I have had to move down in draw weight due to significant arthritis damage to my shoulder and a recent surgery to treat that damage.
Because of that I have been doing a lot of test shooting and research on bows in the low 40's that will shoot hunting weight arrows above 480 gr with the kind of speed necessary to be good hunting bows. I did research by checking multiple test statistics on line before I acquired any bows to test. Then I ran tests on a small selection of bows with good on-line reports.
My research led me to test shoot the Centaur and the ACS-CX, both in draw weights of 42-43 pounds. They are both are top performers in the low draw weight R/D bows. My shooting tests have convinced me that for me the Centaur is a little bit easier to shoot accurately, and less sensitive to string torque and other form flaws that show up in my shooting from time to time.
Both bows shoot hunting weight arrows of 490 to 550 grains as fast as my other bows that were above 50 pounds draw weight.
My conclusion is that now that I have to shoot bows below 50 pounds, bow efficiency and design can make up for some of the sacrifice of draw weight. An efficient bow will obviously outshoot a less efficient bow, and that efficiency becomes an important factor in lower draw weights.
Of course, there are many other great bows out there, and I wish I could have tested all of them. But, I can attest to the performance of the Centaur and the ACS-CX as top performers that can make it possible to move down in draw weight without a loss of performance.