I don't know where the # is located, but this is what happened to me.
I sent in my order and I can't remember just how long it was, but I never received my book. It must have been a couple of months or more, can't remember. Anyway, I sent Monty an email stating that I was in no hurry for the book, but that I had not received my copy when everyone else was raving about theirs.
It was then that his wife realized that I was the only guy they overlooked.
She told me that Monty wanted my phone # so he could call me. I gave it to her and explained that I did not need any explanation proclaiming why the book was late.
Well a couple days later, Monty did in fact give me a call. We talked of his tree business and how he had just taken down a huge tree in the middle of some intersection and had it all done in one day. The guy is still in excellent shape!
Then he talked of how hard his upbringing was and where as he and another friend spoke of their hard times. His friend told him that where he was raised, he could see the chickens feeding under the house thru the cracks in the floor boards. Monty exclaimed, "You had chickens!".
Then I told him of my grandfather and no electricity and no plumbing. Farmed with a horse named Maud and a mule named jack. I went on to say how we would blow the hog's bladder up into a soccer ball so we had something to play with.
That's a true story and I've never heard of anyone else using a hog's bladder for a soccer ball.
He was most gracious and talking to him was like talking to someone I've know all my life. What a great guy.
Anyway, when my book arrived, Monty signed it and wrote a very nice inscription for me. I will treasure that book as long as I live. Thanks Monty!