Been seeing some of the "Reaping" videos on youtube and reading about Heads Up Decoys and UP decoys. Bow mounted trickery and it looks like a blast.
After some thinking, I figured I had all the makings of such a devise, so for the last couple days, I've been putting one together.
I had a featherflex jake and a tail fan from an old shotgunned bird. I pulled all the tail feathers and mounted them to a piece of cardboard with straw pieces.
I then folded the tail of the decoy inside itself as far as I could and cut a piece of 1/4" plywood cut to fit, to hold it open. Stapled the decoy to it and made a bracket to hold it on the bow. It makes a decent 3D, bow mounted deke. A little bit of weight I have to get used to for shooting, but it's not bad.
Could probably use a little red paint around the head area.
Together with my home made ghillie, I hope to get a bird...any bird...this spring.