Hello everyone!
The last hunters for the 2015-2016 season just left camp on Sunday, and things are way ahead of schedule in preparations for the 2016-2017 season.
First off, the schedule is already set! This is done two months earlier than last year. The schedule can be found
HERE. If you see a date you want to lock in, please notify Andrew so we can get your name down. Mary Beth will be ready to start receiving deposits on June 1st, so keep that in the back of your mind.
For a few people the next news could be really big. Andrew has decided to let up to 4 hunters come hunt early season for whitetail bucks. This is a full 7 day hunt focusing on bucks in velvet, but does and hogs will be fine to harvest as well. Arrival on Saturday, hunt Sunday morning thru Saturday night, breakfast provided on Sunday. A 9 day trip in total, trad gear only of course. Call Andrew for full details.
Last announcement for today, Andrew now has an email list for folks who would want an occasional email about the weather in the swamp, maybe a good picture here or there, etc. You can sign up yourself right on the
WEBSITE if you are interested.