There are many ways to "skin a cat." It would SEEM to make sense that the farther out on the tips of your fingers you get the string the better the release would be. In this case though, that is not true. When the string is way out on the tips of your fingers, you can only hold it with extreme tension in your hand, wrist and forearm. That tension destroys your ability to relax your string hand and ultimately causes a pluck at best and a really poor release at worst.
Some folks can shoot well that way and frankly I shot that way for many years. BUT... By getting the string into the first joint of your fingers (see my video called "release tips" which can be found on the thread below called "rotational draw technique") The hook can be held with FAR FAR less tension and when you relax your string hand, the string FLIPS your unresisting fingers out of the way. A much cleaner release that actually puts more bow energy into the arrow.