The weather here is surprisingly nice for January in Michigan .
59° and calm .
So , let's do up some woodies for stumpin' . ( The better half don't like me using polyurethane in the house . )
I had some Sitca Spruce that I got at the Kalamazoo trad archery show two years ago .
Checked for straight , good .
Cut and tapered .
The natural color is slightly darker than Doug Fur and cedar , so I'm going to just finish them with no stain .
First coat of wipe on poly and.... Oh my...That wood is beautiful and the grain is very tight and straight with no runouts at all .
Why hadn't I tried these before ?
The only bad thing about it if it's a bad thing , thers no wonderful smell when you cut them .
No noticeable smell at all .
My German Pine smells the best but they usually need straightening .