Sounds a bit heavy for me. I shoot 125 or 145 grain points on almost all my arrows. The complication for me is that I have a short draw, (only 25"), but like long arrows. For example, I have 2 NM Sheltons, both 53# at 28" draw. My arrows are 50 - 55# spine, at 29" length, for both these bows. These arrows also work on my 50# Big Five and my 55# Cheetah. Also, 55 - 60# works on the Sheltons and Cheetah as well.
The only bows I have that likes 70 - 75# spine are my HHA Wesley Specials with 190 grain points. They are 65# at 28" draw.
This merely shows that your bow may handle a wider range of spines than you might expect. If your arrows are shooting well with arrows at that spine, don't worry about what "they" say. Shoot what you like and what works well for you. I certainly am no expert on anything, but I have found that I get a wide range of usable spines with wood that I did not get way back in the days when I used arrows of other construction.
As others respond, you will see that people experience very different spine preferences in bows very close to the specs of your bow.