Tuesday Night - I went back to my stand by the new pond. 2 does came out around 5pm. They were staying on the other side of the tree line. I could not get a clear shot. One of the does knew something was not right. She kept stomping her hoof. They hung around for about 30 minutes before leaving me for the night.
Wednesday - The wind was blowing today. It was definitely the coldest day I have experienced this year. To make matters worse, I did not see anything all day. Because of all of the wind, I decided to hunt the corn fields. I thought I might find a bedded deer or two. So much for that thought.
Wednesday - I moved my stand back to where it was located on Saturday.
This is the new greenhouse on the neighboring property.
Nebraska sunrise.
One of the 2 button bucks that would not come over to my side of the fence and play.
I also say a spike and several does this morning. Things quieted down by 8:30am. I went back out to the stand again this evening. Again, all of the deer stayed on the other property. There was a nice buck chasing the does.
It seems like I have spent most of this week trying to pattern the deer. The crop rotation has really changed how the deer move on this property.
I have one more day left to hunt. I am going to try to ambush the deer before they go to bed down. I can not chase them into their beds because they are bedding in the cedars. No way to hunt in that stuff with a selfbow. No matter the outcome, it has been a great hunt. It sure beats work.