I have never shot a deer from a metal tree stand, I have spent many hours in them. We only get one deer here. I always seemed to have gotten my deer going to or from the tree stand, that's what can happen when you walk softly a carry a big stick. I did touch a deer from a wedge stand once. 6 pointer straight below me and content to just stand there. I had a 90 pound 70" Hill longbow that day. Yes I had practiced the straight down shot, I rotate the bow to an invert position. It is easy with practice. That day, I bellied the wedge stand, pre-safety harness days, reached down and touched the little buck on the butt with my bow. He jumped so violently that my bow went flying and hung up in branches out of my reach. I have been witness to only one straight down shot, the deer dropped on the spot with a spine hit. In that case it was a longbow shooter and he hung on a branch to make the shot, he did not have a tree stand. Those particular woods had climbable trees that we shot deer from, a dangerous technique by today's standards, but I was a monkey back then.