Hello to all. I am a long time follower of TradGang but this is my first post. I apologize now as I am not the best story teller and my grammer skills...well lets just say I am not an English teacher. I have also been told I am old fashioned and politically incorrect...but I wear those descriptions as a badge of honor. Not a lot of particulars to share other than I have a couple bows one of which always accompanies me on my hunting and outdoor adventures. I have a Widow and a Mahaska. Anyway a couple years ago I went on a bear hunt with Jerry Russell. During that hunt I met fellow TradGanger, Mike Davenport. Those of you that know Mike already know what a wonderful person Mike is. Anyway Mike inspired me to put my shotgun up and get after these turkeys with my recurve. He showed me some pictures of his successful turkey hunts and was even generous enough to share a few tips. Fast forward to Indiana 2016 Turkey season which started yesterday April 27th.....I am all in. The shotgun is staying in the cabinet. It is me and my Widow for the entire season. I have put my practice time in shooting out of the blind now all I need is some cooperation from the weather and the turkeys. I did not go out opening morning as it was a monsoon. I did make it out this morning but things were pretty quiet. I am not sure why...we had thunderstorms and heavy rain up until about 2:00AM, maybe that was the issue. I have also always questioned how late our season starts here. I heard 2 gobbles off in the distance and had a hen venture by my spread at about 75 yards. I took a few pictures of my set up, I just have to figure out how to post them. I will keep you all apprised of how my quest goes for my first traditional turkey. I am not hunting tomorrow as I am heading down for the Twin Oaks Traditional 3D shoot in Clarksville, TN. I am sure I will see some of you there. More to Come.