....that left us with one full day...Sunday...
great stuff here guys. :campfire:
Those days are the most important. Enjoying this story.
Too cool you three are awesome! Congrats on your first hog, Cade!
Congrats Cade...what a hunt!!! Terry & Guru you sure make us all proud ;)
PS: I was down there a few days after ya'll with my son & brother-in-law who had never hunted before in his life. Everyone saw multiple hogs and meat was added to the cooler...but that can wait for another day. tippit
Just got caught up on the last 5 pages or so. My wife and I are still getting a good chuckle out of the underwear confession...great thread guys!
This is why I joined Tradgang, Trad bow hunting at it's best. :thumbsup:
Wow! Great hunt guys! Congrats to all! I finally just read all the way through it. Amazing hunt so far. Can't wait to see what happens on the last day, something seems to always happen on the last day at last light :campfire:
P.S. Terry what's the story on the knife you used to gut your hog? Sorry if I missed the story.
Just had a chance to catch the last six pages or so....Congrats to all three of you. And especially to you Cade.....what a trip!
Awesome story and pictures... :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
Those Langahans sure get around...
Congrats Cade, Guru, and Terry. Great hunts and stories... :)
Enjoying this a lot....
Best read(hunt) along this year!!
I've been hanging on every word. This is great!
Love it! Congrats on the second Cade!
Man, this has been great.........and we still have another day to hear about!
What a wonderful adventure! Congratulations Cade & a well done to all involved... Thanks for sharing, the pics & videos are awesome!!!!! Ready for more :campfire:
:thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
Well done so far guys. Thanks for taking us along.
Forgot to tell about the knife...its a Doug Campbell ...I asked him to make it for me...kinda like a camp knife pretty big and meaty...not really best for gutting and skinning but it will get the job done....heck, you can even gut a hog with a broadhead if you forget your knife. Yep, done that too. :rolleyes:
Thanks to all three of you guys for one of the best threads I have ever read on tradgang
Also...Michael, as always...thanks for the fine meal....that is always a real treat. We even enjoyed it for lunch the next day...and with our pork loin the next evening. Yes, the pork loin was fresh, not frozen. :D
OK...I guess its OK...haven't chatted with Curt get to the next morning.
We corned...and that was an adventure in itself...the 4 wheelers tires went about half flat and I sure didn't want to have a tire pop off the rim and leave it we took a chance, with the wet road and all the rain the property took the week before and had a go with a 2 wheel drive truck I'd hauled everything down with.
All was good till we got to Rob's stand to turn around and the long bed, as I suspected, was too long to turn around in the road...that truck has a TERRIBLE turning radius. So, I had to back up and get a running start across a ditch and get to higher ground and turn around in the opening on the other side of the feeder....
It was hairy, but I made it...after getting the truck turned around with a bit more spinning I had to get back across with less speed. So, I headed for the same ruts as before. Curt had checked the ruts I'd made and it was somewhat hard bottom, and we thought it was best to hit them again as to not have to push mud out of the way making new ones....which would have loss speed. I was so relieved when I was back on the other side of that ditch let me tell ya.....Then we corned our way out.
I decided to take pics and video this morning and not 'guide' as this was the last morning and I wanted to get some pics and footage of Curt and Cade together....what was to follow was an entire morning of stalking the WHOLE length of the 'Killer Kilometer'. It started at Wood's stand and didn't end all the way to Rob's stand. What a morning!!!!
Curts got a lot of pics and videos and I'm not sure how far along he is with them since they were to be delivered today UPS....
Oh my, I hope you did not pack those pics in a cooler to send them to Curt! :scared: :bigsmyl:
Nah...funny...he just texted me that the card showed we are good. :D
-'s the clip from the night I said...this would make a good sleep ap for your smart it sounds like a brook in the mountains with frogs croaking...turn up the volume...
Hogs Feeding underwater - Click Here (
sounds like freedom, and all in the world is okay at that moment!
God Bless the USA and our rights to hunt.
All I can say is WOW. What an Awsome trip. Memories to last a lifetime.
Finally had the chance finish reading thru this thread. It has been GREAT and I'm sure it's far from over. Wonderful trip, hunt, experience and memories. Good job and congrats to all of you, esp Curt. Much of Cade's maturity and success comes from within, but Dad has a tremendous part in it, too. You are both blessed.
I still remember this cute little kid... now he's a grown up killin machine. Awesome little Buddy! :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
Damn, I'm getting old... ;)
Dang know better than to take a kid to a bar!!!
:biglaugh: :biglaugh: :biglaugh:
Great picture!
Good hunt...good read. Nice going.. :thumbsup:
I like what you said Blaino.
Congrats Cade..job well done!!! Guru you got a great kid and Terry an awesome job as a uncle and hunting mentor
Thanks for the comments guys........its easy when its fun!!!
Originally posted by Terry Green:'s the clip from the night I said...this would make a good sleep ap for your smart it sounds like a brook in the mountains with frogs croaking...turn up the volume...
Hogs Feeding underwater - Click Here (
That was pretty cool.
Really enjoyed Cades adventure in Pig Paradise! Thanks for sharing with us. Congrats Cade!!! :clapper: :clapper: :clapper:
I am really enjoying the stories, photos and videos. Thanks for taking the time to share them with us.
Was all this action taking place at the Bacon Strip?
Originally posted by BDann:
[QB] I am really enjoying the stories, photos and videos. Thanks for taking the time to share them with us.
Congratulations Cade! Well done. Thanks for sharing your adventure with us.
Fellas....I just spent 5hrs. working on pix and videos...I'll get going again tomorrow morning....
Great thread, I just read all 35 pages and can't wait for more.
I'll be here waiting for more :bigsmyl:
I keep thinking, what a memorable event for all three of you, and memories you will cherish forever. :thumbsup: :clapper:
Originally posted by Terry Green:
OK...I guess its OK...haven't chatted with Curt get to the next morning.
We corned...and that was an adventure in itself...the 4 wheelers tires went about half flat and I sure didn't want to have a tire pop off the rim and leave it we took a chance, with the wet road and all the rain the property took the week before and had a go with a 2 wheel drive truck I'd hauled everything down with.
All was good till we got to Rob's stand to turn around and the long bed, as I suspected, was too long to turn around in the road...that truck has a TERRIBLE turning radius. So, I had to back up and get a running start across a ditch and get to higher ground and turn around in the opening on the other side of the feeder....
It was hairy, but I made it...after getting the truck turned around with a bit more spinning I had to get back across with less speed. So, I headed for the same ruts as before. Curt had checked the ruts I'd made and it was somewhat hard bottom, and we thought it was best to hit them again as to not have to push mud out of the way making new ones....which would have loss speed. I was so relieved when I was back on the other side of that ditch let me tell ya.....Then we corned our way out.
I decided to take pics and video this morning and not 'guide' as this was the last morning and I wanted to get some pics and footage of Curt and Cade together....what was to follow was an entire morning of stalking the WHOLE length of the 'Killer Kilometer'. It started at Wood's stand and didn't end all the way to Rob's stand. What a morning!!!!
Curts got a lot of pics and videos and I'm not sure how far along he is with them since they were to be delivered today UPS....
Yeah, getting the truck turned around me scared to death once I realized how tight it was back there! But I didn't want to seem too worried to Terry because I was the one that pushed a bit and told him not to worry, "we'll get it turned around"...Terry was scared to death because he'd been stuck with this truck before...and we were in the middle of nowhere!!!! worked out....we got out and the hunt was on!!
