Hi everyone, I've been lurking here for a while to read over things. I'm pretty new to Archery having only started out abit over a month ago. I started with a cheap 10-20# bear set for kids to see if I loved the sport. I did and I got to hitting bullseyes pretty well.
I'll skip the story and just say I got a 1957(I think) Black Hawk Yellow Jacket, but it's got some cracks and such. Someone referred me to this site for the amazing tutorial
Here But
I'm still not sure on a few parts like how to redo the shiny coat on my fiberglass, and if both sides of the bow are fiberglass or is it just the front? Here's some pictures.
Bow Pics It's my only bow at the moment and I was actually told by a few to never shoot it, so a friend helped me get this one -
Shakespeare Mancos X-40 (EDIT:Well Known auction site which I didn't know I couldn't say)
(Which is supposed to arrive Monday)
But after taking it to a local Bow shop he inspected it and said he'd seen worse and to shoot it if I want. Well, after reading the tutorial I'm actually kind of eager to get her back into shape but I wanted to know a few things.
-The wood in the tutorial is very shiny wheras mine doesn't really feel like it has that "hardwood floor" finish, do I still follow the directions?
-Am I doing anything to the fiberglass? or just putting the Loctite on and sanding off the excess?
-Do I need to clamp any of the wounds my bow has? I can't really tell.
-Does my bow have fiberglass on both sides or just the yellow side (Also why is it such a stark bright shade of yellow?)
-I was told I can take a razor blade and "pick" out the lines with the dirt in them, Is this advised? and can it just be fixed with the loctite or should I get some epoxy?
I've never done a home improvement like this before but I'd love to get into the work. Old bows like this need love and care and if I can restore mine I'd love to jump into fixing others too.
Also I'm just starting out so please feel free to offer me any tips, tricks, or old stuff you don't want because I'm doing this as a way to relax and have fun during my college career, and maybe shoot in tournaments when I can hit the target consistently