Cody, By "hitting home 95% of the time" what exactly do you mean?
From the sounds of the video, it sounds like you were only shooting maybe 10yds. With the form you have, you can get away with it. But I'd bet a 30yds, your 95% is greatly diminished.
Not sure I'm qualified to answer, but I'll try to help....
Doing things fast in itself isn't necessarily all that bad as long as you are doing things right during the time it takes for you to shoot.
Here's my take(and it's hard to tell from the "you tube" video because you can't start/stop it as well as photobucket)....
Your head is all over the place, you're short drawing with a very inconsistent looking anchor(maybe even non-existent), and your follow thru is very herky-jerky(for lack of a better term).
I know you said that you're shooting a 70# bow, but it loox like you're not pulling any where near that with you draw length(unless the bow is rated 70#@ 24-25"). Loox like you're letting go 3" or so in front of your face
It looks to me like you really do need to spend some time working on your form, slowing things down, getting all the steps right, and smoothing it out.
Heck I shoot pretty fast. But I'm very deliberate until I get to anchor. When I dig my finger into the corner of my mouth, it's gone as I follow thru the shot. It may look to some like I don't even anchor, but I assure you I do.
My opinion is that you need to slow down, keep your head and body still, hit your anchor, and follow thru, with your body and head still and your hand pulling straight back thru your shot.
Like was said above, try this with a light bow