Like Terry said....from the time we got to Woods' Stand, we were into hogs.....I'll post some pix first.....then add some videos...
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I gotta say how much it means to have all the pix and videos of me and my boy...I'm usually the guy with the I mostly get pix or videos of others...but to have all this is priceless.....thank you brother!!
We turned the corner at the "Triangle" and the stalks continued...this was shaping up to be one heck of a final day!!
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I'll be back soon....I have to upload more vids :archer2:
Really cool seeing that again....The one cracks me up...Cade kept getting closer and closer...thought he was going to pick him up and hug him. :biglaugh:
Sorry they are shorts....maybe I should have let em run longer...but I got the 'meat' of a lot of it....and took pics in between.
That looked like a nice one in that last video.
Great memories made right there.
You're right Curt, having Terry there to take those videos is great!!! What memories :)
Terry I think I recognize this strip of road from on of your older videos. You were making a sneak up this same section of road. I could be wrong?
Great stuff guys.... I’m sad that this is the last day but what a hunt. Don't want this thread to end :)
Sounds like we also need to see a video of getting that truck turned around too :clapper:
Yeah Coaster....I posted that on the other thread as a teaser...good stuff.
Originally posted by Marc B.:
Sounds like we also need to see a video of getting that truck turned around too :goldtooth:
HA!!!!...yeah...that would be fun to watch now....but not so if we didn't make it :biglaugh:
Originally posted by Doug Campbell:
I still remember this cute little kid... now he's a grown up killin machine. Awesome little Buddy! :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
Damn, I'm getting old... ;)
Buddy...what a memory there! Lunch with you, Karen, and Tippit.....where did those years go and my goodness Cade was cute!!!
This one here the pigs are up ahead, but as you see they start toward us....MAKE SURE YOUR VOLUME IS UP!!!
Here they come...
Closer yet...
And now the shot...Cade would later tell me he was just trying to remember to draw slow as we'd told him the day before.... well, he listened too well and by the time he got to anchor and released...the pig had moved ahead.....
What fun we were having!!
"Whiteface"...the nice sow we had dead to rights several times during the hunt...but her little one's were still "too" little.....we weren't done with her yet...
In this one I had "Whiteface" at 7yds off to our right in the grass, a couple other adult pigs were up ahead as well...but not in position to shoot...
Trying to make it happen....
to be continued....
As my cajun buddies say SHOOT SAMPTIN! :biglaugh:
Keep 'em coming!
This has got to be the best thread of the year. Way to go Cade, Curt and Terry, some great memories there.
Love the video with the shot. Gets your heart pumping.
Cade, you need to know that besides the great adventures you go on, you are a huge inspiration to a few young local kids who thought the only way they were going to kill an animal with a bow was with a compound. A lot of eyes have opened because of this.
Congratulations on more than just the kills.
I remember the wild adventures I had at that age with more fervor than at any other time of my life, just when you are starting to come into your own. I am sure Cade will cherish them for the rest of his life.
I'm sure Curt and Terry had about as good a time as they ever have had. Thanks for the take along.
Cade, Curt I think we need a drum roll !!!!!
Come on home team :)
Great stuff!!!
No worries...we are working on it....Curt has a lot of clips...and one took an hour and a half to load on youtube...and for some reason I could not get my file loader to update my last pics....
But, hang in there...there's a LOT left to hear about... :campfire:
Can't wait to hear more. :campfire: :coffee:
:thumbsup: :clapper:
This has been a fun read so far, thanks for taking the time to post it up. And congrats to the young hog killer.
Big ups Cade,,,,,Muy bien,,,Hasi se hase,,,Cazador con mucho Corazon,,,Very good ,thats how u get it done,,,Hunter with a big Heart...Guru and Terry,big ups for both,,,Thanks for sharing
Got a text from Curt...we was up till 3:45 loading vids n pics....he'll get us started back soon...I'll see if I got a little teaser pic I can throw in....IF my file uploader is working...rebooted as I left last we'll see.
Here's a few views of the new 'Cut Over Stand"(name if Michael likes is)....
Ok... sorry for the delays....been a busy couple of days!!!!
This is the last vid I posted...Trying to make it happen....
We had a couple bigger hogs up ahead, but there was a few smaller one's coming almost right at us...
For some reason Cade was struggling with his shooting this morning....he really should have had that one dead to rights. I think it was so close that he just didn't pick a spot. But we weren't done yet!
We had the wind in our face and there were more hogs up ahead. So on we went...
I could tell Cade was a little frustrated with his last shot and needed a little break so I moved on ahead by myself for a bit. Once again, you can see another close encounter with "Whiteface" was brewing...
Here I have "Whiteface" and her little one's just ahead to the right of the road, "Cade's hog", with his arrow in it from the other night, in the road up ahead in the road(which I knew he wanted badly to get another crack at), and another bigger hog off the left side of the road. You'll see at one point I started to draw on "Whiteface"(about 10yds) just for kicks...but I thought....I better not :eek:
I called Cade back up and we moved ahead to try to catch up to "his hog"...
We saw his hog just off the right side of the road in some weeds and I knew it was time to close in fast!
Cade had already asked me to try to shoot it as well if he couldn't get close enough. I really wanted him to be the one that finally killed it, but I knew either way he'd feel ok about it.
I told him once we get close, since I have a faster set-up, I'd shoot on his release...
look at what happens...
Cade was less than 10yds when he shot and I was a few yards behind him. Not sure where his arrow went(but he missed again. Tough morning for him. I honestly think he was simply getting wore out!), at his shot the pig scooted forward and by the time my arrow arrived, it had moved enough that my arrow hit just behind it, right where it 'was'!
Cade quickly urged me ahead to try again and I sent him in to see if he could push it ahead to me. But it had had enough of our nonsense and headed for thick cover....dang it!
Like I'd explained earlier, I knew in my heart that the hog was going to be perfectly fine with Cade's arrow just under the skin of it's neck/shoulder area....but he felt terrible that it was still toting his naturally it became a prime target...
The encounters with this hog weren't quite over as Terry will tell about soon....
We reached "Rob's Stand" and turned around to hunt our way out...which of course gave us a pretty bad wind. This is the last of the video's...just Cade hunting his way out...
more soon...
Some more pix to go with the video's on the way in...
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What fun!
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On the way back out...
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This picture is one of Terry's...after we turned to corner at the "Triangle", we heard some hogs a ways inside the palmettos, so I crossed the ditch and got up on a berm to see if there was any way I could do anything with them.....nada!
When I came back out Cade said to me...."Daddy you disappeared in there"...Terry captured it...
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When I first saw that pic and remembered what Cade said I could see that my KUIU Verde camo had really just about made me disappear...pretty cool!
When I came back out...Cade said, for the 23rd time in the last half hr. that he was hungry!
And being his daddy, I could tell he was wore out from all the excitement and the long walk and needed to take a break.
Terry was also very hungry. For some reason I wasn't. I really wanted to head back "in" to try one more time before I headed for camp.
So asked Terry if it was alright if I went back in one more time while Cade and him went to have breakfast. I told him I'll be back in about an hour. Him and Cade headed for the truck, and I went back 'in'...
On the way in, I had a great wind, but for whatever reason, I hardly saw or heard anything.
When I got to "Rob's Stand" I took a quick pic of Cade's set-up...
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Then turned around and headed back out...
Even though the wind wasn't great I had a couple close encounters, but the only shots offered were too small.
