I would never disrespect a person's (legal) decision about what to attempt to take.
I might not respect their rationale, especially if it is unsound. I hate to see incorrect information passed on.
There have been a couple big old Does in my past with I.Q.s greater than mine that I was tickled to shoot or attempt to shoot. By the way, in a couple of those cases I was the unfortunate cuss that educated those Does!
The only deer I've been sure to pass the past several years are small-racked bucks in my 1-buck state. It gets to the point sometime that I'm disappointed when a walking deer turns out to be a fork or basket-rack 8 instead of a Doe and fawns.
In a growing deer herd, twins of adult Does are the norm rather than the exception. Triplets are more rare but happen. I remember a Doe in Elkhart Indiana that I passed one year because she had three button bucks. Probably just chance, but I liked her "contribution".