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Author Topic: How do you train and how many arrows do you shoot?  (Read 1623 times)

Offline Steelhead

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Re: How do you train and how many arrows do you shoot?
« Reply #20 on: July 23, 2010, 02:43:00 AM »
I am on Raging Waters routine.

Shoot arrow,miss target,look for arrow,break arrow,bang head on tree,cuss just loud enough that neighbors cant hear me.Rinse and repeat and retire for the day.

Offline Mitch-In-NJ

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Re: How do you train and how many arrows do you shoot?
« Reply #21 on: July 23, 2010, 02:57:00 AM »
Lately I have been mixing it up.

I start with target work where I try to put it all together.  My concentration is best during my first few shots.  Maybe 6 or a little more.

After that I work on form up close and worry little about the groups and more about the mechanics.  I even shoot with my eyes closed from time to time.  Maybe 20 - 30 or so shots.

Then I throw some plastic bottles / cups around on the ground (and a deflated football I found) and just walk around shooting at them.  Sort of stumping, but not in the woods.  Since I only use one arrow for this and walk alot I would guess no more than 30 shots.

After that some longer range shooting.  30-50 yards.  Not that I would shoot that far while hunting, but it's fun and it makes 20 or less yards seem SO close.  It gives me a lot of confidence and there is nothing like watching that arc.  About 12-18 shots.

Then I finish up with 12-18 shots back where I started.  Trying for nice groups to end the day on.

On the weekends I like to add some real stump shooting (no football or plastic bottles).

So, somewhere around 80-100 shots a day.  Maybe more if I am feeling it, maybe less if I am not.

And some days it rains.
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Offline Whump

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Re: How do you train and how many arrows do you shoot?
« Reply #22 on: July 23, 2010, 04:02:00 AM »
Whump Sez; I guess I should ask what are you training for--target archery or hunting? If you are training for hunting I would eliminate any spots ,circles,or aiming points on the target. Shoot a blank target and try to place your shot where you envision the heart lung area is located on the animal you intend to hunt. Shooting targets with spots on them is a big reason people have trouble picking a spot on a live animal. Make it a point to shoot your first arrow like your survival depends on it[never take the first shot for granted]. If you stay on your stand hunting until last light you had better practice shooting at that exact time of day; low light changes everything as far as your depth perception and aiming. Don't over do it, just take a few shots each day or every other day and go for the gold on the first arrow. I don't want to bring you down with a lot of serious shooting practice but shoot over a few or gut shoot an animal at last light and the words of the Whumpster will hang heavy on the white mans ears. What I just posted is my routine.  Enjoy yourself and hang in there dude.  Hunt safe.

Offline Raging Water

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Re: How do you train and how many arrows do you shoot?
« Reply #23 on: July 23, 2010, 09:26:00 AM »
Originally posted by PAPA BEAR:
i never practice to be practicing,i shoot just for the love of shooting.kind of goes hand in hand.
I am with Papa Bear on this one. When I was trying to jump from my second heaviest bow 85# at 28" to my heaviest bow 102# at 28", I had to make it fun.

When I first got the 102# I could not get it to anchor. In the evenings I would draw the bow 1/2 to 3/4 to anchor while watching TV. I would draw it when I felt like it and then set it down. But, in the back of my mind, I was trying to draw it 30 times per TV show. Then I took a day off, and did the routine again. After a week, I spent my time shooting a stuff. My target, basket ball, whatever. Then, I would take a break for a day or two.

Long story short, 2 1/2 weeks after getting the bow I could draw to full anchor. That is a 17# jump in weight.

If I had made it "work" I think it would have taken longer. It was fun.

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Offline Biggie Hoffman

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Re: How do you train and how many arrows do you shoot?
« Reply #24 on: July 23, 2010, 09:50:00 AM »
Originally posted by Raging Water:
This is my training scheduale.

Noch arrow to heavy bow, draw heavy bow, shoot arrow at target, miss the target, look for arrow in woods, get pissed off and throw stuff around.

