I see nothing wrong with your form as well.
Most likely the reason you asked this question is because your accuracy isn't quite where you think it should
be. Considering you're consistent in all aspects of your form. And most likely you've been practicing
(really concentration) on your form for awhile.
This is the main reason why your accuracy isn't what you've expected..another words, you're over thinking.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm assuming that you're shooting Instinctive by watching your video. I see that
you come to your anchor point, with a slight pause, you then release.
If so, the next time you shoot, (FEEL your anchor point) be consistent with it and think about nothing else.
Make sure you focus on your target. The smallest you can see.
Get your wife to video tape you while doing this, you'll see for yourself that there isn't any difference in your
form by doing this. But you should see your accuracy improve substantially..