I dunno. Seems your arrows should fly OK out of that bow, particularly since they fly well out of other Hills of about the same weight.
The two-inch shorter length really doesn't have anything to do with it. Did you check the actual draw weight of your new bow? Hills are usually heavier than marked, but every now and then, they come out lighter than marked.
Is the amount of centershot, or lack thereof the same? I.e., is your new bow cut the same or might your new bow be even more proud of center?
Finally, might your brace height be too low? A brace height that's too low will cause the shafts to bounce off the riser and give a false stiff reading? 6 1/2 inches is the minimum I set my Hills at, and most shoot better for me at 6 3/4 inches.
Some things to ponder/check if changes in point weight don't do it. Good luck.