On Nov.11th I couldn't take it, I had to be in the woods with the rut going on. I grabbed my hand climber and was off to hunt the mid day before I had to go for work. I ended up shooting the buck in the trail camera pic's at 1:00PM. This is the first mid day deer I've ever shot, never really hunted that time of day much.
He was chasing a hot doe and chased her past me a few times at a dead run. I didn't think I'd see them again or get a shot opportunity but as luck was on my side I heard them coming my way and got ready. The doe blew past me, then the buck for some reason slammed on the breaks as he got to about 23 yards and the arrow was away.
This ended up being the only weekday I didn't work in 2015. The guy I work with was able to cover for me on real short notice. That was a good thing because it ended up being a unique track job.
My brother came over to help and took this picture after I pulled him to the bank.
My flash light hit something in the river and I told my brother, hey that looks like antler sticking up. We found him in the river in about 2' of water. The only thing sticking out of the water was one side of his rack. Last blood to where we found him in the river was a good ways down stream. If this had been a doe I don't think we could have found her. At least not in the pitch black dark.
I'm already dreaming of September