You might have seen my woe-is-me target panic lament from a few weeks ago. Back in June I went to a 3D shoot in the most beautiful part of the state, but it was an utter train wreck because of target panic.
Since then I've been seriously working on getting rid of my TP using the method in Jay Kidwell's book Traditional Archery Insights.
Yesterday I went to my first 3D shoot since the wreck. I'm certainly not back to 100%, but wowzers! what an improvement over the last shoot! I could still feel the TP, but for the most part, I managed to overcome it, and actually posted a score that wasn't completely shameful.
Got my 3D deer out this morning and actually had a nice practice session, with a lot of drills, but some very nice shots too.
Now I know that it IS possible to overcome TP. But it is not quick and it is not easy. Nevertheless, the feeling of relief is indescribably sweet. Yesterday was the first time in about a year that I really enjoyed having a bow in my hand.