It depends on the leather that I need. For bison leather, you just won't beat the price and quality you get from the Hide House in Napa Valley. I am fortunate enough to work in the town that Springfield Leather is located in so I get a lot of my stuff from them. They have a great sale on stingray hides and fish leather right now. I can sometimes get caiman from them at a really good price too. They always have the best price on ostrich leg skins.
I get deer hide from a lot of different places. You can pick it up from various sellers on **** as cheap as anybody else. Kentucky Leather and Hide is a good seller as well as The Leather Guy.
I know it's probably just me, but the only thing I would ever buy from Tandy is some of their hardware. Their leather prices are not competitive and their selection and quality is mediocre. There is a big Tandy store in Springfield, MO and I don't know how they stay in business with Springfield Leather less than a mile away. Every time I've been to the Tandy store it's always empty of customers while Springfield Leather is packed.