Sorry I was so long not responding to this thread and I thought you would like the Fox Sierras once you shot it a few times.
The one I have I had traded a Whip for to Shortdraw about 7 years ago I guess and something about the grip really makes these bows comfortable in the hand and as you said "Smooth as silk " on the drawing with what feels like an easy transition to the point of any "stacking"!
Some bows seem to come to a point you feel it stacks suddenly but these High Sierra's just feel like they "softly" let you know it's there if you know what I mean.
My bow is 43# and folks thinks it's heavier by the way it shoot's an arrow . Not sure what the speed is but it's plenty fast.
Yours looks really awesome with that Boa quiver on it and just the right size if you ask me.
I guess that is your Lucky tree and wasn't the one you lost a few years ago lol.