Right after a close call....I was walking along....almost to the "Triangle"....when something on the ground in the road caught my eye.
As I walked by, I looked down and saw a bright, shiny penny...and I noticed it was heads-up....hmmmm
I kept walking, as I thought about what a strange place this was to find a shiny, new heads-up penny and also thought about what whatever it is people say about "a penny heads up and good luck"...I've never been one to pass up a heads-up penny, and figured we could all use a little good luck.
So I stopped, backed up about 5 steps, picked it up, and put it in my pocket....
When I got to "Sunset", knowing I wanted hunt it this evening, I decided to take some time to thicken up the ground blind Cade and I had built earlier...
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I started to walk toward the "90" and saw Cade and Terry coming my way with the truck....we headed for camp for lunch...
Now folks can see why Cade's quote 'There EVERYWHERE' was so true!!!
Cade, I notice in one clip...when you went in the brush to circle to try and move the hog toward your laid you bow in the road and didn't take it into the woods with you.
TIP:....don't ever do that again!!!.....
Your dad could have run them right back at ya!!! :D :D :D
Really Curt, Terry did a great job with the camera..... What memories :)
Curt, is Cade already pestering you and Uncle Terry to take him back? I know I would be.
Curt can tell about anything during lunch or what not...and what his and Cade's plans were for that evening....then I'll tell my story this evening...and let Curt finish off with his hunt...
When the last day, and last evening is upon you, you start to feel that the hunt is coming to an end...and its a strange feeling....not wanting to leave, but knowing you are going to see your family again.
And it really sets in as you start camp clean up and pre-packing knowing you might have a long night ahead if anyone kills anything.
That' the part I recall about the last lunch at the moment....
I also remember two I said to Cade....
'Soak it all in, cause it will be over before you know it'....and him saying at lunch that last day...'I don't want to leave'.
Yep, its always hard to leave when 'the fish are biting'. :(
Yep, its always hard to leave when 'the fish are biting'.
Amen brother!!!
Congrats all around!!!!
-, if Curt want's to back up...he can....I might have left something out...
Anyway...the plan was Cade wanted to hunt 'on his own' at Wood's stand. This would be a 1st for him and Curt. Wow, a 12 year old wanting to go it alone...
I told his mom that day on the phone I'd taken away a boy and was going to bring back a man, and here it was happening right before our eyes.
I'm sure Curt has pics...
Curt and I wished Cade the best, and walked off and left him...and even though he's not mine, I bet I felt a bit of what Curt felt. Curt and I continued on and well wished at Sunset and I traveled on to my evening stand, or so I thought....
I think y'all have captured the essence of why we hunt(and especially with stick and string) ...... and it has nothing to do with how many animals end up in the freezer!
I was geared up...had my ghillie in a roll over my shoulder and my Waldrop pack seat on my back, and my Big Jim Thunder Child with a full bow quiver...and a fanny pack full of corn...only to lightly trickle a certain length of the road, and strow a bit where I was going to set up....and lightly again a little past me...I was just gonna 'walk em on by' for a shot...and hopefully get a shot at a certain hog we'd had run ins with before....
Ya see....this photo....the hog in the back???
This hog was HUGE...I took that pic the morning I picked them up....and I truely believe this is the hog I shot 1st....and the same hog Cade stalked that was in the ditch in 4 inches of water because this hog is about 20 yards from the exact same place Cade stalked it. I would also guess that I shot the hog nearest the camera....but not as sure as I am about the larger one....and I'm pretty sure.
I remembered all this at lunch and I was going to set up on a little hump on the south side of the road about 12 yards in...all ghillied up in my Waldrop pack seat and bushwhack the hog I was hoping for.
Originally posted by awbowman:
...... and it has nothing to do with how many animals end up in the freezer!
I agree....but just hang on..... :D
I got to my spot and was getting set up...clearing leaves and sticks and setting the pack seat...then I noticed the wind was wrong....ALL WRONG...blowing to the road to my right...and from the right side of the road was where I was expecting them to travel...I was past the area we'd seen them to come from by about 40 yards. The way the wind was blowing, and the way I thought they'd come, I'd get busted for sure before I got a shot...
So, I wend across the road, but I had to face the other way to shoot, and the sun was in my eyes big time with only saplings with no leaves for shade.
This is a pet pev of mine ...facing the sun...being that I bass fished for YEARS when I was younger and wearing polarized sun glasses, my eyes do NOT like direct sun. And, it interferes with my depth of perception besides it gives me a headache after a while....
I pondered and stalled for a bit and even went back across the road for a few minutes to see if the wind would change...sometimes it does being this close to the coast...seems as though the coastal winds battle the prevailing winds at times. This also makes for a lot of busted stalks as the wind can turn 180 in 2 seconds.
That is a dandy hog. Hope you got another shot at her.
I finally decided to give up on my strategy....and turned my goal into something else...something I've never done, and probably very chancy.
I decided to walk on to Rob's stand and see if I couldn't kill a hog with an arrow already in it. Either Cade's...or the black one that we'd see that someone else had shot that we knew was hurting due to a definite limp and struggling to keep up with the others...
Sure, if a big hog showed...I'd surely shoot it...but that was now my main focus, a hog with an arrow in it.
I climbed Rob's stand and sat with all quiet for about an hour and a half....then I heard rustling behind me to my left and I thought it was a smaller group of larger hogs...only 2 or about 40 yards, even though I could not see that far, the rustling just sound of nothing...did they leave???
About 30 minutes go by.....and here they come....causious at 1st...then they piled in...with the black hog with the arrow in it trailing....
Luck would have it that it took to the outside of the pack giving me a clear shot with no other hogs to interfere.
I didn't wait long as I knew the wind could change...he was quartering to me and I had to aim just over the arrow that was already in it as to not impede penetration if I happened to hit it....
I bared down on the spot I wanted, just over and to the left of the shaft, the hog was facing right, and I dropped the string.....
Dang, hit right were I was looking with my 1st shot at an animal out of my Big Jim Bow....
The hog was hit hard with a Wensel Woodsman and turned and bolted around the shaft that was stuck in the ground and the arrow pulled loose out of the soft sandy soil once it straighten its get away....a short get away I might add...
The hog died on a dead run right in a mud hole about 30 yards way. No, not a big hog, but I'd filled half my quest(I'll explain later)....I'd taken out an injured animal that was suffering and would most likely not make it(our hunch)...and this was confirmed once I recovered it....
What were the chances of that?????
As you can see in the following pics, the arrow head, a Grizzly Kodiak barely sticking out the other side....
And in this can see the wet red spot where my broadhead entered it....
I went to pull the Bhead out but it wouldn't come, so I pulled harder, and pulled a little harder and the adapter turned loose from the head leaving the Bhead still inside. It was stuck in the off shoulder bone.
The arrow being in the hog for two weeks,(I found out who's it was and knew when they were down there) had left the wound open and not allowed it to heal....I did the right thing. This hog smelt of death, it was rotting on the inside. I later did get the head out and disposed the body...
But that's not the end of the story...or my hunt...for hogs with arrows already in them....
Curt...I think you have a story to tell(that started before the evening hunt when we parted ways to get stands down)...then I'll finish mine...and you can tell your second story(not forgetting to tell me about the money you found)'s that? Its been a long day for me.... :campfire:
A good bow shot is like a good golf shot. :thumbsup:
I've been hoping you guys would be back to finish up.
Great Shot Terry!
