I dont' know if this belongs here or under shooting, however my wife and I were discussing eye dominance for some reason a couple of weeks ago and I showed her how to figure which eye was her dominant one. As I expected she was left handed and fortunatley left eye dominant {not that she shoots the bow} and after several tries it always came out the same. This past week she had catarac surgery on her right eye and now has 20/20 vision in that eye. It was so clear that she started playing around with the eye dominance thing. Guess what: After several tries and not beliveing what I was seeing, her eye dominance has changed to her right eye. A long story to say that if anyone has eye surgery, they may need to check out the eye dominance factor, especially if they suddenly are having trouble shooting. Her left eye the one that was not operated on is 20/25 so I guess the one that is 20/20 is taking over if this makes sense.