I wouldn't recommend that setup for deer. Not saying it couldn't be done. But if the point is to just get it done, grab a rifle. If I had to, sure. But you likely have other options, I'm guessing.
30 yard target shot is not the same thing as 30 yard hunting shot. Even when you can make the shot, you can still miss the kill or the recovery. Every animal is a moving bullseye that is only temporarily stationary and offering a temporary opportunity of unknown duration to get an arrow there before the next movement. Unless I am confident that I can make the shot, the kill AND the recovery, I don't feel that it's right to try.
Also, that kind of point-on distance from that bow and those arrows is likely from shooting split-finger, I'm guessing? If you're talking POD, you're probably gap shooting? If so, that puts your 10-20 yard gaps at around 36"+? That's a lot of estimation to make inside of more reasonable ranges. Lots of reasons to look for better options for a hunting setup. Switch to 3-under with a middle-finger anchor. Limit your hunting ranges to whatever is point-on with this anchoring setup, maybe 5 yards inside of that as a margin or error. Again, making the shot is not the same thing as making the kill or the recovery.
Accuracy with a bow is a function of practice time and effort. You can be just as good a shot, if not better, with any other setup if you dedicate the time to practice with it. 3 months ago, I couldn't reliably hit a stack of straw bales at 15 yards shooting left-handed. Now I'm almost as good left handed as I am right-handed (probably only because I use a clicker when shooting right handed). Practice makes all the difference in the world. At any rate, you don't need to be accurate to 30 yards. You only need to be accurate 0-20. Those 30+ yard shots are just for practice and proficiency. Given enough time and practice, you'll be able to make 50+ yard shots with whatever setup you desire. But hunting with traditional gear is largely a 0-20 yard game.