Sometimes being versatile and adjusting to conditions is key. well actually, all the time. Congrats!!
I second what you said to Cade about keeping the bow in his hands. He should have grabbed another arrow or had been ready to grab another arrow. But for pete's sake, at the very least keep the bow. You never know what could happen. Don't fret Cade, that's how we all learn.
Good deed for sure Terry.
I love my TC and it looks like it's shooting great for you :)
Nice shootin!!!!
Congrats on taking that little guy out, Terry!
Tuned in for the "Rest of the Story"!
Wait, there's money to be found and hogs to shoot? How do I get down there? Ha ha... Great memories for Terry, Curt and Cade. Can't wait to hear more.
So back at camp for lunch and like Terry's always a tough time when the reality of an adventure such as this was coming to an end.....torn between happy to be getting home to the family...and...the hunt coming to an end.
I know Cade was feeling this for the first time and knew it was going to be hard for him to leave "Uncle Terry"...he said several times he didn't want to go home...
We tidy'd up a bit around camp, and we a had a bit of a problem with some broken corn bags in Terry's camper....wet old bags had given way and the storage area was laden with some old moldy corn. We decided it would be best to just tow the trailer out and get Cade up in there to help get it out by a couple of the closer stands.
On the way out I volunteered to walk into Rob's stand to get Terry's Lone wolf climber(which is one of Chris Surtees' old climber, I have the other)that Cade had been hunting out of. None of us had made plans at this point to go all the way in to hunt there the last afternoon. So I figured while Cade and Terry unloaded the corn I would run in and grab the stand.
I told Terry what I had in mind and we agreed it would be good idea to get that out of the less thing to worry about either tonight or tomorrow morning.
Then Terry said...."you're gonna take your bow right?".....I said....I wasn't planning to because I knew I'd have the 2 pieces of the stand to carry back.....
He said..."you have to take your bow man"...he was would have been silly to not at least hunt my way in(good wind)...then just deal with carrying the stand and bow out.
So they turned around at the "Triangle" and stopped to let me out...
We found a small bungee to strap the stand together to make it easier to carry after taking it down as it had no backpack straps. I stuffed it in my pocket, took my camera out of my pack and stuffed it in another pocket. Grabbed my bow and said I'd be back in a bit.
I started in and they drove off...I hadn't gone 20yds up the road and I saw and heard hogs!
I had a big hog off to my right that was on to me that was growling like crazy at me! it was moving in the same direction as I was paralleling the road about what sounded like 10yds inside the thick stuff....I tried to move right along with it hoping it would try to cross the road and I'd be in position to get a shot....
As I moved along slowly I had a couple "too small" hogs close that I moved by and they moved in to the growler......I'd paralleled the growling hog about 50yds when I noticed a black spot in the ditch just off the other side of the was a decent size(shooter) hog, it was about 40yds ahead of me, I had the wind, and it had no clue I was there!
Since Cade wasn't here to push ahead of me(although I really wished he was), for the first time of this hunt...I really got the feeling it was "game on"!!!!!!
I tuned out the hogs on the right side of the road and honed in on this loner on the left side as I crept ahead.....
When I got to about 15 yards, it was still feeding in the water on the side of the road in a shallow ditch. It was screened by tall grass and cane as it stood quartering away....I had no opening at first....
I was inside the "hot zone" and the tension was getting higher....every second that passed was putting me closer to "something going wrong" but then I saw a 3-4 inch gap between two tall cane stalks.
I "knew" I could get an arrow though that "crack" in the screen...but I had to frame the right spot on the hog to make an effective I started to back up and move slightly left....
After 2 or 3 short back peddles, and getting a little left, I thought I had the right spot on the quartering away hog framed where I could get a good arrow into it....I paused for a split second and started to draw....
I had an arrow with Chris' broadhead on the string. The same 1 1/4" VPA 3blade that I'd already taken 2 turkey's, and one Whitetail with.
Last year I'd brought one of Chris' bh's with me to SC, but didn't have the nerve to shoot it because I planned to auction it off in the St Jude auction,and didn't dare lose it. It had already taken 3 turkeys, and 3 deer...I'm glad I didn't last year because Sunny Hill's(Michael's) generous donation did well for the kids:notworthy:
But this year I'd decided to hunt with this last bh of Chris' till either it was rendered useless somehow, or I'd lost it in a critter....if lost, it would get lost making Chris proud!
------------------------------------------------- as I drew the 600gr. CX Terminator shaft and brought "Cy" to nearly 60#'s of draw weight.... all I remember thinking was I needed to get the arrow through the those 2 cane stalks...and I released the pink fletched arrow....
Reminds me of a phrase my buddy often says when he takes his 10 year old hunting....."and he thinks we're just hunting!"
Well done guys! I hate seeing it come to an end
Good shooting Terry!
I bet I know the outcome of Curt's shot! :campfire:
Tell it Curt!!!
.....with the slight "click" of ribs, the arrow disappeared exactly where I was looking!!!
The surprised hog wheeled and was almost immediately swallowed up by the palmettos...
I could hear it crashing though everything for a few second then it stopped......then seconds later I heard movement again....then about 10 more seconds of silence......then I heard crashing again for a few seconds....then nothing...
I stood stone still and listened for a good minute.....still nothing......
I stood and wondered if this was a sign I'd made the perfect shot I thought I did....or had the hog simply moved out of earshot???
The arrow had gone exactly where I wanted it to, I'd "heard ribs", and I knew there was no problem with penetration because the arrow had disappeared quickly.....
After another minute or so, I moved ahead to look for some blood and my first I found neither!
I looked around for my arrow and couldn't find it, and found no blood in the grass where the arrow had impacted....I moved a few yards off the road in the direction it had gone....still nothing.....then I saw my "pinkish" feathers!
I fully expected them to be drenched with blood, but instead found "greenish" blood on it, and the unmistakable smell that goes along with it....hmmmm...
I moved a few yards further in and found a single spot of blood....there I stuck the used arrow in the ground as a marker....I backed out and marked the spot where it stood with my blunt arrow...
I "knew" in my heart I'd made a good shot....every sign up till I found the arrow and blood told me so...but the arrow might have told a different story...
The only thing that could have possibly been 'wrong', was if I'd "framed" the partially hidden hog wrong and didn't hit where I thought I did.
But with it quartering away, the 'click' of ribs....I was confident the arrow was just showing sign of the arrow entering "back" had to have exited "good"......
No need to fret about it now....with everything marked I moved on to get the stand.
Wouldn't ya know it....I ran into more hogs! No shots...but close. So I got the stand down, bungee'd it together, and started back out....
About 2/3's of the back way out I had hogs in front of me, and looked ahead to see Terry on point with his selfbow up in front of him.....he didn't shoot walked up to him and Cade.....
Since I'd taken longer than they thought I should have, they started in, had seen my arrows in the ground, and were ready for the explanation!!
I told them all about it, what I heard, and what the arrow and blood looked like. I didn't want to take any we decided to wait a couple hours....just in case.
We walked out and headed for camp...
Back at camp we organized some more, and just kinda "soaked it all in". Of course I played the shot back step by step in my mind a hundred times and everytime the conclusion was the same....
Telling Cade and Terry about it a couple more times seemed to help as well....they were both confident as well. We decided to gear up for the afternoon hunt early so we had time to track my hog before we went to our decided stands.
It was about 2:30pm when we got back to the marked spot....almost exactly 2 hours since I'd shot.
After a few minutes I found blood where the hog had cut back left a bit from the first we had something to go on.
