Acquired a left longbow on advice from a friend who shoots both hands. It has somewhat balanced out my act in that now I have a chip on both shoulders. He advised to start light but as I did not have access it was straight in the deep end. I mistakenly worked out the transition in my head and drew, first shot I nearly knocked my remaining teeth out, split my bottom lip, as it was so kack handed, with me cursing “u bloody idiot”. Subsequent shots could and did go anywhere but by the end of the second session I was mostly in 2’sq from 17yards, tho at 20yds birds on the wing were not safe. Although very awkward initially one got used to it but there's still the odd flier. The difficulty is in the eyes sighting an tilting the head thata way is all skew especially if that is not the dominant eye. The brain adjusts mostly and now commence a session left as a warm up and focus discipline. I was prepared to lose draw length but as it turned out with a little oomph the left hand locks nicely to anchor. Tip; hold the grip firmly at first.