A few years ago I developed "tennis elbow." It would not go away and my Doctor was no help at all. I finally sold off all my >60# bows and all but gave up shooting. Then I purchased a low poundage longbow (about 45# at my draw) and it actually helped take pain out. If I didn't shoot for a few days, the pain came back, so I shot at least some every day. A few months ago I moved up another 5#, and just a couple of weeks ago went up to 56# with no issues.
Seems as though shooting too much weight or none at all was not the cure. Working the elbow with low weight until better, then moving up in weight in increments has been effective for me.
I also was interested in compression and the people I talked to said that you cannot just wear a compression sleeve while engaged in activity....it has to stay on for quite some time afterward to provide relief. At least that's what I was told by others who have used them for physical activity of various sorts (not shooting a bow, however).