Trad Gang
Main Boards => PowWow => Topic started by: Jon Stewart on June 23, 2014, 11:25:00 PM
How was it this year?
Post some photo's for those of us that couldn't make it.
Was a great time
We actually took some time off from the booth this year and shot all four courses.
Those guys at BSCC do a great job on the targets and on the course design.
Saw a lot of old friends and clients.
Met lots of new friends and signed up some clients for hunts.
Replenished all our archery supplies.
Grandson Luke and I learned a lot and had a blast.
It's an annual for us for certain.
Irv is right...the course(s) were awesome!
The wife and I had a great time.......
It was a great time. 4 nice courses, decent turnout of vendors and weather was not bad at all. Thats all I need!
Some pics here:;f=16;t=000048
Had a good time. Weather was pretty good. No tents blown over. Numbers are definitely down from what they were several years ago, but I am hearing this from most shoots. I'd estimate that about 70% of the camping sites were occupied. In previous years you would be hard-pressed to find a spot by Saturday pm.
Some rain but no wind so that was good. Not as many campers this year. Heard that some showed up the weekend before thinking it was on father's day. Courses were really nice and we had a great group of campers.
I know that a friend of mine is a vendor and he showed up the weekend before. He went back and set up the actual weekend. He thought the attendance was down a bit from previous years.
Anyone with photos??
Wife and I couldn't make it as we were on a week long bicycle ride that week in hilly and hot Ohio.
Great weekend. Crowd was great we think it was better turnout than last year
I was going to go on Friday, but the weather looked iffy. Turns out it rained by me in Grand Rapids, but the weather at the show was nice.
Instead, I went down Saturday with my two oldest girls. It was a shopping mission, for I intended to get them all set up with a couple bows and youth arrows. I also intended to do some shopping myself and I brought down about 8 different bows to trade, if possible.
The girls and I looked around at the kids stuff, but ended up where I figured we would, at the St. Joe River Bows booth. Tracey got us all decked out with a couple youth bows and two dozen matched youth arrows. I also picked up some youth hip quivers.
A big thanks to Tracey for taking extra time with the girls and showing them some shooting tips for girls vs. boys. My girls were extra excited when I showed them the interview with Tracey in the new Traditional Bowhunter magazine. A brush with fame! ;)
For myself, I bought one the Asbell wool zipper jackets in what I believe they call the new "morning mist" pattern. It's like an olive and tan/oatmeal pattern. I got it extra big, to use as an outer layer on cold days.
I went to Zepnut's tent and he still had the mint 1963 Kodiak Special that he got from me a few years ago. That bow has been one that I've regretted getting rid of and the serendipitous karma of finding that bow again and getting it back was undeniable. That '63 Kodiak Special came home with me.
Then I went over to Big Jim's tent and got all tingly when my eye's ran across a "new" Bear "1959" Kodiak in a non-catalog 30lb weight. It turns out it was a "missed weight" bow. Either way, Bear doesn't make one in 30lbs. With 4 kids and my own shoulder problems, that bow was coming home with me. So, I essentially traded Big Jim a team of nice old Bear bows for one super star player. Dollar wise, Jim got the better of the deal, but he's not there for charity, and having owned my own sporting goods store, I know he needs to make money on any trade and he may sit on the bows I traded him for a while. But the bottom line is, I got a bow that I'd never thought I'd see, a 30lb "'59" that I can put a fast flight on and that alone was worth the deal.
Oh, I forgot, I also bought a B-50 string for my 1957 Kodiak from the fellow in the tent at 3 o' clock on the outside right side, as you walk into the exhibit field. He made one for me in red, gold and black. Super nice looking string.
It was a VERY good event this year. There was a permeating 'happy' vibe. Everyone I talked to was pleasant and having a good time.
The crowd was down, but I guess the right people showed up.
The weather was as perfect as I can remember there and the river was in full flow. I sat an watched it running its course for quite a while one morning.
Many long time friends and some new ones were there - and as normal - there just wasn't enough time to spend with everyone.
I overheard Mojostick talking about that '59 there as well. :)
It was the most I have enjoyed a shoot in a long time.
Many thanks to all the hard work and sweat that went into making it so good.
Thanks to all the workers and thanks to all the folks who attended.
We had a great time this year, as vendors and Comptons members. Our sales were much better than last year, and I was able to put bows and arrows into the hands of many youngsters and a few adult shooters, as well. Everyone seemed to be having a relaxed, good time. Dr Ashby gave an entertaining talk, and I spent an enjoyable time talking with him, and many others in camp.
