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Author Topic: Uh oooh...somethings wrong here!  (Read 1269 times)

Offline Chris Pharr

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Uh oooh...somethings wrong here!
« on: February 08, 2017, 08:30:00 AM »
Bear takedown issues...  https://imgur.com/gallery/9qZnr

Just took off my bolt on bow quiver for the 1st time since last September (riser insert mount) and look what i saw. Yes, the insert is pulling out (quiver bolts NOT bottomed out,  have a nylon and neoprene washer as a buffer btw quiver and bow,  only 3 threads into insert) but looks like it's pulling a chunk of wood up with the clear finish.

Contacted bear and waiting on response,  should be under warranty,  bought the bow last May. Not the first finish issue I've had with it,  but I don't think I'll be trying to fix this one myself. Previously had clouding in 2 spots that ended up cracking and i fixed with liquid super glue, no problem. Not gluing a chunk of riser back in on a fairly expensive bow.  

Anyone else have any issues with bears finish and/ or quiver inserts?
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Offline MainFrame9

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Re: Uh oooh...somethings wrong here!
« Reply #1 on: February 08, 2017, 08:35:00 AM »
I'll be following this one, got a 2013 Bear grizzly with selway screw in quiver. Interested to see the replays.

Offline Chris Pharr

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Re: Uh oooh...somethings wrong here!
« Reply #2 on: February 08, 2017, 09:14:00 AM »
My 2015 grizzly had the same lower insert pull out,  but it didn't take the finish or riser material with it.  2 part jb weld epoxy fixed that one easy enough
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Online Crooked Stic

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Re: Uh oooh...somethings wrong here!
« Reply #3 on: February 08, 2017, 11:00:00 AM »
Too long a screw may have been the cause. There just is not much holding them in.
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Re: Uh oooh...somethings wrong here!
« Reply #4 on: February 08, 2017, 11:08:00 AM »
One of two things caused that to occur. One is the bolts are too long and do bottom out.  But you said that wasn't the case.  The other is if the insert is mounted slightly below the surface of the riser/finish.  Then, even with a washer, the bolt will pull the insert to the washer, which is flush with the surface, usually bringing some wood along with it. I suppose there is a third possibility, and that would be that the insert wasn't properly epoxied in place to begin with and just worked its way loose through shooting.

Judging from the bad fixes I've seen on a lot of used bows, it occurs on a lot of other brands as well. Mostly, it's folks using bolts that are too long. That will pull out the inserts regardless of how well they were put in.  

I just fixed one on my brother's Bear T/D riser. Not an easy fix. Given the construction of the insert, about impossible to get the old one out without lifting some of the surrounding wood. Had to do that, work some epoxy around the perimeter of the hole, re-drill it and re-epoxy a new insert in place.

Offline Chris Pharr

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Re: Uh oooh...somethings wrong here!
« Reply #5 on: February 08, 2017, 11:10:00 AM »
"quiver bolts NOT bottomed out, have a nylon and neoprene washer as a buffer btw quiver and bow, only 3 threads into insert"

Nope,  not too long, checked last night with another screw. Doesn't really matter though,  damage is done.

Got an email from bear,  looks like they're gonna make good,  sending me a new riser. Anyone get a new 2017 A riser? Love the grip on my busted one and actually use the compass,  concerned the new ones may be different. Also don't really want a "birthmark" riser, i like consistency.
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Offline crazynate

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Re: Uh oooh...somethings wrong here!
« Reply #6 on: February 08, 2017, 11:14:00 AM »
I hate to say it man but this happended to me twice  with one of my super kodiaks. Bear does cover it under warranty but I reccomend not using the inserts if you get a new one. They are not strong at all. I dont beleive its from over tightning either. I use soft rubber gaskets under my quiver and it still cracked. Its from pulling arrows in and out of the quiver in my opinion at least for me it was. Bear will take good care of you. sucks it happened to such a pretty bow. Id call JR down in Indiana. Super nice guy and he took good care of me.

Offline warpedarrow

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Re: Uh oooh...somethings wrong here!
« Reply #7 on: February 08, 2017, 11:19:00 AM »
It looks to me as if the insert was a little too deep and when pressure was drawing against it, one side grabbed more that the other, splitting the wood.

On your next riser, use a little fingernail polish on the threads of the bolt and just snug it up.  There is no need for the bolt to be any tighter than just enough to keep the quiver from rattling.  The fingernail polish will act as a thread lock and keep the bolt from vibrating out.
Brad Lehmann

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Re: Uh oooh...somethings wrong here!
« Reply #8 on: February 08, 2017, 11:23:00 AM »
If the neoprene washer was next to the riser, covered by the nylon, the soft neoprene very well could have provided the extra space needed to pull the insert up to nylon washer.  I'd recommend against using a neoprene washer in concert with another washer on your replacement or the same thing could happen.

Most inserts are installed a little proud, and all of the Bear inserts I've seen have been installed that way.  That's so the quiver can rest directly on the insert without marring the wood and at the same time, keep the bolt from pulling out the insert, unless the bolt is too long, of course.

Looks like Bear is being very accommodating. Good luck with your new riser.

Online McDave

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Re: Uh oooh...somethings wrong here!
« Reply #9 on: February 08, 2017, 11:24:00 AM »
I had a limb mounting bushing pull out one time.  I think there was a small gap between the top of the bushing in the riser and the limb, such that there was a constant upward force being exerted on it by the limb bolt.  Or maybe it was the force of the limb levering against it every time the bow was shot.  Just speculation, as I couldn't see what was happening.  It was a bow I had bought second hand, so there wasn't really much recourse.  I didn't feel like paying to have it worked on, so I ended up giving it to a friend who said he thought he might be able to do something with it.  I lost track of it after that, and haven't thought about it until now.
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Offline Chris Pharr

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Re: Uh oooh...somethings wrong here!
« Reply #10 on: February 08, 2017, 01:14:00 PM »
Thanks to everyone for the thoughts and experiences. Looking like I'll probably have to go with a strap on style next or maybe go with no bow quiver at all. Ran into problems with the arrows interfering with my bow hanger on my climber last fall,  made it work temporarily,  but getting the quiver off the bow would be even better. Maybe a side quiver or something to that effect.  
Thanks again everyone
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Offline 30coupe

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Re: Uh oooh...somethings wrong here!
« Reply #11 on: February 08, 2017, 06:26:00 PM »
Originally posted by Chris Pharr:
Thanks to everyone for the thoughts and experiences. Looking like I'll probably have to go with a strap on style next or maybe go with no bow quiver at all. Ran into problems with the arrows interfering with my bow hanger on my climber last fall,  made it work temporarily,  but getting the quiver off the bow would be even better. Maybe a side quiver or something to that effect.  
Thanks again everyone
I've got a Thunderhorn Linx, a Big Jim's, and an Eagle Flight...all strap-on quivers. I often take them off and hang them up in the tree stand and always take them off in the blind. The Linx and the EF have a totem between the hood and the grippers, so they stay together without arrows in them. The Big Jim's will hold together with one arrow, but it becomes a two piece when empty.

I use a back quiver (Hill style) for stumping/small game hunting, but I like the bow quiver for deer and turkey hunting because I already have enough crap to carry on my back (day pack, blind, chair). I had a side quiver, but for turkey hunting, it was just as much in the way as my back quiver, which holds way more arrows. YMMV.
Kanati 58" 44# @ 28" Green glass on a green riser
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