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Traditional Archery for Bowhunters


Author Topic: What are YOU wearing?  (Read 2818 times)

Offline T4HALO

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Re: What are YOU wearing?
« Reply #20 on: March 02, 2017, 04:53:00 PM »
Vintage Soo Woolen pants and Asbell pullover.
7th & 10th SF retired

Offline Alvey

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Re: What are YOU wearing?
« Reply #21 on: March 02, 2017, 06:44:00 PM »
I'm with Ryan on this!! for hunting Deer and Turkey in the local wood lot's you don't need the latest Whiz Bang clothing, not saying they don't have there advantages on backcountry hunts.
I work outside so i just buy drab coler work clothing and i'm ready to hunt a couple hours before and after work.
Hard work spotlights the character of people:some turn up their sleeves,some turn up their noses,and some don’t turn up at all.(Sam Ewing)

Offline hawkeye n pa

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Re: What are YOU wearing?
« Reply #22 on: March 02, 2017, 08:15:00 PM »
So many of the new products have a "gloss" appearance to them, maybe ok if your in a tree. That's one of the reason wool and cotton works so well.  They absorb the light, not reflect it.

And I also like the quote of the day.
Fear of the Lord is the beginning of Wisdom.

Online Deno

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Re: What are YOU wearing?
« Reply #23 on: March 02, 2017, 08:21:00 PM »
Cargo pants, flannel lined according to weather. Always a long sleeve T shirt, wool vest and flannel shirt jacket.  No camo, no brand names. Usually waterproof boots sometimes snake boots. old favorite Fedora or baseball hat.

Great quote Rifleman   :laughing:  

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Offline BrushWolf

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Re: What are YOU wearing?
« Reply #24 on: March 02, 2017, 09:02:00 PM »
Originally posted by Ryan Rothhaar:
I'm gonna go a bit against the flow here.... absolutely no reason to drop a couple grand on the Nuevo fashionista 'big name' hunting gear... put on enough clothes you won't get cold, make sure they are quiet, more earthy tones NO NEED AT ALL for camo patterns...and go learn how to hunt.  Spend your time/energy/money on getting out in the woods and learning how to be a bowhunter.  A first class woodsman in wal mart plaid will outhunt and bring home more game than a duffer in brand name hunting 'gear' any day of the week.

I can, do, and have, spent whole deer seasons in 95% stuff from wal mart and goodwill....I do OK on trophy whitetails, too    ;)  

Wool is good, cotton is good when its warm out, 50/50 poly cotton is good too early season.... guys out west and in Alaska say "cotton kills".... but here in the east/Midwest you ain't likely to die of hypothermia when your jeans get wet....

You may not be the cool guy in the newest variation of polypropylene that someone smacked a new camo pattern on and advertised in the hunting mags on a model that has never shot a bow, but show 'em your pics of dead critters and guys generally clam up    :)  

Go hunt.... don't overthink it....

I 100% agree. As long as it's quite .
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Re: What are YOU wearing?
« Reply #25 on: March 02, 2017, 09:44:00 PM »
The first time I hunted deer, I had a tan and thin safari jacket,brown jeans and a flannel shirt.  I was 14 and man was it cold for October one, I had built a perfect stick blind, suspended with a net. By legal shooting hours, I decided that I was going to die from hypothermia.  Thank God, I  remembered my lighter. I started a little stick fire from sticks off my blind.  After a while, I took that net and rolled up in it, it wasn't holding any sticks up anymore any way.  The last two sticks that I threw on the fire were the ones that were holding my Pearson recurve in a ready to shoot position.  A very curious little six pointer bolted before I could get unwrapped and pick up my bow.  I have been guilty of over dressing more often than under dressing ever since.

Offline shag08

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Re: What are YOU wearing?
« Reply #26 on: March 02, 2017, 09:51:00 PM »
For deer, it really doesn't matter too much. Just dress for the weather and be comfortable. If it's hot, dress lightweight and breathable. If it's cold, bundle up. Just make sure it's quite and doesn't interfere with your shooting.

Turkey are a different critter entirely...full camo, face mask or paint, gloves etc. And in all honesty, you are still subject to get busted. Still amazes me that something with a brain the size of a peanut can outsmart me so frequently lol.

Offline FlintNSteel

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Re: What are YOU wearing?
« Reply #27 on: March 02, 2017, 10:07:00 PM »
what are you wearing out on the hunt?[/QB]
In a nutshell...wool.  I have moved away from most camo using just neutral colors and plaids.  I have a couple pair of Army Surplus wool pants that are about 30 years old and still going. Last year I bought my first Asbell Pathfinder 1/2 zip pullover and LOVE it.  First layer, however, is poly...no cotton.  I layer depending on temp.

What do you like or look for in jacket, pack, boots, quiver, etc.? [/QB]
Quiet, comforable, performs/functional and good value.  I like knee-high insulated rubber boots for crossing water and scent control.  Bow or side quivers. I don't use any kind of pack, but I do have an Asbell wool "possibles bag" that is very functional for whitetail hunting.

And what is your must have item that you cant go out there without?[/QB]
Well...besides what I consider the absolute essentials of bow, arrows, quiver, tab, armguard, and knife, I don't go out without my binoculars.  My entire early bow season is spent hunting mature whitetail bucks and I need to size up what's coming from a distance.  Plus, it' just enjoyable watching wildlife in general with binocs while on stand.
"In a land painted by our Maker's hand, teeming with wildlife, where but here can a man know such freedom?"  Primal Dreams

Offline Kevin Dill

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Re: What are YOU wearing?
« Reply #28 on: March 03, 2017, 06:02:00 AM »
I can patch together about any combo of cotton, synthetic, wool or burlap for whitetails here in Ohio...at least when the weather is decent. Camo, plaid or solid...I've taken deer wearing all of them and I'm pretty sure success is more about the king than the king's clothes. When the weather goes cold, windy and negative I'll be found adding good outer stuff like Predator Stealth Fleece, Cabela's Wooltimate, Sitka (whitetail line) and others.

