I mentioned in an earlier post that I was excited as I had found a scrape near a stand that I had placed last year. This is a relatively small wood lot of about 75 acres surrounded by alfalfa fields and beans.
I came back to hunt it Monday to find every field around it had been tilled up. Disappointed until I saw a new scrape added by my stand. The first night I hunted it I saw no deer.
Last night I had a doe with a button buck come into the scrape area. The doe mouths the branch overhead of a scrape. The buck pays no attention to the doe. Then I heard what sounded like a lamb bleating. Another fawn comes in on the same travel line as the other two, but this fawn is smaller and much lighter grey in color. Wondering if the doe has abandoned the last fawn?
Then I hear a deer behind me grunting; not the short grunts I have heard before but longer gutteral sounds. The doe and button buck drift off, generally towards the grunting deer (never did see it).
BTW, I am up to four scrapes within fifty yards now. Can't wait to get out there this weekend.