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Main Boards => PowWow => Topic started by: peterson73 on July 06, 2013, 12:49:00 AM
could any of you guys tell me who makes a short bow and arrows for horse back shooting like Jay redhawk used in his horse shooting ad some years ago. thanks for any info on this.
I don't know what Jay used, but Japp Koppedrayer (sp?) make Mongol style horse bows.
I make sinew backed osage plains style horse bows (and arrows). Just made one for a fella in Pennsylvania.
I have shot lots of different types. Hungarian, Korean, Turkish and more. The best I shot is the Grozer Assyrian biocomposite.
But I am sure there are better ones made by Border and J-bow (Finland) if you don't mind the price.
thanks for the info guys! if any of you other shooters know any thing I would like to hear. thanks...
One possibility is a u-finish horse bow by Attila.
They are inexpensive. You would get your hands on one quickly made to your draw weight.
Saluki makes a great bow
Ed Scott makes the finest ones, in my opinion.
If you are looking for a true Asiatic HornBow(horsebow) there are a few folks that make them either like the originals or with modern materials. If you are looking for an American style(Plains Indian) Matt Wiricki(MWirwicki above) will make you a beautiful, well made set.