I have spent numerous hours on coming up with the "perfect arrow ingredients" in relation to a carbon arrow. I was trying different spine arrows, different weighted inserts, adapters, broadheads, 2 & 4 blade, different size feathers, etc., etc., etc.,. You name it, I tried it most likely in hopes of finding that one ingredients that makes for a perfect arrow flight. After several years of "tinkering & figuring", i finally found that one ingredient that results in perfect arrow flight with a carbon arrow. Perfect arrow flight followed up with great penetration. What more could I want??
The weekend following Thanksgiving, my wife, while digging out the Christmas declarations came across a bundle of a dozen 11/32" Port Orford cedar shafts. I have no idea how or why they ended up packed away. I moved here to southern Iowa almost two years ago so they been in that box since then at the very least. So I took them down to my archery room where I do all my tinkering and there those cedar shafts sat where they had me scratching my head wondering. Then the weekend before Christmas I find myself doing inventory on what I have to do up a batch of woodies. Right then & there I knew it was to late. I find myself placing a order on what I need. Next thing I know, I'm sanding, dipping, sealing, cresting and fletching!! Due to Christmas I did not get a chance to send one down range. They flew absolutely "perfect"!! And I was simply stunned on how much quieter the woodies was compared to carbons. My elderly father just said, I will never figure out why you ever went to shooting those fishing rods, (carbons), to begin with? I just laughed at his unique way of putting things. And to be honest, for me, I felt that I stepped away from true traditional archery when I started shooting carbons. But that's just me. I am also saying that I will never shoot carbons again but I am saying it's a great feeling to have woodies back in my quiver again.
Thanks for reading my rant. JMG