Hey guys, to start off I am not particularly nutty when it comes to the speeds of my bows (especially my selfbows) but I do like to compare them and to also see how well they shoot and if the bow would be a good performer or not.
So I bought myself a Prochrono Digital Chronograph from 3rivers and shot my bows through them. My Redstag reflex/deflex laminated long bow was getting around 175 fps when I first got the chrony.
When I first made my eastern woodland style self-bow (the one in my signature), I shot it through the chrony and was getting upper 150s and even a few in the 160s.
I just took it out today and shot under clear conditions, etc. My Redstag shot consistently in the low to mid 150s, and my Eastern woodland style selfbow was shooting low 140s.
Now what's confusing me is occasionally my Redstag would shoot 150s, but then all of a sudden would shoot 165+ I even had one arrow go up to 186! And No, I was not changing my form or shots, I was trying to stay as consistent as possible.
I changed the battery in the chronograph to see if maybe that would change anything, but it didn't.
Has anybody else had this happen? Could it be a lighting issue? Or have my bows just got weaker?