Wow! Thanks guys! Awesome bunch of folks you are.
Thanks for all the offers on help and loaning of arrows and all the support trying to help me out. You guys are all awesome.
Yea I am brand new to traditional archery as someone asked. I have had my longbow for a week now.
I have a lot more to learn and a bunch of form work to do.
I've decided not too worry too much about the arrows right now since I don't shoot good enough to know if its arrow or me, lol. Almost can be assured its me right now.
I am going to work on form and blind baling for a week or two before I come back to shooting a target with arrows.
I am seeing much better groups within the weeks timeframe and even though they are much better they are still to open.
I can put two side by side and then another two side by side but they will be in two different places on the target 6 to 12 inches apart. That is telling me I lack consistency, lol.
I really appreciate all the help and offers. I have more questions but they may muddy up this post so I will ask them in another.