was in my stand bright and early today. 7 am 2 does come in down wind, closed to with in 35 yards and winded me, slowly trotted off. little while later watched a coyote mouse for while, young dog, lip squeaked him in to about 25 yards only to sit, figure something was wrong and double back. about 8:30 I look in the field behind me and see a LOAD of deer enter the field, as they come in to view I watch 3 does trot across and behind me, then my jaw dropped!!!!! 3 BIG BIG racked bucks ( 8 or better) followed suit and trailing was a big 6 I have been watching followed by a couple more does. I have NEVER saw 4 bucks that big in 1 year in my life much less marching across a field!!! I was flabbergasted to say the least!!!! I am hunting 25 acres that I have sole permission to hunt, only stipulation s landowner does not want fire arm of any sort, bow only and that's fine with me. man I am so very close but I choose plan A and it seems the deer choose plan B ! really didn't think the bucks would still be in a bachelor group this time of year? well off to put a 3 stand up in the same field....