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Traditional Archery for Bowhunters


Author Topic: is fast flight really needed ?  (Read 5365 times)

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Re: is fast flight really needed ?
« Reply #60 on: April 07, 2017, 05:37:00 PM »
A bow that shoots nice with a B50 string does a lot of other things right as well.  I recently handed a longbow over to a friend that was rather harsh with a B50.  That particular bowyer puts the single glass wedge in his tips and only advocates padded fast flights.  My friend found that my reconstructed grip on that bow fit his hand perfect and he was putting a bit of pressure on it.  He noticed the harshness, so I put one of Chad's BCY strings on it. Huge difference on that bow.  He went home and preceded to shoot for three solid hours.  The next day he was at his chiro, no rotator cuff damage.  I warned him about his round house draw and goose necking.  When his shoulder settles down some shooting instructions will be in order. Anyway, also with that bow we had to go five pounds up in spine when going to the Chad string, which was a good thing because that is what I had on hand.

Offline LBR

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Re: is fast flight really needed ?
« Reply #61 on: April 07, 2017, 06:11:00 PM »
Thanks men!    :thumbsup:  

High pitched sounds are generally not heard much out in nature.  
You've never heard crickets, cicadas, squirrels, rabbits, raccoons;   birds from chickadees to ducks to hawks and owls;  foxes, bobcats, coyotes, panthers/cougar/mountain lions;  frogs and toads (especially tree frogs);  whitetails, elk, etc?  

I've been fortunate to hunt in MS, AL,TN,SC, GA, CO, NM, and Northern Ontario in all sorts of environments and there's always something vocalizing some time or the other, and it's almost always in a high pitch.  About the only low pitchs I've heard that I can think of off-hand is a bull frog, a moose grunting, or a bear.

No idea how you can determine a different pitch would cause a different reaction in an animal because every situation is different and you can't test both to compare reactions.

I've blinked at the wrong time while 20+ feet up a tree and spooked deer, and I've seen a deer stand there and watch with interest while two people were carrying on a conversation.

If I've made a mistake in the facts I listed, please point it out so I can correct it.  I've made mistakes before, and I'm sure if I live very much longer I'll make more...but if I can be shown the error of my ways, I'll gladly retract the fallacy.

Offline forestdweller

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Re: is fast flight really needed ?
« Reply #62 on: April 07, 2017, 06:17:00 PM »
Do any of you guys use linen for your bow string? I'm curious as to how that would compare with both fast flight and Dacron.

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Re: is fast flight really needed ?
« Reply #63 on: April 07, 2017, 09:34:00 PM »
If I remember correctly, the old linen strings had less stretch than B50. I read in an old magazine article that the endless B50 string would stretch some, so one was expected to needed to twist it more than the early strings, which I was assuming were flax linen.  As far as to what pitches deer react to, would my blinking eyeballs be a low pitch or a high pitch?  I know that sound my nose makes when I sniffle, scares the crap out of them.

Offline LC

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Re: is fast flight really needed ?
« Reply #64 on: April 07, 2017, 09:56:00 PM »
I've been in this trad game along long time. I've not had a single bow that didn't shoot better and quieter with a properly made HP string and the skinnier the better. And I've killed a lot of critters all over the continent if that matters.
Is it needed absolutely not! But I don't see myself ever going back to over built noisy slow strings. PERIOD.
Most people get rich by making more money than they have needs, me, I just reduced my needs!

Offline mwosborn

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Re: is fast flight really needed ?
« Reply #65 on: April 07, 2017, 10:46:00 PM »
Originally posted by Roy from Pa:
Just sitting here LMAO.....

    :laughing:      :laughing:
Enjoy the hunt!  - Mitch

Offline forestdweller

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Re: is fast flight really needed ?
« Reply #66 on: April 08, 2017, 12:51:00 AM »
Originally posted by pavan:
If I remember correctly, the old linen strings had less stretch than B50. I read in an old magazine article that the endless B50 string would stretch some, so one was expected to needed to twist it more than the early strings, which I was assuming were flax linen.  As far as to what pitches deer react to, would my blinking eyeballs be a low pitch or a high pitch?  I know that sound my nose makes when I sniffle, scares the crap out of them.
Interesting. I'll have to give linen a shot. I like the fact that it's a natural material as well.

As for pitches and how loud the sound of the string is. I currently have a longbow stringed up with BCYX and while it is slightly faster than a Dacron string it makes a very un natural high pitched sound. I must say that BCYX will last forever, I have not even waxed the string not once and it shows almost no fraying even after 6 months of use.

If someone could make a string that was natural sounding like Dacron yet did not creep at all it would become very popular among hunters.

This is directed to LBR but the sounds you mentioned are not what I'd consider high pitched. I'm talking about the loud sound of a fast flight string slapping the limb of a recurve that has no padding on the limb.

That loud smack and twang.

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