Sorry guys! Been away for awhile. Yeah, we are totally tradional as well. I've been fortunate to hunt and take 22 gators from my boat (I've actually only killed one myself (over 12'). We do it like Bisch noted above. Get close and stick them with a bowfishing arrow with a Muzzy detacheable head and then pull them up next to the boat. We generally get a couple arrows in them and for the big ones we'll harpoon with the same Muzzy head, but with a bigger diameter line. We then get them next to the boat, grab them, tape the mouth and then pithe them. On rare occasions when the gator is over 10' we'll use a broadhead arrow and shoot them through the lungs. We've used Snuffers and two blade heads. It doesn't take a really tough head if you shoot them through the side. Bill Terry shot one with a 165 gr Snuffer and it blew completely through a 10' gator so fast we didn't think he hit. In FL you have to have a line attached to all arrows you shoot a gator with. Including the broadhead killing arrow. Little Billy Langer shot one when he was 10 years old and using a 35# bow with the setup described above.
Julian, finally sent you a PM too. Sorry for the delay.