It seems to be a consensus that two blades penetrate better than three or four blades, especially with lower draw weights. But I have a question that I've been wondering about. I have three bows that are tuned up with 145-150 gr points. One is a 42# bow with a 425 gr total arrow, the other are 53# & 55# and both shoot the same setup, a 525 gr total arrow, really well.
What I've been wondering is how do different 4 blade heads compare with each other as far as penetration goes. For example, some heads, like Muzzy Phantoms have bleeders right at the full cutting diameter, while others like, Magnus Stingers and Zwickeys look to have fairly low profile bleeders. Do the low profile bleeders really reduce penetration that much, or do those types penetrate similar to a two blade?
Right now I'm shooting screw in Bear Razorheads without the bleeders. They're about 135 gr, plus I have two brass washers giving me 145 total. Im set for this year but was kicking around trying something different next year. I can get Stingers in 150 gr, and I think the 160 Zwickeys would tune up pretty easily without much work.
I'm not worried about shooting four blades on the 50#+ bows, but was curious how they would do on the 42#. Maybe overthinking things, but I've been wondering about it since I saw a picture of a couple different 4 blades together and noticed the difference in bleeders.