It wasn't exactly a heavy bloodtrail, but it was steady enough to follow through the jungle of palmettos...what a struggle!!!
As we "bulled" our way through, the trail seemed to be very erratic, but was showing signs of getting better when I looked ahead and saw black...I exclaimed....DEAD HOG!!!!!
What a relief!! A what a great feeling to join Cade and Terry as "hog killers" on our special trip!
After a hug for Terry, and a big hug and kiss for Cade I grabbed a hold and started to drag. Cade took my bow and Terry led the way....
My shot had in fact entered just a tad further back than I thought I'd "framed", and the arrow instead of exiting in front of the opposite shoulder like I thought it might have...had in fact exited tight behind the off shoulder....he'd only made it 40yds!
When we got back to the road, Cade grabbed a leg and helped drag...
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• (
After looking him over we found he had a "jacked up" front leg that had healed, locked up, in a folded up position and had rendered it useless(near front leg in pic). I never did see the whole hog before I shot, and as fast as it fled I'd have never thought there was a thing wrong with it...these things are tough!!!
Chris' VPA had done it again!
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Me and my boy!
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Me, my boy, and my brother!
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What a all 3 of us had killed hogs...Cade had killed 2!!!!
We quickly got it gutted(the arrow entered behind the diaphram...slicing liver and opposite lung), and since we had found him so quick we headed to camp to hang him.
That done we headed out for our last afternoon...the last hunt of the trip....
I'll get caught up tomorrow....
Great job and not even finished! :notworthy: :notworthy:
What's the biggest thing Cade learned or took away from the hunt? Just curious...
What a hunt!!!!
Great shot Curt!!!
Lovin every page of this :)
Way to go Curt! There is nothing like a group hunt where everyone in the group gets an animal.
Congrats to all 3 of y'all!
What a truly memorable hunt!
Well done fellas...and Cade....if I said I wasn't jealous, I'd be lying :D Congrats!!
Not only a great hunt...but amazed at keeping track of story,pics and all the details. Congrats and looking forward to the finale.
This has been a very interesting chain of events, nice job all :thumbsup:
One of the best threads of all time - congrats to you all, you have something special there :thumbsup:
Looking forward to the rest of the story but also don't want it to end. Great story congrats to all three of you. :thumbsup:
Like Terry said...Cade wanted to hunt for the first time ever by himself in a treestand...he wanted to hunt "Woods' Stand".
As much as I thought it was cool for him to want to try this all by himself, after all it was inevitable that it was going to happen at some, my fatherly instincts had me wanting to be with him all the time...wanting to be there when something showed the back of my mind I couldn't help think.."what if something went wrong?"
I wouldn't be too far away from him, I was within shouting distance, and I was proud of his confidence that he "could do this" was time....
I climbed up to get some bowholders set and make sure everything was ok....then climbed down.
Terry and I watched him climb in the stand, hook his harness, and waited till he was all set....
• (
My "big boy"!
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It was a little tough walking away, after all, if for no other reason, I wanted to watch him shoot something and share it with him....but on we walked to "Sunset"...
I moved into my ground blind, and Terry continued on to his adventure...
• (
I'd brought along a cheap tripod with this set-up in mind. I wanted to try to video a hunt here, and I knew the trees were gone and would have to do it from the ground. I would also be hunting for the first time using Terry's Huntmore 360 chair.
I got the camera on the tripod, and the chair set, nocked an arrow and settled in. The camera was off to my left, close enough to reach to turn on when needed, but just far enough away to give clearance for a shot. My bow, I held with the the bottom limb on the ground, upright, pointed in the right direction for a shot.
I sized up the chair and found it to be comfortable, but when I moved a certain way it "creaked" slightly...I'd have to be careful!
I had no shade and the sun was pounding me from the west, which for me being left handed, and having my right shoulder pointed at the feeder...put it right in my face. Being tried, sleep derived, and bit run down from the last few eyelids where heavy in the warmth of the sun...
About 20minutes after getting there, the feeder went off, rattling out corn....the dinner bell!!
I stayed ready, sometimes hogs will come in quickly after hearing the "bell"....I waited on point for a good half hour....nothing....
Then I saw "black" in the high weeds behind the feeder...hogs!!!!
I slowly reached up to turn on the camera...
I got away with the movement, but this group of about 7 young hogs were constantly looking at the new blind that was only built just over a day before....they were very cautious.....I stayed still with no desire to shoot a hog of this size....but I knew the camera was running and I was getting cool footage...I enjoyed the show...
About 10 minutes later, in the racket of crunching corn.... big, floppy ears appeared in the weeds....there was a bigger hog coming in!!
Come and get you some big boy!
Great story telling and pics!!! Congrats to all 3 of you on some great critters and most importantly, on memories made. :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
- snuck that pic in on me...nice.
Look forward to hearing it again.... :campfire:
This is an awesome story, thanks for sharing it! Can't wait for the conclusion... :campfire:
Congrats on the hogs so far!
Thanx fellas...I'll be back shortly to get going again.
Yeah T, I really like that pic of you walking's cool!
:bigsmyl: This hunt is awesome on so many levels!
Congrats on the hogs Terry and Curt!
Congratulations Curt on your hog! Great pics.
This just keeps getting better :)
It will be hard to top this trip. Sounds like some great memories. Congrats on the hogs everyone. :thumbsup:
Congrats Curt on a nice hog and what sounds like a nice shot.
I will be back to hear about Ole floppy ears Fate :readit: :thumbsup:
:campfire: :coffee:
Curt is going to work on finishing his hunt....then I'll finish mine....then there will be more pics and a story or two to follow after stay tuned!!!
I too don't want this thread to end...just like I didn't want this hunt to end. :campfire:
I'm gonna re-post this last part of my earlier post...
About 20minutes after getting there, the feeder went off, rattling out corn....the dinner bell!!
I stayed ready, sometimes hogs will come in quickly after hearing the "bell"....I waited on point for a good half hour....nothing....
Then I saw "black" in the high weeds behind the feeder...hogs!!!!
I slowly reached up to turn on the camera...
I got away with the movement, but this group of about 7 young hogs were constantly looking at the new blind that was only built just over a day before....they were very cautious.....I stayed still with no desire to shoot a hog of this size....but I knew the camera was running and I was getting cool footage...I enjoyed the show...
About 10 minutes later, in the racket of crunching corn.... big, floppy ears appeared in the weeds....there was a bigger hog coming in!!
So here it came over the slight berm behind the feeder and immediately locked right in on to the blind...growled and started to move off...but stopped and started feeding at the furthest away corn it could find. I knew this would take some time....
The hog was a sow, and it was easy to see she had no connection with these smaller hogs...she had them all nervous with her actions though...she was getting closer, but would never turn broadside. Then she'd move off a bit again...this game went on for a good 10 minutes...
I was actually thinking of waiting some more to see if anything else showed up, but then I got thinking...."I've never self filmed myself killing anything and this may go bad any second" I decided to take the shot if given an opportunity....
She was finally under the feeder...maybe 15-16yds....and her head was partially hidden by one of the other hogs....
This was my chance....I started to ooze the string back...what happened next was startling to say the least.....the arrow struck high, with a tremendous "crack"!
She dropped in the water under the feeder, spine cut in half, and started to squeal so loud it was crazy! I've spine shot hogs before, and they've squealed, but not like this one!
