I wasn't going to get into my old collectable bows...Bears, Wings, Howatts, Drakes, etc. But I couldn't help myself. Probably my favorite old hunting bow was the 58" Hoyt Pro Hunter (Whiffen Comet same bow). I think they are faster pound for pound than the rest of the group...well maybe not the Drake Hunter Flight! Being mainly a longbow shooter, what I don't like about most of the old recurves is the deep low wrist...that can be fixed. My Guinea pig for the day was a beat up Whiffen Comet 58" 47#@28. The edges were ragged and the glass needed some attention. Once cleaned up it is 44#@28. Now the Feel Good fix...change the low wrist to a more moderate high wrist grip. Finish of Tru Oil to be applied later...tippit
Top Bow: Beat up Whiffen Comet...Grinder Fix
Bottom Bow: Pristine (little later version) Whiffen Comet...Untouched
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