I'm reading it the same way as you Matt.
You guys when starting out, it's good to pay attention to your stance from the ground up. As in foot position in relation to your body and the target. Once your form becomes really ingrained, you will find that it is really mostly an upper body thing and you can do almost anyting from the waist down without changing your upper body form and alignment. Just like shotgun shooting.
When you can do that, you can shoot standing, kneeling, stradling a log, behind you (without moving your feet) etc. and always feel like your upper body alignment is pretty much the same from your bow hand to your string arm elbow.
FYI MJB, standing sideways or edgeways to the target is what is called a "closed" stance while quartering towards it is an "open" stance though really it's not cut and dried open or closed. It's more relative as in "his stance is MORE open (or closed) than mine".
A great thread on this a year or two ago was called "everybodies form pics" and it has a ton of info and pictures too. It's worth looking it up in the archives via the search whether you are a beiginer or experienced.