There is some very good advice here, You have to decide what your goals are and then formulate a plan to get to your goal. We can give all kinds of technical support and the how to advice but you have to pick the road you wish to follow. The hardest thing to accept is it ultimately is what feels best to you. When you shoot well at the end of that day review what you did and how you got those results. I would almost bet it has little to do with anything technical. We sometimes can't accept success and have to dig to find out how we achieved the results of that day. We try to find everything that was just right with our form that day when maybe what we did was trust ourself.
Feel sometimes is what we did right. We felt everything was perfect and it was. When you shoot at very short distance, you just let the shot happen you tell yourself I can't miss so I can relax and work on not moving my bow arm or pull through the release. When you shoot at 20yds relax you are human and you will miss, but you need to let every shot happen. I bet you can nock an arrow, pull the bow to full draw and let her go without ever thinking about did I come to anchor is my back tension good, hows my grip and stance etc. As hard as it is to accept sometimes its between the ears.