Repeat 10 times.
That's funny!!!
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Offline LongStick64

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Re: How do you train and how many arrows do you shoot?
« Reply #25 on: July 23, 2010, 09:55:00 AM »
Love to shoot my heavy bow, one arrow per round for about 50 shots total.
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Offline Flesner

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Re: How do you train and how many arrows do you shoot?
« Reply #26 on: July 23, 2010, 10:01:00 AM »
Training??!!! I went through potty training a long time ago. Is it kind of like that?
Once I trained a dog to stay in the truck, which was pretty easy really since I couln't keep him out of it.
I think practicing for bowhunting is too much fun to be called "training". That makes it sound like work and I already have a job!
I guess I "train" by making around 250 small game arrows a year then shooting them at squirrels.
What exactly am I training for BTW?

Offline buckeye_hunter

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Re: How do you train and how many arrows do you shoot?
« Reply #27 on: July 23, 2010, 11:03:00 AM »
I have dropped nearly 20lbs by eating less, walking 2 miles and biking 2 miles daily. I also lift very light weights with high reps 3 times weekly.

I can shoot in my basement when it is too hot or too cold. In the basement I can only shoot about 8 yards though.

When shooting, I like to shoot 1 arrow at a time from various spots, angles and distances. For some reason I shoot better if I know I am just shooting that 1 arrow. I am sure it is a subconscious thing. I also shoot 3D as much as possible since that is my end goal(hunting). My deer target(vital area and front leg) is really hurting right now. Not much left.

I always end on a perfect shot, regardless of distance required to get it. Finally, I only shoot 12-20 shots so I don't get tired and can focus on form.

I am not Rick Welch, but I do okay. I just need to stop shaking when a live critter comes along I plan to shoot! Even a squirrel....go figure.

Oh yeah, I make sure at least one shot is 60-70 yards because it is fun. Do that enough times, even one shot at a time, and you will be suprised how often you hit where you want.

Offline djanko

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Re: How do you train and how many arrows do you shoot?
« Reply #28 on: July 24, 2010, 06:35:00 AM »
I'm 61 and my training is shooting...I probably average 125 shots a day.  It really all depends.  I shoot off my deck when the weather is good and in the basement when it's not.  I have times when I will shoot everyday for weeks and sometimes I take off a few days.  

I come from the school that the only way you get better is by practicing...I love shooting and I shoot all kinds of bows, 90% trad, 10% other.  Shooting is never practice for me, it just FUN!!!

Online mnbwhtr

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Re: How do you train and how many arrows do you shoot?
« Reply #29 on: July 27, 2010, 11:16:00 AM »
I usually shoot every other night about 12-30 arows from 12-30 yards. Try to ride my bike a minimum of 3 miles a day from now until hunting season. 6 miles is the usual, I find it helps me out a lot in the mts. At 62 my knees give me a bad time if I try to jog.

Offline the force

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Re: How do you train and how many arrows do you shoot?
« Reply #30 on: July 27, 2010, 01:08:00 PM »
I just try to shoot everyday dont matter how many arrows i shoot as long as im shooting
Hoyt Tiburon

Offline radar3321

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Re: How do you train and how many arrows do you shoot?
« Reply #31 on: July 27, 2010, 05:23:00 PM »
i try to shoot everyday probably about 25-50 shots at about 10 yards, (still all i feel comfortable trying) i start with standing for about 10-15 shoots then i do the same amount from a kneeling position, and have started shooting from the top of the deck down. The deck is about 10 feet up, i guess its a redneck attempt at simulating a treestand.

