It is now 2016, not 1998. The comment of not being tech savvy or a email person does not cut it anymore sadly. Time have changed and customers have spoken. Internet and email is not a fade and not going away, it's how people want to communicate. End of 2015 Google announced if your website is not mobile friendly is will not show up as much as mobile friendly siteson mobile devices. News flash, 49% of Web traffic is mobile devices acording to Google. I love the old school nature of Trad archery but again it's 2016. I love every vendor that supports this site but everyone needs to realize how a modern Web presence and marketing can grow their business big time. Good reason to contact Todd Smith Co. (A SPONSOR) or me for a little free advise. Only speaking for myself but I would be glad to give free advise. Compared to my marketing job this this a piece of cake!!!