Okay guys, I hate to admit it, but (sigh), my name is Murray, and I suffer from target panic :(
I think it all started when I read an article about "instinctive, "floating" anchors", that or trying snap shooting. Anyway, I can draw and hold a 70 pound bow off target, but put something I intend to shoot in front of me and I can't get past drawing the back of my hand to the corner of my mouth with a 50 pound bow. I know it is not the weight per say, as I will have the same problem with a 30 pound target recurve. I will reach my half anchor, and scream at myself to get to a proper anchor, and every once in a while I do, but overall, I have gone from a confident archer able to shoot the centre out of a twoonie at 25 yards to not wanting to shoot in front of people, and passing on a lot of deer during hunting season.
I cannot get into gap shooting, have alwasy shot instinctive, and for the last 8 years longbows exclusively. My question, which video set do you reccommend, Masters of the barebow, or book and video by Asbell.