Backcountry fly-in hunts are another matter altogether. Clothing must be very limited, physically light and not bulky. It also needs to be worn all day every day without getting stinky or absorbing moisture. For those hunts I'm all about careful combinations of layers and outerwear. Base layer of merino followed by synthetics is how I always roll. Favorite gear is by KUIU or Sitka. I'm sure I would like First Lite, Kryptek and others but a guy only needs so much of the high end stuff.

My favorite insulation for COLD days is goose down. I own quite a bit of it. I wear it hunting whitetails and anything else. I love the light weight and instant warmth. If it wasn't for getting cremated I would likely ask to be dressed in a nice down jacket by Feathered Friends or Western Mountaineering for my final salute.

Offline dbd870

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Re: What are YOU wearing?
« Reply #29 on: March 03, 2017, 07:30:00 AM »
For turkey Black top and my regular hunting pants; for deer either my ghillie or Predator camo (ASAT is good too).
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Offline old_goat2

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Re: What are YOU wearing?
« Reply #30 on: March 03, 2017, 07:57:00 AM »
I'm partial to First Lite products. Really like their Fusion Camo and their Merino Fabric is first rate. If you are going to hunt in really cold weather, the battery powered Gerbing Heater Vests are really nice to have. And if you want to hunt whitetails and are able, treestands are the way to go!
David Achatz
Various bows, but if you see me shooting, it's probably a Toelke in my hand!

Offline hawkeye n pa

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Re: What are YOU wearing?
« Reply #31 on: March 03, 2017, 07:57:00 AM »
Didn't mention it in my last post but my son bought me a leafy jacket and it amazes me every time I wear it.  Took a little bit of trimming but would recommend one for turkeys with out blind hunting.  So many green briars around here I pack it until set up.
Fear of the Lord is the beginning of Wisdom.

Offline T4HALO

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Re: What are YOU wearing?
« Reply #32 on: March 03, 2017, 09:26:00 AM »
Wool is God's gift to hunters.  One thing I always told guys who worked for me, "always have one more wool sweater or vest in your rucksack." Just KNOWING you have one more layer will keep you warmer.

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Re: What are YOU wearing?
« Reply #33 on: March 03, 2017, 04:22:00 PM »
Never wear cargo shorts for spring turkey hunting.

Offline mt-tom

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Re: What are YOU wearing?
« Reply #34 on: March 04, 2017, 11:36:00 PM »
First lite merino wool for me, ASAT pattern. It's good stuff.


Offline Tedd

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Re: What are YOU wearing?
« Reply #35 on: March 05, 2017, 08:09:00 AM »
Warmth and comfort is integral to your hunting performance and enjoyment. Clothing choice depends on terrain, climbs, distance traveled and how you plan to hunt when you get there how long you plan to stay. A lot of whitetail hunting consists of walking across a cornfield to an already hung stand where an armful of sweatshirts and an old varsity jacket will work just fine.  But that can be drastically different than some other hunters situations.  I hunt on public land with 1-2 hour mountain hikes while carrying all my gear and tree stand on my back. A thin deer herd and a change of plans can add additional work through the hunting day. The high end Kuiu type clothing can reduce my load weight and  load size considerably. Even in moderately cold mid 20s temperatures a few hours of sitting  can create a situation where you are unable to shoot accurately. That has cost me a few deer. After 40 years of  using everything else, being dry and warm with lightweight modern clothing is a luxury I thouroughly enjoy. Plus my entire season's worth of clothing fits into 1 tupperware tub about 24" square. I can pack everything I need for a whitetail hunt in wyoming in a small bag. The modern clothing will allow a lot of layering while maintaining free movement without out extreme bulk that can impede the string.  I wearing one of the t-shirts right now and it's the most comfortable shirt I own. Also since switching to Firstlite and kuiu socks it takes a pretty cold day for my feet to get cold. Kuiu comes in two versions, wool and synthetics. I use the synthetics. With synthetics you can hunt many days with limited oder retention  which is great for extended or out of state hunts where you can't wash your gear. But it can easily washed in the machine after each weekend if you desire. I think I washed mine 9 times last year. It all looks brand new and will likely last me longer than anything I have owned. The cut and fit is so  that seams aren't stressed increasing the life of the garment. I just got a second pair of pants for scouting because the fit makes walking effortless and I don't want to stink up my on stand pants.The price tag is steep, look for the specials. Or in my case ask for it for christmas. I read this to my wife and she said my wife said "wait...you know how to use the washing machine??!!

Offline Sam McMichael

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Re: What are YOU wearing?
« Reply #36 on: March 06, 2017, 08:48:00 PM »
I agree with the guys that suggest wool, especially socks. To me, snake boots are indispensable. Coming from down south, I am not much help on the really cold weather stuff, but in my few forays to colder climes, I have found several light layers to be the best solution. On outer garments, I would suggest a lot of attention be paid to the quietness of the fabric. I can't suggest brand names, because I still primarily use military surplus.

Offline Holm-Made

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Re: What are YOU wearing?
« Reply #37 on: March 06, 2017, 09:39:00 PM »
I have always tried to spend my hunting money on adventures rather then spendy equipment.  I do have some decent base layers because I do live in MN but mainly use surplus BDUs and surplus wool.  I do have a Day One fleece pull over with wind stop that is 15 years old that has served me well.  That was 200.00 other then that I haven't spent over 20-30.00 on a clothing item for hunting.

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