I was up and out of the blind in a flash, arrow nocked to get another one into her...she was flailing around, and sending water spray all over....I mistimed the first finisher as she flopped around and almost completely cut her front leg off at the knee.
I re-loaded, and the second shot was much better, taking her thru the sternum into the heart/lungs and out the top of her seconds she was still...........and I started breathing again!
Then I thought..."I got this all on video! I need to go turn it off"
When I got to the camera, and pressed the button to turn the video off.....the screen lit up as it came on...OH NO!!!!! I'd turned the power on, but had never pressed the video button to get it going....I HAD NOTHING!!!!!!!!!
Well I actually got about 1 second of video when I turned it on...
I'd failed miserably!!!
I was so worried about spooking the hogs when they showed up I got the camera turned on...but never thought about the video button. And since I was using just a reg. camera that takes video, and not a real video camera with a flip out screen, I couldn't see the black screen since the camera was off to my left side...I was floored by the realization that I hadn't captured such an exciting hunt on video...dang it!
This pic is graphic, but sums up what it looked like after all this...
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So I got all my arrows back in my quiver, and dragged down the road about 100yds. and just off the road and went back to the blind.
I sat for a few minutes thinking..."I already have two hogs to clean up tonight, if I sit here, I might just be tempted again" with that thought in my head I packed up my gear to get some good daytime pix....
• (
After the pix I thought I'd get over to the woodline and watch Cade from about 200yds away. If I could sneak along just inside the trees, he wouldn't see me, and I'd just sit and enjoy the show without him knowing.
I got into position without him knowing...
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Or so I thought...
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He made it about 10 minutes knowing I was there before he started waving me over. This is what I was afraid of if he saw me!
I tried to hand signal him to stay put. It wasn't even "primetime" yet, and "Woods' Stand" is almost always "money" in the evening. But I knew he had also heard my hog squealing, so he knew something had happened and was probably excited to hear about it...I wanted him to stay put!
But he kept waving me over so I thought I'd go see what he wanted...
When I got close, he said..."daddy when that hog squealed I nearly fell out of the stand it scared me so bad!!!"
Then he asked...."did you 'spine' a hog?" bet!
I told him I'd go back and watch because It was still early. But he said..."I'm not feeling it today daddy"....he wanted to get down, and if that's what he wanted, that's what I'd let him do.
I got him down safely and we walked out into the road to get his stuff packed up good. I told him we'd go try to walk something up before dark.
I had my back to the feeder, and he was facing the feeder while he packed up. We whispered as he packed...then I thought of something.....
It was then, for the first time since I'd put it in my pocket, I thought of the head's up penny!
So I told him about how I'd almost walked by it earlier, and backed up to pick it up because "it just couldn't hurt to have a little good luck". Since I'd picked it up I'd killed two hogs in about 2hrs. of hunting..I reached in my pocket to show him the shiny "good luck" penny.
Then I saw his face go blank..."daddy they're right there!!"
That's right...they were right at the feeder...about 15 small, "Cade size" hogs...he was so mad at himself for getting down now!!!
To make it worse....a couple minutes later another group showed up and there was a big dry sow with them.....he was furious at himself!!!
They finally had enough of Cade try to get a shot and went feeding down the road toward "Sunset"...we followed but in the waning light Cade never did get quite close enough for a perfect shot.
By the time they got to where my hog was laying, they spooked and it was about dark so we headed for the truck.
We loaded up and drove slowly in to get the hog and wait for Terry....what a hunt!!
Just before we got to my hog we saw Terry's light coming....
Awesome story!!!Congratulations!!!
Great way to end your hunt Curt!!!!
Great Job Cade!!!!
You sure made your Dad and Uncle Terry Proud :) I feel privileged to have been included with those who shared your experience.....
Well done Buddy, well done!!!
Wow! Way to go Curt! :clapper:
Wow!!! What a thread. You guys had the hunt that dreams are made of. You worked hard and deserve every bit of it. This is what happens when you go all out for something. Proud if you Boriqua hunters! :campfire: :campfire: :campfire:
AHHHHH youthfull impatience...
Way to go again, Curt! They can really let out some noise when they get hit in the spine!
BTW, I never let a heads up penny go without picking it up........if it is tails up, I turn it over and leave it lay for the next guy to get the good luck!
Congrats again Curt!
Great hunt for sure!! :clapper:
This is an excellent topic and reflects how enjoyable hog hunting can be. It also demonstrates how difficult hog hunting can be and some of the obstacles to hog hunting. I make it a point to read every thread about hog hunting on this forum.
This thread is awesome. Thanks to all three of you for taking us on the hunt. Makes a man want to move south and hunt some pork. Congratulations Cade.
Well, this was a great thread. Really enjoy seeing the young folks getting into hunting, especially traditional bowhunting.
Way to go Cade! The old guys did kinda' good too. :)
password to view is.....cade
Cade\\'s Hog Hunt (
Great read guys, thanks for taking us along! :thumbsup:
I hate to see this hunt come to an end, I can only imagine how it felt ending for y'all. Great hunt and thread guys!
Fellas thank you so much for bearing with us on this.....I know it's taken a long time to unfold....but there were so many details we didn't want to leave...but I'm sure we forgot some...
We're not quite done yet...Terry had something come up last when he has the time we'll finish up...
Something really,really cool is about to happen :campfire:
Ya know, reading this thread was really awesome! I was at the bacon strip but my trip got cut short due to health issues my daughter had. When I was reading all of this it warms my heart in a way I was able to "relive" my trip in a way I always imagined it would turn out through the trip you 3 had.
Thank you very much for documenting so much, I'm very grateful
Tom, that was absolutely fantastic, man it was great but I did have a few technical difficulties while vewing it. Not sure if it was with the video or me, but a few times I couldn't see the screen because it became blurry :notworthy:
Well, i’ll have to agree with a lot of others it don’t get no better than a Farther, a son, and a best friend having time together hunting and fishing, and to have it captured not only in the heart but with modern media that others can see, thanks Trad Gang!
-, I got in the truck with Curt, but already saw his hog lying behind the truck off the side of the road...."Tell me a story"....he did....then i told him mine, about killing the hog with the arrow in it...and this story...
Once I'd shot the other hog, I climbed back up my stand for the last 45 minutes of the day. About 15 minutes here comes another group of small hogs...not the same bunch...I looked for Cade's hog toting an arrow but there wasn't one in this bunch....I thought I'd just sit back and enjoy the I did....
Then one little red hog caught my eye....there he as a fiddle, scrapping with the others, no worse for wear. It was Cade's hog minus the arrow. I really enjoyed the show now, knowing Cade would be relived from what I was witnessing....
So, I went hunting for a hog with an arrow in it, either of the two, and I got the best of both.
When I showed Cade the pics, he confirmed that's where hit it, and it was facing right, but why was there no exit on the other side???
I explained to him that when the head hit horizontal, it cut the hair off at the entrance wound so there was no hair covering the wound so it was somewhat exposed...and when it exited, it did not cut the hair above the exit wound and that hair above was now covering the wound up.
He just smiled...well, Curt and I did too. We knew Cade was truly relieved that that hog he shot was A-OK.
I don't think I could have had a better hunt destined for that afternoon....
My Hunt for Hogs with arrows in them....Again, what are the chances???
This one someone shot that so needed to be put out of its misery...
And actually getting shots at Cade's.....Camera Shots :campfire:
No sign of exit even though there was one...
Since the head hit horizontal, this made for a 'clean flesh wound' rather than a nasty gash...sliding through parallel with the neck muscle strands instead of cutting them in half.
