I like the 'thinking thang'..Thinking that if all was perfect ie. draw weight, draw length, release etc., etc would give you a base line of what the bow will shoot the best. But,,,, what the bow shoots under a condition that it'l never shoot with in your hands leaves you only with what the bow will shoot with a same release. I think it would be a fun experiment but I could not take to the bank the results. Its got to be the whole you in tunning that bow. Now, that said, the twisted limb may or may not be corrected. In my opinion a twisted limb to a certain point cannot be repaired. It'll always be an up-keep that'l haunt you everytime you draw the bow. It is an enjury to the bow limb and the limb takes a perminant set. Life is to short. Shoot a bow with straight limbs.