and though Jeff wont do it...I will for him. He is one of the hardest working and most committed free hunt organizers around...he goes above and beyond in helping this become a successful hunt no matter your definition of that result.
I have been three times and missed two times and have loved it every time. It is by no means your normal pig hunt. The terrain is challenging to say the least with the tall grass, wind and pluff mud and marsh mix. Hip boots, weather for any climate, and a good sense of direction is paramont but recommend you use a compass or at least GPS to keep bearings. Spot and stalking wild hots is very rewarding even if no shots fired.
Here is my last pig...old boar...and again Jeff was there to help recover and drag the thing out which is no small feet in that mud alone.
Thanks for all the hard work and dedication Jeff.
Jeff dropping me off to hunt an island alone

Taking final shot at less than 6 feet
Checking the hog after the shot
after the shot

a muddy mess is common for these hunts

business end

field dressed and washed off at camp

he was turned into bratwurst and sweet italian is the head.
best part...eating and telling stories around a warm fire.