Here's a few short clips of him scurrying about at the buffet....much clearer confirmation than the stills that I had to zoom in on with my cell...Cade hasn't seen these, cept on my cell phone screen...where you can't see I'm sure these will RE-confirm and give him another smile.
Little Red 1 (
Little Red 2 (
Little Red 3 (
Little Red 4 (
Again, this last afternoon's hunt could NOT have turned out better.
Oh...and something really really cool is again about to happen....
After we exchanged stories about our last hunts...Terry telling us about his awesome ending( Cade was very relieved to hear about "his hog"), me telling my story again for Terry to hear it for the first time and Cade to hear again...and Cade and I both telling Terry about what happened to him....I'll say it again....WHAT A HUNT!!!!
So we loaded up my hog to get a few more pix before dressing her out...
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My camera was struggling to focus in the dark for some reason, so I only got a couple decent pix.
I quickly dressed her out and Terry and I swung her up on the tailgate when something came to mind...the "lucky" penny.....I wanted to share it with Terry, I knew he'd appreciate it...
So I went through the whole story.....about how it caught my eye. Then saw that it was even heads up, but just kinda shrugged it off at first. Then after getting a few steps by it and thinking...."I could always use a little good luck", I backed up 4-5 steps, bent down and picked it up, admired it for a few seconds, and put it in my pocket. Then had never thought twice about it till after I'd killed my 2nd in less than 2 hours of actual hunting since I'd slipped it in my pocket....
After telling the story I looked at him and his reaction to what I'd just told him will forever keep me "a believer".....I'll let him tell about it...
I told Curt I had cold chills....
When we were coming that last morning when I was taking pics and vids...we'd got almost to the triangle and and I started putting up my camera...I'd found a shinny new penny in the bag, and I thought I'd lay it in the road heads up thinking someone, at sometime might find in and pick it up. I also thought it might never get picked up, but it didn't lay there for more than an hour.
How cool is that!!!
I have a couple of parting photos I'll load up...
Very nice you guys!! Great story and pics.!!It is nice to see Cade grow up before my(our)eyes!! Terry looks like you have to good friends for life!! Congrats to all of you!! Shawn
Awesome thread guys! Congratulations to all of you as well!!
Yes,...WHAT A HUNT !!!!
3 guys, two hogs each, and countless memories...
Curt got his hogs took care of while Cade and I straightened camp some more and I cooked up supper....marinated pork loin.
We all sat around the fire for a bit, and it wasn't long before Cade was lying on the bench asleep....he was wore out as bad as we were. He did a great job keeping up with us even though he had to take a lot more steps than us over the span of this hunt....he's a go-getter for sure. It was a pleasure and an honor to be there with him.
I had a wonderful time on this hunt, and had almost as much fun reliving it here.
Curt hooking up.....
Cade leaving the fire to make the end official.....
Gotta leave ya with one more quote.....
Cade had heard us using a term to describe if we saw if it was a boar or not....Well, when he got home his mom and grandparents where there to great him. His mom asked again, "Did you have a good time"? with a hug and after she let him go he replied...
"YES!!!, and I can't wait to take a shower and clean my hydraulics" :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:
Perfect way to end it guys
Hmmmm, 3 days in same skivies, no teeth brushing and anatomy language lessons---that's a recipe for any mom to let their son go off on a hunt with you two again....NOT. ;)
Thanks for taking us along. Great hunt and great write-up! :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
:clapper: :clapper:
Thank You for taking us along!
:biglaugh: Awesome ending to an awesome hunt!
The whole thing was awesome!!!!! Congrats to all of you, but esp Cade on his first hogs.
Great story guys..... looks like a blast, begining to end :)'re to much!!!!!
"YES!!!, and I can't wait to take a shower and clean my hydraulics"
:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:
I have to say that was an awesome read!!! Thanks so much for reliving it again for us. I vote this one stays here for others to enjoy throughout the years. Taking game with trad equipment is great but can not compare to the memories and bonds we form while enjoying this way of life. Curt and Terry you have my admiration for showing this young man, at such an impressionable age, that so much fun can be had with theses "good things" when so many Cade's age are already on a destructive path. May God richly bless you guys!!!
Great story. I hunted the Bacon Strip in 2010 and although a great hunt with a good buddy but nothing like the success you guys had. Cade did an amazing job.
Yes, thanks for taking us along... only thing better would be, being there with you all!
Great story, you guys and gals don't miss the slide show Tom put together a couple pages back. Another good way to add it to your memories.
Great Story, thanks for taking us on your hunt! :clapper: :clapper:
Reading this makes me wish I had hogs to hunt closer to home. Great job everyone.
:clapper: Great job by all in so many ways. I can’t imagine you all having more fun or a better hunt.
Thanks for taking us along in your words and photos
Good stuff fellows! Thanks for letting me feel like I was "there.". :thumbsup:
Again, thanks Curt, Terry and Cade for taking us along on this great pig hunt...... :clapper: :clapper: :clapper:
Outstanding hunt Guys. Sure to be more of them.RC
Perfect! Great job all the way around.
Originally posted by Terry Green:
I told Curt I had cold chills....
When we were coming that last morning when I was taking pics and vids...we'd got almost to the triangle and and I started putting up my camera...I'd found a shinny new penny in the bag, and I thought I'd lay it in the road heads up thinking someone, at sometime might find in and pick it up. I also thought it might never get picked up, but it didn't lay there for more than an hour.
How cool is that!!!
I couldn't believe it, I was blown away!!!
I mean really, what are the chances?!!
We've said this before... it seems every time Terry and I get together for a hunt..."things" like this "happen"...
This "lucky" penny now has a permanent place of honor in my "treasures" cabinet downstairs among other priceless hunting items that have meaning.
Everything "happens" for a reason....Thank You Brother!
What an awesome adventure guys! Congrats to all 3 of you on the hog harvests.
It truly is a hog paradise!!! :thumbsup:
Congrats to all 3.
Great Job at telling the story!
Funny...I remember Curt being concerned about the flooding he'd heard about from Michael a few days before the hunt....and I reassured him that the extra water would make it better. I had a real good hunch how good it could be....and told him so...and is sure was.
That's cool as heck!!
Tales of tradgangers hunting together are always great, more so when they have such a bond. It is even more special when they share those time with the next generation. It is always great to see the children mentored in such strong and meaningful ways. Great job, and thanks for allow us to join you.
:bigsmyl: :thumbsup: :campfire:
Sounds like you guys made the best of a great situation !!!
Congrats on a super hunt !
This was a really good read. Thanks :thumbsup:
Thank you guys...very good! :thumbsup: :clapper: :clapper: :clapper:
Thank you Terry Curt and Cade for sharing this special hunt with us! Congratulations to you all and especially to Cade for his first of what I'm sure was many hogs and for showing others young hunters it can be done with stick and string! Your a fine ambassador to this sport young man. Hats off to you!
This whole experience is what makes life wonderful. Cade will remember this forever I'm sure. Congrats to all on a great successful hunt.
Catching up on this thread, what a great read. Congratulations to everyone! Thanks for taking the time to share your stories, pictures and videos.
Thanks for sharing fellas! That was a fantastic read. :clapper:
Last nights dinner....genuine bow-killed South Carolina pulled pork!
• (
A few thoughts...
Ya know, when you start planning a trip like, especially this one as it was Cade's first hunt away from home, there are so,so many things to be concerned about...