I got to bring my wife with me for the first time, since the show was a week later this year (she is a school teacher and it usually lands her last week of class). We both had a great time, though I didn't bring my bow. We walked one of the courses, making me wish I would have paid for an additional checked bag to bring to pack it along. From a vendor standpoint (if you're a vendor who didn't attend, take note), it was very busy. Lots of people hauling bows out to the shooting range and sales were really good. I appreciate all of the support you guys showed me.
The only bummer I can think of was I wasn't able to find a firefly to show my wife that I'd promised her she would get to see. Oh well, there is always next year!
I had a great time at Compton. The Compton and Berrien Springs host club do a great job with this event.
I shot a Stalker while I was there and thought the fit/finish was excellent and it shot very well.
Thanks South for letting me try the bow. I was impressed.
I looked forward all year to come up to the last minute my boss "suggested" that I better make a decision as to what was more important.....I espescially wanted to meet and talk to South Cox......I need one of his bows "BAD !!!!"......well , maybe I will have to go to the left coast on a fact finding mission.......glad every one had a good time.......
Had a GOOD time at Compton …I did not vend this year but instead spent time with my four grand sons who are crazy about shooting
When i could pull them away from collecting cans from around the camp grounds (which they turned in for money at the local grocery store) we shot the courses. We had fun.
Had a chance to take in Dr Ed Ashby seminar on FOC and attend his talk on Friday night. Between Todd Smith and myself I think we were able to video both. If we got every thing on film they will appear on my web site in the near future. Dr Ashby "key note" speech about the "Old Derelict Bowhunter" was funny and entertaining .
Had a chance to visit with Ron Swartz of KME Ron is hard at it and adding new accessories for his knife sharpening kit. I am looking forward for these additions to hit the market. I have found his sharpeners to be the best for the TuffHead if a major sharpening is required
While the weather was funky part of the time it did not slow people from renewing old friendships or making new acquaintances. People were coming and going at our campsite all weekend. WE ALL HAD A GREAT TIME
It was a great weekend. I love getting a chance to visit with every one
Really glad I had a chance to meet you and listen to your presentation.
I could not believe how well you bow's grips fit my hand.
I suspect we will be having a conversation soon.
Had a blast--probably the best weather ever for this event. Looking forward to next year.
Thank you to South of Stalker Stickbows and his wife! Great vendor, bowyer and guest speaker! And thanks to all the bowyers who attended. Holms-made, Great Northern, St. Joes., Dwyer, Black Widow, Heartland, Black Rhino,Bear Archery, Big Jim, Wild Horse, Little Crow, Owl and maybe a few I forgot (sorry if so).
Stalker made the long trip from CA to attend and I want to personally say on behalf of Compton members it is appreciated even if some of use were not in the market for a bow on that weekend we will be someday. I truly hope Compton members consider the bowyers who where on site next time they "need" or maybe "gotta have" and new bow!
I hope other West Coast bowyers decide to come on out in the future. Lots of people want to check out there wears and get to see the great western bowyers in person. Plus lots of Midwest bowyers who we would love to see and get to know. Let us touch and test your bows today and we just might buy one tomorrow! We some sales over the weekend and all the exposure it seems worth it to me every few years regardless of how long the wait list is?
See everyone next year and hopefully Stalker and even a few more West Coast and Midwest guys next year. :archer:
Thank you!!
Due to work schedule I missed this year. Always enjoy the Compton shoot.
Hope to make it to the GLLI in August! I took my two little girls last year, and they can't wait for this year again!
chris <><
Northern Mist was there??? I must not have looked in the right spot.
Had a great time,already looking forward to next year.Sheila says she will be there next time.
Originally posted by okla bearclaw:
Had a great time,already looking forward to next year.Sheila says she will be there next time.
Good thing Terry- your date this year was awful ugly!
Steve from Northern Mist was not able to come, but I also did not see Stalker bows, I know he was there to speak but did he have a display......I missed it.
Stalker had a booth there. Next to Wild Horse Creek. Same side of the tent as Black Widow.
Did Steve have a booth?
I'm sorry Glenn I can't type......Steve was not able to come. I did the edit on my mistake. Man . I don't know how I missed Stalker......I wanted to feel the grips on the different models and maybe shoot one.
Ron, I'm sorry I missed meeting you! Maybe we can catch up next year?
I don't know how I did not see you folks.......but like you said, maybe another time!! :thumbsup:
Chuck and Chris weren't there either. Hope all is well. Probably busy rounding up the sheep.