The next thing is, when you're confident that you can shoot straight with your eye over the arrow, move your anchor out away from your face so it is more of a floating anchor.
In the class, Rick noticed that I was getting a red mark on my face from brushing it with the string, and told me to move my anchor out a little from my face so I wouldn't do that. But when I tried that, I just missed more to the left, because I was moving the arrow out away from my face without keeping my eye over it.
Rick is a gifted archer, and I'm sure his eye automatically centers over the arrow every time, without his even thinking about it. But us lesser mortals have to learn to do it.
When Rick anchors, he has a very slight contact with his thumb knuckle and his earlobe, and the cock feather barely brushes his nose. I don't believe there is any contact with his face. I think this is one of the secrets of his accuracy.