Offline Bowwild

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Re: How do you train and how many arrows do you shoot?
« Reply #32 on: July 27, 2010, 05:38:00 PM »
Until I mastered proper form I shot only on the basement range (began in December) from 7 yards at first and then 14 yards after a couple of months. I was shooting 12-60 arrows. By March I was shooting multiple times daily, sometimes as many as 200 shots, again mostly from 14 yards, indoors. Then I began going to 3-D shoots and shooting on my 3-D trail. A couple of weeks ago I noticed some nuisance pain in my pectoral muscles and some time a stiff drawing hand. I laid off for 3 days.  I felt stronger and without pain when I started shooting again. For fun and relaxation, I prefer to shoot every day but I think I'm better off shooting 60-150 arrows one day and taking the next day off.

Before I shoot I go through a couple of minutes of isometrics with a String BOw (loop of string at my draw length) or by hooking the fingers of my bow and draw hand and simulating drawing the bow against force.

If I detect mental discomfort or my shots aren't feeling "right" I   will go back to 7 yards and shoot while concentrating only on the feel of the proper shot.  I "got" target panic in 1981 after about 15 years of shooting. The panic got progressively worse until in 1995 I wounded two animals because of "jerking" the shot off.  I switched to lefthand shooting in 1996 (I'm left eye dominant anyway) and learned to shoot all over again. Now I know what causes panic and have no fear I'll ever have the problem again.   This shooting only shots that "feel" right and coaching myself with positive language and thoughts is the key to maintaining a proper mental attitude about shooting.

Have any of you found that alternating days shooting has any impact on your shooting like I seem to have found?  It makes sense from a weight training aspect because I remember our track coach always had us work one group one day and another muscle group another day.

Offline Hit-or-Miss

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Re: How do you train and how many arrows do you shoot?
« Reply #33 on: July 27, 2010, 06:21:00 PM »
I shoot a couple times a week, and almost every day prior to the hunting season. 10-30 yards, or anything in-between at a tennis ball, or tufts of grass. Till I'm tired and I lose focus, which may be 20 shots, or 50, depending upon the day and mood I'm in. Shooting the bow is enough exercise. It feels heavy in the spring, but after a few weeks I'm toned up and it pulls easy.

Online kat

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Re: How do you train and how many arrows do you shoot?
« Reply #34 on: July 27, 2010, 06:43:00 PM »
I guess that shooting is practicing, as long as you try to make your shots count.
I shoot prety much every day. The amount of arrows varies.  If I am shooting well I shoot less than if I'm not. I vary the distances of my shots. When it is fun, I shoot until I feel like quitting, and when it is not, I stop and go back the next day.
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Offline RocketDog

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Re: How do you train and how many arrows do you shoot?
« Reply #35 on: July 27, 2010, 08:00:00 PM »
I'm on the typical heart surgery life-long rehab plan for exercise: 45 minutes of aerobics per day and light weights 3 times per week -- unless I can get out of it!

I like to shoot 3 sessions per day, but am not tied to it.  If the temperature is over 100 I just shoot mornings and evenings.  I do a minimum 30 shots per session, but may extend that if I'm feeling good.  A normal day I will shoot about 150 shots.

I have a series of 7 targets set up around our property, up and down, wooded and cleared.  I can get as much as 350 yds from my pasture target, but have never tried that.  I walk to a different spot approaching each target.  I usually don't go over 65 yds or under 25.

I shoot for fun - archery got me through some tough times, and I feel like something is wrong if I don't shoot pretty  much every day.  Wish I felt the same about the exercise.
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Offline Sam McMichael

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Re: How do you train and how many arrows do you shoot?
« Reply #36 on: July 27, 2010, 08:41:00 PM »
I am trying to shoot at least 3 times per week. Usually, I only shoot 30 - 50 arrows. It is just too hot to stay out for very long. I don't have a basement or a local indoor range.

Offline Hoyt

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Re: How do you train and how many arrows do you shoot?
« Reply #37 on: July 27, 2010, 08:48:00 PM »
I don't have a routine. Some days I'll shoot about 100 arrows morning, noon and evening. Some days I'll shoot about 100 twice a day and some days none. Most of the time I shoot the twice a day.

To get in shape I roam the woods and hills looking for new areas.

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