Getting his bow set-up just right to maximize what he physically capable of.
Packing for two...I knew what I needed, but getting it right for him was the challenge.
Weather...I watched it like a dog for 2 weeks prior and the closer we got to leaving, it was getting obvious that the forecast was great for our hunt days...but how would the heavy rain for days before our arrival effect our hunt?
He was nervous to fly...I usually don't sweat it...but this time I was with him!
Then of course you hope the hunting will be good. I know Terry wanted the same as me, we always hope it'll be as good as possible...but especially this time for Cade.
So many other little details that could have negatively effected our, so many!
But...against all odds that everything would go "perfect" did!
• (
Over the years, I've been fortunate to participate in many hunts with great friends old and new, probably more than I deserve....but this hunt will always be "The One".....
Words will never be enough to express how I'll be forever indebted to Terry for all of this...luv ya brother!
• (
:thumbsup: :clapper: :clapper:
:bigsmyl: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :campfire:
Awesome thread! Congratulations to Cade, Curt and Terry. Thanks for sharing.
Ok I got the rest finished after a few days away.
That was great! :clapper: :clapper:
Again, congrats Cade, Curt, Terry.
Well done, gentlemen -- all three you -- Terry and Curt for being great role models for Cade; and Cade for earning his stripes.
Good fortune was smiling on all of you for this hunt.
Thanks guys for this account with all the pics. Congrats to you all...Curt your doing a great job as a dad. :thumbsup: :clapper:
Sorry...double post
Great thread. Congratulations Cade, what a great trip, photos, and write-up.... :thumbsup:
Fantastic tale gentlemen :bigsmyl:
Wow - look what happens when you don't check TG out for a while!
Congrats everyone!!! Looks like a great time.
Better than hunting rabbits, huh Cade!
Congrats to Cade on his first kill of species. I have liked getting my coffee and sitting down to follow the blow by blow of your hunt.
Guru the summary towards the end was well said. What bow arrow/bh combo were you and Terry using? Not sure if that was mentioned or I may have missed it along the way.
Thanks to both of you for taking the time to post the story, very enjoyable.
Cheers Macca.
Cade, congratulations young man!
Curt and Terry, congrats to you both as well and thanks for taking me along! Great story and good job making a great hunt for Cade!
Told my wife about the underwear and the hydrolics, she just shook her head and laughed. Said it reminded her about a hunt I took our son on when he was 3. She asked how it went and he replied "Grandpa missed (an antelope) and I pooped in a hole". That says it all...
Awesome hunt awesome story really enjoyed reading this.
Well, it took me a couple of hours ( I read slow ) but it was worth every minute of time.
A big THANKS to Terry, Kurt, and a special thanks to Cade, for taking all of us along on your first hog hunt.
Curt and Cade,
Just wanted you to know that Cade has established a new standard for my packing. This is the advice that I gave Whip for our upcoming three day St Jude's kayak venture:
I'm into two bathing suits, one pair of long pants that will dry quickly and two nylon or light cotton button up shirts. Follow Cade Cabrera's underwear guidelines.
Heck, we're really only going to be in the wild for a couple of days Gregg. Turn em inside out and we're good as new!
Congratulations to Cade, Curt, and Terry on a hunt of 3 lifetimes!! Thanks also for all the effort to share every detail here :thumbsup: :clapper: :clapper: :clapper:
:thumbsup: good stuff. I enjoyed this adventure.
Great stuff guys!! :thumbsup:
Really enjoyed following along on this thread! Thanks for sharing all the stories, vids and pics! Congrats to the three of you! :clapper: :clapper:
Ran into a Tradganger over the weekend. He said I had to log on and read this post. Glad I did! Congrats boys!
:clapper: :clapper: :clapper:
Originally posted by sunny hill archer:
Cade. It was good to finally meet you.
You did great!!!!
It's hard to keep your dad and Terry straight.
Especially with their new found Bromance!!!!!!!!!
:bigsmyl: :bigsmyl: :bigsmyl:
I've always had a thing for southern belles ;)
:biglaugh: :biglaugh: :biglaugh:
Great thread! You guys rock! :thumbsup: :campfire:
Originally posted by wooddamon1:
Great thread! You guys rock! :thumbsup: :campfire:
Thank you sir!
Sorry I've been gone for a while, been busy with school and other things. But I would like to say Thank You for all the comments on this hunt, It was AMAZING to be able to go on a trip like this because I know that most kids my age don't get to do stuff like this a lot. :notworthy: :notworthy: :pray:
It was great getting to meet the Langahans, what a great time we all had together, the Frogmore Stew was great too.
One other Thanks to Mr. Terry for making this trip all possible. I had a blast getting to hunt with you and see you again... Thank you so much.
P.S. Cant wait to do it again.
Originally posted by Guru II:
One other Thanks to Mr. Terry for making this trip all possible. I had a blast getting to hunt with you and see you again... Thank you so much.
P.S. Cant wait to do it again.
There are hogs shaking in their hooves and having nightmares already at the thought of a return trip. :scared: :thumbsup:
Nice job Cade and you too, Curt and Terry! :clapper:
Great job to all!!!!! I love your new avatar Cade!
Great read along, Well done to you all!! Cade you are the man!!! Little man, young man you know what I mean.
Thanx again fellas, still finding it hard to concentrate down in the shop after this one :campfire:
Incredible story! :clapper: Great job guys. Thanks for sharing.
This has to be one of the top five threads ever! Thanks for bringing it up.
Outstanding thread. The quality of memories and experiences are beyond those that I experienced as a child. Thank you for sharing this with all of us.
Up again. What a story, with stories within stories. Wow. take a kid hunting and even the grown ups get two a piece. Thanks God for TradGang. You wont read about stuff like this on any other internet site or mag.
Congrats to you young man. With all your deer kills last year and this, you have done more in one year than most here have done in 5.
:clapper: :clapper: :clapper:
Brothers I have an announcement to make. Since the Bacon Strip got sold I have been searching for a new lease. I am happy to say I have finally found it. It may not have quite as many hogs as the strip but it certainly is well stocked. Woods and Mills and I all look forward to round Two.Hope Y'all are ready...
Brother, I was just about to sign off to get ready for work, Cade was coming down the steps to get ready for school when I started reading this.....I let Cade read it......AWESOME!!!!!!!!
We can't wait!!! :campfire:
Sounds Great Michael!!! me some sort of addy so I can check it out...and see how much closer or farther it is from me.
Been thinking a log about the hunts on the Bacon Strip lately....and how much I miss the comrade as well as the hogs.
Missed this last year, but real glad to see Curt's young bloke hitting 'em hard! Good job, Cade!
Thanx Ben...priceless memories!!!
If anyone hasn't read this whole one of the best hunts I've ever been on and there are stories inside of stories and some of the best quotes ever heard from a hunt.
Talked to Michael....hope to redo this sometime after the new year at a new local.
I've made my way thru this whole thread in the last few day...what a hunt! Lifetime memories :campfire:
Originally posted by Terry Green:
If anyone hasn't read this whole one of the best hunts I've ever been on and there are stories inside of stories and some of the best quotes ever heard from a hunt.
Talked to Michael....hope to redo this sometime after the new year at a new local.
Locale may be the appropriate word Mr. Green.
None the less... I'm already looking forwrd to it.
Awesome story and congrats. It's so cool when a young man can experience something like this with his dad. The hunts I have with my dad are the ones I remember and enjoy the most. Thanks for posting this, I enjoyed the read.