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The Bowyer's Bench / Re: Help, I cracked a riser.
« Last post by chefrvitale on Today at 08:34:42 AM »
Kirk, is there any advantage to using 2 -1/8th in beams of the same wood? When I do I-beam I have always done 2 thin.... I can't remember why, or who told me to do that, I might of just done that on my first bow and decided that was correct. But it's a little more work and it sounds like I am doing this for no reason.
PowWow / Re: Javaman Assyrian
« Last post by Maclean on Today at 08:31:54 AM »
I’ve owned an Assyrian…great shooting bow, although I’m not sure I’d call it a static tip, maybe it’s my limited knowledge of what defines “static” but in my opinion, it a working tip recurve

Regardless…it shot great but it was a touch heavy weight from me so I sold it, but would own another one. It was quiet, and seemed fast, although I never put it thru a chronograph…

Thanks for the feedback Jake. Gregg refers to it as a static recurve. 3 of the 4 recurves he builds are statics. From his website  "Like all static recurves,  the Assyrian is smooth drawing and stores an incredible amount of energy at full draw." The only statics I've had experience with are the Cari-Bow Tuktu Ex and the Toelke SSLR, both exceptional bows and very fast. The only non static recurve I've shot that comes close in speed is the Toelke Chinook.
PowWow / Re: Javaman Assyrian
« Last post by Over&Under on Today at 07:34:49 AM »
I’ve owned an Assyrian…great shooting bow, although I’m not sure I’d call it a static tip, maybe it’s my limited knowledge of what defines “static” but in my opinion, it a working tip recurve

Regardless…it shot great but it was a touch heavy weight from me so I sold it, but would own another one. It was quiet, and seemed fast, although I never put it thru a chronograph…
PowWow / Re: What is "The Ultimate Stumping Arrow"
« Last post by Ken E. on Today at 06:54:02 AM »
This may be helpful.  I usually shoot Gold Tips so may need to measure other brands
PowWow / Re: What is "The Ultimate Stumping Arrow"
« Last post by Ken E. on Today at 05:39:44 AM »
Trond. Good luck with those. As stated earlier that is what I use and works for me. Have fun.
The Bowyer's Bench / Re: 2025 What did you do Today
« Last post by Buemaker on Today at 04:20:50 AM »
Nice bow Kirk.
PowWow / Re: What is "The Ultimate Stumping Arrow"
« Last post by Vroomvroom on Today at 04:01:45 AM »
What’s collar is on the nock end, is the footing an arrow shaft?
PowWow / Re: What is "The Ultimate Stumping Arrow"
« Last post by Trond on Today at 04:00:06 AM »
Three old Gold Tip Trads modified and tested to satisfaction. Shot at the toughest stumps, and dried up trees... no problem. Did not even kick out the nocks... looking good.

PowWow / Re: Moose Anatomy
« Last post by pdk25 on Today at 12:18:26 AM »
I try to keep things simple. Center of the home just below mid body is where I would aim. Lots of room for error.
The Bowyer's Bench / Re: 2025 Bow Swap Progress Thread
« Last post by Noah70 on March 27, 2025, 11:37:03 PM »
Progress - finish is curing (still) - so I got your string done!  :clapper:
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