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Traditional Archery for Bowhunters


Author Topic: Arrow length and left and rights  (Read 708 times)

Online the rifleman

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Arrow length and left and rights
« on: July 16, 2016, 09:10:00 PM »
i have been hitting where I'm looking with my carbons.  They are 31" long and w 200 grs up front they are 490 grs.  These are 600s and I needed that much weight up front to get them to tune.  I wanted a lighter arrow as these are 13plus gpp out of my bow so I've been playing w alum 1716 s. They bareshaft well w 90 grs up front when cut to 281/2".  This gives me between 9 and 10 gpp.  I shoot left handed.  After tuning them and leaving slightly weak like I always do my fletched shafts are hitting 3-4 inches to the right.  I am aware of the arrow in my peripheral vision.  Could the shorter arrow be changing my " sight picture" and causing me to hit to the right?

Offline Shadowhnter

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Re: Arrow length and left and rights
« Reply #1 on: July 16, 2016, 10:42:00 PM »
What aim method are you using?

Online the rifleman

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Re: Arrow length and left and rights
« Reply #2 on: July 16, 2016, 11:01:00 PM »
I focus on the spot but see the arrow in peripheral.  My r eye is very week-- why I shoot lefty.

Offline Shadowhnter

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Re: Arrow length and left and rights
« Reply #3 on: July 17, 2016, 07:41:00 AM »
To answer your question, I suppose its possible to cause you probs if you've been referencing your arrow deliberately.

However there are a number of things that could be causing it. A faulty release may be causing deflection. Under correcting your shoulder alignment will cause you to pull to that side. Thinking you are following through with bow arm, when in fact a person can relax a fraction too early...the list can go on.
If the new arrows are tuned better then the old one's, that fact might be showing its self by causing that bit of correction from what you're use too. However, if the new arrows are not as finely tuned as the first set, any little flaw in the above mentioned possibilities list will be magnified.

The two things that most often plauge us, are our release, and being over spined thinking we are tuned or slightly weak. The release can change that, and tuning can cause us to experience some mighty confusing results if we have not perfected a solid release. Keep shooting them, and shoot them alot. Watch for changes in your rest material and strike plate. Being over spined, and/or producing a faulty release, will begin to show its self in wear on them. There should be no changes if all is truely well. Our release must stay in line with the arrow, or we will change the arrows flight.

Offline Don Stokes

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Re: Arrow length and left and rights
« Reply #4 on: July 17, 2016, 01:56:00 PM »
Variable arrow length has never been a problem for me, going 28 1/2 to 30 and points in between. If there's much difference in the diameter of the shafts, that might cause it. I only shoot wood so I'm not in touch with the artificials.
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